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I am the most non-devoted person when in comes to relationships. I love it actually. I mean YAY I DONT NEED TO CARE FOR ANY ONE. But, it sucks that Ima be a loner for the rest of my life. Let me give you reason why I am not devoted. I know that I like my own space, like I need to have my own independence. If I don't I'll freaking freak out. Yeah. And I need to be able to flirt with who ever I want cause, hey what's life with out a little flirting?

I just feel like if I were devoted in a relationship I'd be too much or too little into it. You know what I mean? Like I want to be with some one when I'm alone but in rl I'm like'BOY IF YOU DONT GET THE EFF AWAY FROM ME IMA SHANK YOU IN YA BOOTY HOLE!'. Yeah, it's pretty serious huh.

I mean I can't be the only one who believes this. Especially in myself. I am either devoted or not. You can't have both at the same time though. I mean when some one asks me what I see in myself in 10 years or so I don't think about marriage. I do think of children though. But marriage? I just I don't want to be tied down I guess. Or maybe it's cause I've never really found the one yet. Because like many say 'If you want to marry some one, you better love me like the most precious thing ever, because if not well you won't have a good marriage' and I seem to look up to that.

And believe me when I say this, I do want to be married. Just with the right guy. I don't want to get married with some boring man who is a plumber....ew
But in marriage there's an immensity of devotion there that I don't see myself taking on he challenge. I see my self going from heart to heart. I mean if you don't know this about me well I best say now. I'm not gonna get married young OR have kids young. It's all going to happen in my late 20's, cause if I want a good family I have to take care of myself. That's what I'm devoted to.

Idk if you guys could ever be devoted to anything,maybe to a fandom, a routine, a New Years resolution. I don't know. I can be devoted to something's. I can be devoted to losing weight (even though I'm like 90 lbs) or to getting a good summer job. Doing chores, basically what ever it is. That's devotion.

Devotion is like when you do something but your determined to do it and to finish it. Like keeping a promise. I keep promises and secrets and stuff. I'm devoted to it I guess. But I just can't be devoted to SOME ONE special. Only special people are the people I love and care about. (Like you all)
But if you put it that way then I can say I will be devoted to a relationship to some one I truly love and care for.

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