chapter five

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"Yeah, so I have heard. He punched the wall and his knuckles are bruised. What did you guys fight about?" I look at Mark and shake my head, "It's nothing."

"It wouldn't be nothing if the both of you are injured. Did he threaten you about your siblings?" I look up at him and nods. Wow, words do travel fast in their gang huh. If he knew, why bother asking me? "Look, I just want to know it from you cause Yuta can be a bit confusing sometimes. So that's why I ask you. You know, you are the first girl to make Yuta punched something and he never punches something. Unless he really truly care about someone." 

I sigh and nods, "You can go ahead and say to him that I am sorry." Mark nods and smiles at me, "Or you can go to him right now who is beside you." I stand up and saw Yuta looking at me with his eyes half open cause of the sunlight that is directly on him. "I'm sorry, Yuta." He pulls me into a hug and whispers "It's okay, sorry for making you feel like you are a bet" 

"Hey Lana, your grab is here," I pull away and hop into the car with Yuta trailing behind. I look at him and he smiles at me. "I am going wherever you are going." I sigh and rolls my eyes. James should be home at this timing already. So I guess he is staying to play with my sibling then. 


"Lana! Who is this guy?" He points at Yuta. Yuta bends down and looks at James, "How old are you?" James is actually 10 and yup he has a crush and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up lying to Yuta saying he is 12 cause everyone thinks he is 12. "I am 12" See, I am not surprised. But of course after that, James starts giggling and Yuta lifts him up and spins him around which made James laugh even harder and I stand there looking at them smiling. "Okay! Put me down!" 

Yuta puts him down and ruffles his hair, James holds his hands and brought him in. I trail behind and closes the door. "Mum! Lana brought a guy!" Yuta smiles at me and then to my mum. He bows to my mum and she bows back not knowing what the hell happened. "I'm Yuta, Lana's boyfriend. And I am Japanese so bowing is a sign of respect" Mum nods and gave me an pleased look. James drags Yuta up to the nursery room. Mum pulls me to the side, "Is he really your boyfriend?" Oh, mum, I would really tell you everything but no. It stays between me and him. I nod yes and mum looks surprised. 

"Are you still okay after what happened to your previous ex-boyfriend?" I sigh and nods, "I just hope he can bring me back to the word love and made me feel love. After what happened to Arthur 6 years ago, I was scared so I hope he really helps me with this" Mum nods and asks me to take care of the twins while she goes to work. I opened the door to the nursery room and there Yuta playing with the twins. 

"How old are the twins?"

"5 months old. They can stand but only for a period of time. Try it" Yuta tried to make Titus stand and he did stand but only for a few seconds before falling down smiling and laughing. Yuta laugh too and carries Titus around, "Can I adopt him? My sister would love them so much" 

"You have a sister?"

"Two actually. I'm the middle child. I'm guessing you are too?" I nod my head and point that James is also the middle child among us 6 and the two of us are the only one without a twin. Which explains why I and James are very close to each other. I mean all of us are close to each other but I just much closer to James. "Ah, I see," I sit at the corner of the room to help James with his homework and Yuta babysit the twins. More like they babysit Yuta cause the twins are doing things on their own. 

"Lana, your boyfriend is very cool and very handsome too. I like him" I smiles and nods, who knew that under all the bad thing he does, he is a good kid. Speaking of the bad thing, he hasn't taken a puff from his cigarette. "Yuta, have you went out for a-"

"Yeah, I did after I punch the wall I went to take one." I nod and continue helping James, Yuta sit beside me with Titan and Titus on his arms and he passes Titus to me. He pulls me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. James seems to notice it and he instantly sits up straight. "Get a room you two,"

"Well, we are in a room, James." James closes his eyes and then I hit Yuta which makes him laugh and ruffles James hair. James threw himself to Yuta which caught Yuta off guard and he falls backward making James and Titan landed on his stomach. "Man, James you are very strong" Mum knocks the door and join in the fun. Well more like getting to know Yuta. "So Yuta, how long have you been dating my daughter?"

"3 months, Maam. She is very sweet and beautiful. Now I know where she gets her beauty from." Mum smiles and nod in approval. "So how long have you been in America?" Yuta counts with his fingers, "About 6 to 9 years? I live with my friends. My family is in Osaka."

"Don't you miss your family?" Yuta nods, but everytime he gets a chance to come back, he does go back to his family and stay there for at least a month or two. And eat authentic Japan food cause that's what he loves about when coming home there. Mum seems to notice that Yuta has been holding my waist for a period of time and he kept squeezing it. I haven't told him that whenever people squeeze my waist, it makes me comfortable. I know I am weird.  

"I hope you two last, I wouldn't want the past to happen again." Yuta looked surprised and looks at me with the confusing look. "What past? What did you not tell me?" I look away and look at the time, it's almost to 4. Time for him to go home. "Oh look at the time, aren't you supposed to go?" 

"Stay for dinner!" Yuta nods and smiles. He looks at me and asks, "What past? You need to tell me" I roll my eyes and remove his hands from my waist, "Nothing. You do not need to know. What's in the past, stays in the past. There is a reason why people say that." Yuta pouts and nods his head, I stand up and went out of the room. "And what did I say about PDAing when it's the two of us"

"Oh my god, Lana" 

"I am serious about it"

"Okay, It won't happen again" Yuta smiles and winks at me. 

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