Love? ♡♥︎

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Yeah love is a real thing guys. I mean like when you love some one that is a BIG deal. Unless you're boy crazy..or girl crazy...cause that's normal.

Any way I've been meaning to talk about Love. Because what pisses me off incredibly so much is when parents/adults ,or what ever, tell you that same phrase You're to young to know what love is . If that was true than what do you call the feeling children, teenagers, tweens feel towards their parents other than trust.

It's affection. Affection is love -.-. And this is answer to argument of the 'You're to young to know what love is' . If children can love their parents I'm sure they can love some one else. I mean love is affection. Some times attraction. But not only affection it's also trust worthiness. If you love your friends,parents, or what your in love with, that's perfectly fine.

No one should tell kids that they are to young to know what love is.

Ok now that we are past that child love thing let's move on. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ.

Like I said love is affection and trust. Nothing else. It's amazing how that feeling can control our love. But there's one thing that pisses me off.

We some how have a limit to liking people? Question. Why? Who is to say that I can only like one guy. Why can I not like 4 other guys. Maybe 10. 20? I can go on but still. It shouldn't matter that a person can or can't like a lot of people. That's wrong cause I know people want to say Oh you can only love 1 person? And that's it? Like girl hold up! Ima bout be Beyonce or some shit being like DRUUUNK IN LOOVE!!!

Love is the beautifulest thing EVER!!! Don't say it isn't cause it is. Now for all yall hipsters or who ever being like. Love is ugly and it hurts, please stop. Like love is great and it's perfect. The only thing that makes it LOOK ugly is the people you choose to fall in love with. I mean no one can control who they fall in love with at all. It just happens. Like breathing! It just happens.

And I feel the need to stress the fact that love ,recently, has been treated like complete bs. Like I hear people like: "oh my god dude! love is so fake. it's not real and it's total bs. honestly. true love is like extinct." I'm over laughing and some ones gonna tell me true love ain't real.

Dat ain't right mofo

True love will always be here no matter what. It hurts to find it but one way or another love will be found. It'll find you or you'll find it. Trust me when I say this. True love is never gone. It's always there and some way it'll come out.
I mean not every one is made for every one. So that means your crush could be a complete douch but you still love them. It's called hopeless love.

Welcome to the fan zone bitches. JK LOVE YOU. See what I did there ;) .
Maybe your straight and you can't find the right person who is the opposite sex. Maybe you were actually destined to be gay or lesbian. #LGBT
See love works in weird ways and if finds ways like nothing. When you feel alone that's cause love is out there finding that thing you love. I said thing cause some people don't fall in love with people.

Like people who LOVE food. I mean true love for food. Or people who LOVE dogs or animals. That's still love. Heck lonely cat ladies still got some love for their cats. Basically if you ever feel as if your alone and there willbe no one there to still love you. You might just be surprised on who's actually the love of your life.

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