Josh Duggar

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So I've decided to make a rant about this dude form tlc. Like you all know the show 19 kids and counting right??

Well Josh duggar ,whose in the show, some how molested his 4 sisters. Like Hah how'd that happen ?!?

Like they are the ones that say the Gays will ruin the world when in reality, he's the molester !! The story behind this rant is that when Josh Duggar was 14 he chose to molest his 4 sisters. And guess what????

They forgave the guy!!!!! And his back up no no not HIS, his families backs him up by saying that 'Oh he was young. He didn't know right from wrong.'. Like no last time I checked your family raises your kids to know RIGHT from WRONG at a YOUNG FUCKING AGE.

So don't be tellin me that he was to young. He was 14. So it's wrong that they are supporting him. His sisters should've had a voice to speak up. Not have to forgive him.

Since they are heavy Christians or what ever, they should shun Josh like the way they shun every one else for being so called "sinners".

It's not fair. It isn't. He molested 4 of his sisters and what does he get???? His own tv show of his family. I know this is wrong. Cause it is. He shouldn't have been forgiven. He should be locked up cause it is against the law.

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