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Being Gay is AWSOME :)


Homophobia- hate gays.

No just no that's all in your head. Tu CABÉZA! Homophobics make up my entire family. ;( it's sad cause my cousins gay. And he doesn't want to come out cause he is afraid his family will disown him. They don't really pay attention to him but I do.

Homophobia is just the fact you hate gays, lesbians, anything. Even transgender. Most homophipobics are Christian. And what I want to say is: GOD LOVES EVERY ONE SO SHUT UP AND STOP HATN ON THE GAYS!!!!! Like how are you scared and how do you manage to hate a group and type of people. They have done nothing to you! You hate em cause they don't like opposite sex so what? At least they are nice to you. At least they have found who they want to be. Who they are!!! Homophobics if you got something to say keep it to your self

Oh I'm straight for ever

Nobody is gonna be straight forever. I mean if that's what you BELEIVE that you are then yeah what ever. BUT we all have that moment when we kinda fall for the same sex ☺️. Straights stop lying we all know that every ones bi....deep down inside of course. My own FRIENDS and a couple from my own FAMILY are bi,gay,lesbians. If you are gay,lesbian,bi, ect. And youre afraid to come out because every one knows you as straight doesn't mean that they control your life.Come out youre free now. You will never be straight for ever let's face it. We all have strange attractions. Why not embrace them???? Look personally this is personal I'm straight, but I do get attractions to some girls sometimes. So it's ok to be different embrace your uniqueness!

Ok so when you were a little kid your whole family was straight, going primary school every ones straight your friends are straight, you hit middle/high school you manage to again believe that every one will be straight. But that's where youre wrong , uh oh there's some one gay, in your eyes immediately they are disgusting.

How??? How do you manage to say that. Look nothing's perfect, school is far from perfection and the people there too, but that doesn't mean to shun a gay,lesbian, anything!!!!!!! Heck when you hit middle/high school you find yourself. And you might be gay,lesbian and you shun some one like you. Why?? Hey straights that believe you're belief is the most dominate news flash! No ones perfect.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

HA GAY!!!!!! ++

Ok just no. I hate it most of all when guys say HA GAY!! Sure it was in a movie but they got paid to do that, you don't get paid to put some one down just cause they don't have the same attractions as you. "Ha Gay" is stupid which is why it was put in a comedy. And why the fuck do you make fun of some one by saying HA GAY? Why? Tell me why the fuck is it so important to put ANYONE down just cause they are gay,lesbian,bi,ect. ????
It's not right in my eyes to say that it's funny that some one loves the same sex. Like if you tell some HA GAY,like where is your sanity???? I know the old slang 'Treat People The Way You Want To Be Treated' just follow it cause you don't want me to track you down, find you, and bitch slap you with a fish. A very slippery fish. With Chapstick on it. That hurts trust me! Do you want me to call you gay, that oh dude your shoes are gay Ha Gay!!! No you don't want that.
And why the fuck would you use gay as an insult. It isn't suppose to be an insult it's suppose to mean that they love some one of the same sex. They found love. Why shun some one, hate some one that loves some one. Love is important not a weapon to be used against people. HA GAY is no excuse for playing. You don't play like that!! And it makes me feel bad that I can't do anything but rant about this. HA GAY is what most annoying,desperate,jerky,B.S. Filled guys say. Don't be that person that puts some one down. Cause if you are and you've done that, your stupid and I hope you can see why I think HA GAY is stupid.Enjoy your very slippery chap sticky fish bitch.


AHHH it feels good to get this off my chest though. :)

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