4th Grade fan fics

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Ok so honestly smut is Awsome....... Yeah that's right guys I just did that. But in my eyes it depends on the mother effn writer.... So like I could be reading this book ,once in a while smut is what I call it,and I'm like oooh pretty good lets see who it's by *clicks on writers profile name* Hmmm? HarriesSweats? The Eff? *clicks on profile picture* AHHHHH GOD DAMN THATS EFFED THE EFF UP!!! No further explanation we all know that writer was a 10 year old!

Okay so honestly guys lets get it straightened out ok. Y'all 10 over here and writing about sucking dicks and doing anal and how AWSOME that feels? :

"Yasss Lewis stck you're big dick up my b*tt whole" Kelsie mound.
"I think Ima bouta cuma k"Lewis whispers in Kelsiez ear.

DA EFF???? First off these girls don't know how to spell. And btw it's Louis not Lewis. Stupid 4th graders.

And in 4th grade sex to me was just when a guy and a girl dry hump each other naked. On a bed. WITH A BLANKET ON THEM. I didn't even know what a dick looked like. Ok like back then I was like wtf is anal? I didn't even know that word!!!! I didn't know shit back then so don't blame me.... Honestly in 4 th grade I didn't even explore my body. Yeah I didn't know what my cookie looked like.

And now when I try to talk to 4th graders it goes like this

"So hi there I see you have WattPad"
"Uhhkayaaa ummm but wutpad isn't for old pple sooooo"
"And it's not for babies either"
"Well actually I'm not a baby and beside I write mature fan Fics"
"HAHAHAHA that's so cute" and I walk away.....
Then I heard them go like this
"Ermegerd I soooo want Neil and Calvins diack in my anal hole and my vajigglejiggle"
Ok omg 😂😂😂😂! Wtf your like 10 and you don't know how to spell!
This is to funny omg.
And like on IG they probs have an account called
And like they know about more sex than I do.


And then there is DEPRESSION ERECTION!!!!
This is when like 4thgraders write about depression. And it's not funny how they want to place the girl and have her get constantly beat up by a group of boys (usually 1D) and then have her fall into depression, I mean don't get me wrong THATS a good story I guess but if this kid here don't know a single thing about depression then don't write about it... Like seriously honestly it is offensive this is how it usually goes down.

"Yo ugle bish Kyley" Harry shovd me into the wall. Causing me to bang my hed against it. I run home tears threatened to cum out. I look at meh cuts. They are v deep. I grab a razor and press it to my skin. I'm suuuu depressed.

Hahah like no. You don't know anything about depression cause your 10. It doesn't even hit you. Ok so what if Jane said your hair wasn't on point GETS OVER IT!!!!! And then the worst part is when the girl falls for her bully. Like oooh heeey I'm gunna go to school get bullied and fall in love with my bully. #schoolife . It goes some like this

I fell. Again. Harry wuz bout to slap my face in front of my fake frnd.
"No harry please stahp"I raised my arms showing my wrist.
"Oh nu kyley! I-I did this to you?" I noded while Harry began to sob.
"Kyley I love you I'm sry" he lied in my arms
"It's Kay Harry I love you to"
"Let's go gets some froyo fo yo"

Yup like naw. What a gullible girl. Like seriously no one ever falls INLOVE with their bully. Ok some times. Cuz they like the pain. ;) ;) ;)

Any ways like wtf he was INLOVE with you but he abused you..... In front of your 'fake friend'. Like how come no one calls the mother effn cops huh? Like I'm ready this I'm like GIRL YOU WANT ME TO CALL DEM COPS THEY ON SPEED DIAL! IMA HELP YAAA! Oh and how does no teacher see/hear about this??? ITS IN SCHOOL TEACHERS.

Like litterally these 4th graders NEEDA calm da eff down. No wait not just 4th graders ALL THE AUTHORS LIKE THIS.

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