chapter one

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High school. A life full of dramas, romance, bullies, everything you name it. But never did I ever fall for one of the school bad boy, Nakamoto Yuta.

He is almost like every girl's bad boy. Smokes, do drugs, drinks, everything. Put up a fight, talk back to the teacher, you name it and the list goes on and on. Of course, he wasn't just the one who does it alone, he does it with his gang which they call themselves NCT. No one really does know why they call themselves that and no one bothers asking cause they are one of the most feared gangs in school. Their leader, Taeyong is the worst of them all. He seems sweet and warm-hearted with his killer smile, but everyone knows what lies behind those innocent looks of his. Some said he committed a crime, hook up with a lot of girls, go to the nightclub and do whatever thing he wants to do there.

And of course, there were some younger members in the gang too. The youngest one is 16 years old whose name is Jisung Park. He is known to be sweet too but let's just say once he puts that sweet mask down, his inner beast comes out to say hello. I don't really know why a lot of girls chase after them and I don't want to know too. But all I know is that they hurt girls and played their feelings just like normal bad boy does.

"Lana! Why are you staring at them like that? Do you wanna pick a fight with them?" Susan snaps her fingers in front of me to bring me back to earth after staring at them with thoughts running in my mind. Me? Pick a fight with them? I can't even pick a fight with my siblings, why would she think about me picking a fight with them? 

"Susan, you know me. I hate them, a lot. I just can't stand them." Susan nods, agreeing with me. Thou, she does find one of them rather dashing and that is Jung Jaehyun.

"You don't have to agree with what I say. My words won't affect your intense love with Jaehyun" I quote the 'intense love' while talking to Susan. She self-proclaim that she and Jaehyun have a thing for each other and their love is very intense which is an absolute lie. Every girl does that and believe me or not, none of the members of NCT gives a damn about them cause 1) they can't be bothered and 2) they are too busy to even notice you. Even if they do, the same bad boy routine continues.

"What are you talking about Lana? Keep it down will you? Someone might hear you" I scoff and started walking. As I was talking to Susan, I bumped into someone causing my books to fall and a few gaps to appear and also whisperings filled the hallways. I look up and there he is one of the most wanted bad boy in school, Nakamoto Yuta. He held out his hand, hoping for me to accept it but I rudely push it away and stands up with the help of Susan. I glare at him and pick my books on the floor.

"Sorry love didn't mean to see you there. Couldn't see you from my point of view" Your point of view? Ugh rude! He is not as tall as Johnny. Who does he think he is to self declare that he is taller than Johnny?

"Ew, you think you are so tall now, don't you? I have seen taller and you are just not one of them." I smile and push him aside slightly to make my way through the class but was stopped when the rest of the members blocked my way. Students were now gathered but were told to go to class cause they do not want them to see what is going to happen next. Susan was dragged to the side while I am stuck in the middle as they form a circle around me to trap me in. Great, just wonderful.

"Pretty girl, for a pretty height. But too bad I can't make her mine as someone in our gang is already keeping an eye out for you." What? Me? God, I do not want to be in their game. "I'm sorry, I want to get to class. You guys don't mind if I step aside and take my friend-"

"Yeah sure, go ahead. See if you can pass the big guy first which is Johnny." God dammit, what have I gotten myself into? I want to really get to class and get out of the circle. I please Johnny with my pleasing eyes but he seems unbothered so plan failed.

"Just what are you boys doing?" Finally! A familiar voice. The principal have come to the rescue. I peep at the side and he makes eye contact with me and the guys. "Release Lana and Susan at once or it will be detention for your kids."

"Detention isn't gonna do anything on us, Mr principal" Jisung rolls eyes at our principal and of course the principal seems to be very pissed at Jisung cause the next sentence he said seems to scare the freak out of the boys. "Unless you want me to call your parents to say that their sons have been doing illegal stuff in school and out-"

"Okay! We will go to detention and leave our parents out of our business. They do not need to know. C'mon boys, let's go" Taeyong leads the gang out of the hallway. Yuta stares at me and gave a sheepish smile while making his way to detention. "Are you girls okay?" We nod and thank him and both of us made our way to class. Since we are already late for class, the principal gave us a letter of excuse to give us back our attendance since we are 1 hour late.

"What an encounter! Jaehyun was so hot up close!"

"Hey! All you ever cared about is Jaehyun? What about me? I was surrounded by them and especially Yuta! He was out to get me! The look of his eyes, oh my god. I seriously want to kill him" Susan rolls her eyes and settle herself in, "Kill him with a knife or kill him with love?"

"What? You are seriously out of your mind." Susan winks and smile, "Maybe, I am but the one that is out of her mind is you! You just got notice by Yuta! The Nakamoto Yuta! Do you know how hard it is, to get him to see you or glance at you at least once! It is very hard! Every girl is jealous of you cause! He notices you. And when he notices you that means, he is interested in you"

"Yeah, interested in taking away my virginity" Susan gasps dramatically which causes a few students to look at our direction and I had to lower my head down to not let them see my red cheeks of embarrassment. "How could you say that! People say that, but do you know him deep down?"

"Oh, as if you know him deep down? Look, Su, I know you love this boys okay? But I give zero damn about them. So you can fangirl all you want about they notice you and they notice me what so ever, they do they and I do me. Let's just focus on our studies."

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