Chapter thirty two

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A month later has passed and it was the day of the ski trip. A week there, anything could happen. Relationships blooming, friendship getting destroyed or built, anything. But the only relationship that I am rooting for is Susan and Jaehyun and hopefully mine and Yuta's too. Dad decided to drove me to school to send me off together with Mum and the twins. Taeyong's parents paid for everything including the food, the skiing cost, the bedrooms and such.

"Lana, if you don't want to go, we can always have our ski trip." I smile looking out of the window with everyone loading up the buses with their luggage. I turn back to them, "I'll be fine, besides, they are going,"

Mum and Dad turn to look at the guys with Susan who kept looking around, finding for me. "If they are there, then I am fine," Dad suddenly became tense as his grip around the steering wheel tightens and that's when I saw him walking in front of my car to the buses. "Make sure you find closure with that boy," I nod, kissing the twins on their heads and got off the car, getting my luggage in the trunk. Mum gave me a tight hug before parting ways.

I wave goodbye at them and hurried to them. "There you are! We thought you weren't coming," I smile as I handed them my luggage for them to put away. Once done, the six of us board the train and it was mostly packed but thank goodness there were six emptied and were back to back.

My heart aches when I saw Kiko snuggling up to Yuta with her head on his shoulders. He locked eyes with me and I quickly look away, taking the empty seat beside Doyoung. Mark had sat beside Taeyong and I'm pretty sure Mark wanted Susan and Jaehyun to sit next to each other. I smile at Doyoung as I sat beside him. He handed me a scarf and wrapped it around my neck. "My mum made it for all of us, she told us to use it well," I nod and prepared myself to sleep since it's going to be a long trip there.

Doyoung pulls my head to rest on his shoulders and that caught me by surprise. "Here, you can rest on my shoulders, wouldn't want you to get a sore neck." I nod and rest my head on his shoulders while I drift off to sleep.

I could feel the bus stopped moving and I opened my eyes to find everyone had started getting off the bus. "Wake up love birds!" I stretched my arms forward and stands up when I got pushed back down to sit. "Watch it! Pregnant lady walking," Kiko walks past me with Yuta at the back supporting her as he locked eyes with me again. I look away and turn my attention to Doyoung. Once they were gone, I move out of my seat and take my bag from above and got off the bus, thanking the driver.

"Oh god, it's cold," I nod, agreeing with Susan. Jaehyun hands her a heat warmer in her hands and places one more in her coat pocket. "Thanks, Jaehyun," He nods, making his way into the cabin. I followed him from behind and it was much, much warmer in here. We gathered by the fire to warm ourself and I find myself in front of Kiko and Yuta once again. I sigh, ignoring their existence and focus on warming myself.

"Gather around, thanks to Taeyong's parents, they paid for most of our activity and also our rooms. So, take your key rooms everyone and also choose your partners! No girl and boys sharing room!"

Susan grabs the key from the teacher in charge and walks to me. Jaehyun and Taeyong, return and they had grabbed the key that is next to each other. "Oh, we are staying side by side." Without looking back, we make our way up to the room to get settled in. Our room has the best view, we were told that this side of the cabin has the best sunset view and also we could see people skiing and snowboarding down the hill. I lay on my bed and look up at the ceiling. "The healing trip that we all needed,"

"Yes definitely," I turn my direction to Susan who was laying on her bed too as she looks up at the ceiling. We both let out a sigh and smile. "Now, let's see what activity we can do here apart from skiing and snowboarding."

Susan grabs one of the brochures near the telephone as do I as we both scans through the activity section. "There is the snowshoeing, spa, that sounds nice, sleigh rides, sledging, tubing or! We could just laze around in our room the whole day," I shake my head and point to the spa, "Spa is what we needed right now, after everything that happened," Susan agrees as we both make our way to the spa to get our relaxation.

When we arrived at the spa, we saw Kiko and Yuta lining up in front of us. When she was done with her activity and such, she turns around and glares at us. "Ugh, why are you following me?"

"Please, we aren't obsessive," She rolls her eyes at Susan and walks away with Yuta.

"Hi! Welcome! What type of massage would you like? We have the bundle, hot springs and massage afterwards," I turn to Susan as she scans through the massage list and points to the hot stone one. While I point to the deep tissue massage. She nods as she handed us tea before prepping up the massage table and told us to change into robes. We did as we were told as Susan took out her phone and take a selfie. Our massage tables were next to each other.

"Ah, that hits the spot," I could hear Susan sighing and also I could tell she was enjoying the therapy session. "So Lana, what should we do after this?"

"We should rest up in our room, watch tv or something." Different types of sounds came out of Susan's mouth and she was enjoying it as much as I do. Once our therapy session has ended, we went to the hot springs to have some peace. "God, I feel like my body is sixty years old." I laugh and soaked in deeper into the pool to remove all my fatigue. Who knows how long we were in but I know that we were inside quite long because the sun has already started to set. We decided to leave the place, changing into the clothes that we were in and head back to our room.

Susan lays on her bed and watches tv while I head to the shower to freshen up before sleeping in bed. "Susan, you can use the shower now," I walk out, drying my hair when I noticed Susan laying down with her stomach showing up as her head was at the edge of the bed as she watches tv. "Wait, why are you upside down Lana?"

"You're upside down dumbass," She laughs and rolled forward out of bed and make her way to the bathroom. I lay in bed with my phone in my hands when Mum's caller ID showed up. I picked it up and smile when I saw everyone on the screen.

"I haven't been gone for a day and you're already calling me," Maddy moves away as Mum at the back was sobbing. "Yeah, she couldn't believe you are not here so she started crying, Mum! She's on the screen," Mum looks up and smile at me but then started crying again as soon as she made eye contact. I purse my lips and put my phone away to make her calm down. About a minute or so, she stopped and I make my face appear again.

"Are you settling well there?"

"Yup! Just enjoyed a whole day here in the spa, it was very relaxing." Mum nods and asked all those questions like, have you eaten, have you unpacked everything, you know all those mums questions. "Okay mum, it's like dinner time so see you soon?" She nods as she hangs up. Susan and I make our way to the eating area. Everyone has come down to have their dinner and so did the boys. We joined them as soon as we got our food.

"So did you guys do anything?"

"We went to the spa, you should go there it's very relaxing, what did you guys do?"

"Skiing and snowboarding, Jaehyun here is a natural at skiing!" Susan leans to Jaehyun and smiles at him, "Could you teach it to me tomorrow?" He nods and smiles at Susan before she moves away and focuses on her food.

Mark and I look at each other and smile, "Oh, the flower is finally gonna bloom!"


This story is coming to an end soon :/

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