chapter eight

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"Where are we going?"

"To a yogurt cafe. Chenle's sister works there and apparently, she is the manager there so free yogurt!" The fact of yogurt already makes me feel hungry again. I follow Yuta to the yogurt shop and was amazed at the different types of flavors they have. Natural, Strawberry, Chocolate, Mango, Kiwi and many more. If I were to pick to a flavor, I would definitely pick Natural and Chocolate. "Hey, Lana! Over here." I go to where Yuta is seated and put my bag down and look out of the window.

"You love looking outside huh?" I nod, looking outside make me become more attracted to the world outside and I am just being in my zone.

"Go on and pick your flavors, Chenle's sister already know what I am ordering. And it's on the house so don't worry about the weight of the payment." I nod and hurriedly run to the yogurt machine. I pick the big cup and head over the Chocolate flavor and fill it almost half and then fill the other half with Natural. Toppings that I love love the most is definitely, Cookies and Cream or also known as Oreo, Fruity Pebbles and two sticks of Peppero. I went to the cashier to pay up but was stopped by the lady there, "It's on the house, I guess you are his girlfriend? It's free!" I smile and thank the lady who now I know is Chenle's sister.

"Oh my god! You must really love yogurt. Can I have a bite?" I pull in my big cup of yogurt in and guard it with my hands and a spoon for a sword. Yuta seems surprised at my defense mode and he decided to go on attack mode. Which the two of us ended up playing swords with our spoons. "No but seriously can I have a bite of it"

"Aw Yuta, you already have your yogurt smoothie let me enjoy it. I didn't even ask for a sip of your smoothie too" Yuta looks down and nods acting a little sad with my response. Of course, I wouldn't eat it alone. I didn't pick the big cup to eat it all by myself. Yogurt is for sharing. "Here comes the airplane. Hurry is looking for somewhere to land!" Yuta opens up his mouth and I put the spoon right in his mouth. I wasn't even thinking with what I was doing, that I suddenly pinch his cheeks.

"I thought no PDAing?" Yuta tease and I roll my eyes at him, "Sorry, you look like you needed a pinch on your cheeks" Yuta smiles and shakes his head and went on to pinch my cheeks back.

"I can't believe I am skipping school with the Nakamoto Yuta, its like wow"

"You need to stop calling me that. Seriously. Stop it." I stuck out my tongue at him and he laughs at my silliness. I haven't heard from Susan for 2 days now like right after what happened after lunch, she didn't bother texting me and today too. "What's up with Susan and Jaehyun?"

"Ah, you know they love each other and decided to drop the bet and be with each other. I wonder when are we gonna happen." I scoff at him and beat his head lightly, "It's never gonna happen after our 152 days are over it will be history. So, for now, appreciate me while you can" Yuta nods and looks down at his smoothie.

"Where are going after this? Please tell me you have a plan?" Yuta looks at me and nods, "This is Nakamoto Yuta you are hanging out with, I always have a plan whenever we go out but first, let's take a picture to remember our first date together" Both Yuta and I did a peace sign and carried out yogurt up.

"We look cute together."

"Indeed you do, now what are you kids doing here at this timing?" I look at Yuta waiting for him to answer and it looks like the lady knew what his answers were with a look of his expression. She walks away and gave us free yogurt drinks with beautiful toppings on top. I haven't even finished my yogurt! "Thanks, Noona for a wonderful time, see you soon"

"Noona? What is that?"

"Older sister in Korean. Guys call older girls 'Noona' while girls call older girls 'Eonnie' both are the same meaning." I nod. He is Japanese but the fact that he learned Korean and English is truly amazing. He is like Bilingual. "Where to next?" Yuta points to the roller blades center. Rollerblading at 11 am? Is the shop even open at this timing? I follow Yuta in and he is already talking to the shop as if that person is he friend or something. 

"What? I know him, he is Mark's older brother." I raised my hands in defense which caused him to smile and laughed at me. I take my rollerblades in the size 6. Yes, I have small feet which makes it easier for me to buy shoes but also it's annoying when they run out of stocks for size 6.

"Small feet" I glares at Yuta and roll my eyes at him. Its not wrong to have small feet. It is absolutely adorable for someone to have it too. I walk in with blades on and glide along the ring with ease while Yuta was struggling to even move a muscle. I skate over to him and apparently laughed at him, "If you know skate, why bother coming here?"

"I just want to show off you know that I can skate seeing you know how to" Seeing I know how too? Did he stalk me or something? Or did he happen to see is just now? "Aw, poor you. C'mon now, take my hand. I'll help you" He takes my hand and I pull him to skate beside me. He couldnt balance himself at first but after a few times around the ring, he manage to gain his balance and lets go of my hand. "Hphm, the teacher deserves a little credit" Yuta skates over to me and pull me into his chest. Oh god, please no PDA. No PDA! I push him lightly which cause him to stumble and fall and he pull me over which caused me to fall on top of him. Our noses were practically touching each other and I could feel his intense eyes staring at me.

I push myself off him and stands up, dusting away the dirt. "That, I didnt not expect it" Yuta laugh while dusting off his clothes. "You know what they say, expect the unexpected. Maybe one day, we will have our first kiss together"

I skate away from him and scoffs, "As if I will let the Nakamoto Yuta kiss me. Not a chance" Yuta laughes and back hug me from behind and that caught me off guard. "Yuta, No PDAing." He hugs me tighter and whisper in my ear, "Taeyong and his girl is here." I look back and saw Taeyong with a girl laughing and smiling so happily. Poor girl, she doesnt know what she has gotten herself up too. Speaking of Taeyong, doesnt he have school? Or did he skip school today? Taeyong skates over to us after making eye contact with Yuta.

"Did you skip school today?" I look at Yuta for him to answer. For some reason, I just couldnt gather myself up to try and say a word to Taeyong cause of his looks. Cause I think to me, he is very beautiful to even talk to. Ugh, curse his genes I swear to god.

"Yeah. I wanna bring my girl out. School sucks you know."

"Her attendance is good. What about yours?" Yuta rolls eyes at Taeyong and show an 'okay' sign at him. "Okay, I get it my attendance is horrible. Let's go Lana," Yuta drags me out of the place and I glares at him and force my hand out of his grip. He got surprised and put me down on the seat and start taking off my shoes. "Yuta!" He didnt hear me. He is angry and I can feel it. I stop him, but it didnt seem to work.

"Yuta!" I shake him but still no reaction. "Yuta!" I force myself to hug him and I could feel his tense body starts to relax. I pull him away and cup his face in the palms of my hands. "Are you okay? We can go somewhere else okay? Don't get to work up." Yuta nods and sighs. He takes off his rollerblades and put at the counter aggressively while I apologise for his attitude. I wave goodbye at Taeyong and he looks away at me harshly.

Well, guess now I know Yuta hates Taeyong.

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