chapter seven

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The next day, Yuta decided to call me early in the morning which caused me and James to wake up at the same time. I answered my phone and ask James to bath first.

"Hello?" Yuta seems to be in a good mood since he is blasting music on the other side of the line. "Hey, just to tell you I am on the way. And its 6 am."

"Okay, see you then?" I hang up and drag myself out of my bed. He just has to wake me up at that timing. But good thing it's earlier than my alarm clock so yay? I went to the shower and clean myself, put on my clothes and went downstairs for breakfast. To my surprise, Yuta is already here, and he is helping to set the table up. "Uh, morning?" Yuta notices me and smiles.

"My girl is so beautiful today" My mum smiles agreeing with him. James went down after me and decided to seat beside Yuta. Which made me had to seat across Yuta. I mean I don't mind James sitting beside Yuta, it means no PDAing.

"Yuta! You came to pick us up?" Yuta nods and then look at my mother and father for approval. Dad seems to be not pleased about leaving me and James with Yuta, "Well, I don't see what's wrong with it. So you have my approval" Yuta smiles and salute to him cause my dad is the chief. After breakfast, I put on my shoes and give mum and dad a goodbye hug. James is holding onto Yuta's hand while walking towards his car. I hop in and take the seat beside Yuta. James takes out his favorite drink from his bag and makes himself comfortable at the back.

"Put on your seat belt, James" James nod and put on his seat belt. "Yuta, are you going to drive us every day?"

"Yup, I can't stand you guys take the school bus every day and you can sleep in the car too." James nods and looks out of the window. "Here you go buddy," Yuta passes James a pillow for him to lie down and a blanket. And within a second, James has already fallen asleep.

"Wow, the bad boy is kind today," Yuta smirks and drives with his left arm and his other hand on his coffee. "Not all bad boys are bad you know. Take me for an example"

"Okay, moving on. Let's start to finally get to know each other." Yuta nods and puts down his drink in the cup holder, "Alright, let's start with you."

"Well, you know my family, I have 8 members in my family including me. Have 2 pairs of twins, My dad is the chief and my mum has a part-time job which is helping out a nearby coffee shop. Have two dog name, Angel and Cory. Which they will have puppies soon. My favorite color is red, white and black. Okay your turn"

"Have two sisters, one older and one younger I'm the middle one. Used to live in Japan until I move here with NCT. I am very confusing sometimes. I have a smile that heals other people for some reason, and that is why my nickname is the healing prince? I don't know. People describe me as their prince but meh."

I smile. Since we are sending James to school first and it is a 1 hour and 30 minutes journey so, I and Yuta decided to chat more and get to know each other. "So I have this dying question to ask." Yuta glance at me and nod. "What makes you join NCT and do all this stuff?"

Yuta paused and his smile turns into a frown. Bad timing? I mean if he doesn't want to talk about he shouldn't force himself to say it you know. Like its all good to not talk about it.

"Long story but I can tell you the main point. I joined them cause they make me feel like a family. At that point when I was in Korea before moving to America, I met Mark. He showed me the good things in life which are by doing all those stuff. But the thing is Mark doesn't do all that as he was only recruiting new members to join. So I smoke and do drugs which made feel peaceful and very calm. And because I feel like I was lacking feeling loved. Which explains why I hook up with girls but none of them give me to feeling that I wanted and that is why I leave them feeling heartbroken but me, I felt heartless towards them cause they are all the same"

I stare at him blankly and touch his hand. He looks at me and smile. Who knew underneath his bad boy image he suffers the lack of feeling loved. "Am I the first girl to know about your love life?" He nods yes and sighs, "So better be proud that I told you cause I feel like you can be trusted"

"Then consider your secret safe with me. By the way, I hate you," Yuta snapped his fingers and points at me. "What is up with you hating us?"

"I just hate the fact that you bad boys or any other bad boys, plays with girls as if we are their toys. And also judged them by their looks too. Which is highly not acceptable! And also, you throw them away like a rag doll. Honey, we girls have feelings you know. We are not some puppet that is tied to your strings. Girls have the right to fight back and feel what they feel. But no, you bad boys just have to take that away. And that explains why I hate you, bad boys." Yuta nods and looks at me with a smirk creeping up on his face, "But you don't hate me cause if you do, you wouldnt be with me right now"

"Oh, I am just waiting for our 2nd day of 152 days left to end. And by then all of this is history." I look at the view outside with a smile, "Yeah, totally. It will all be history" I gave him a good hand sign and make my seat lower so I could go to sleep.

"Hey, wake up. I am sending James to the front door of the school." I rub my eyes and no my head. James waves at me and I wave back. Yuta will be a good father once he gets married. Like from the looks of it, he loves kids and kids love him too. So I wouldn't be surprised if he wants more kids when he gets married. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Uh no reason, its just that I find it adorable how kids love you that's all." Yuta gets in the car and nods. He starts the engine and turns to face me, "How is your attendance for school?"


"For all modules?" I nod. He leans back at the chair and turns to face me again, "Let's ditch school and go somewhere nice. Just me and you"

"Is that a date?"

"Definitely a date" I am going on a date with the Nakamoto Yuta? Someone kill me now cause I will rather be in school than with him but what to do, a fake girlfriend has to go wherever her fake boyfriend goes and do. So I said, yes.

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