Chapter thirty six

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A week passed by quick, so many things happened, relationships blooming, new friendships happened during that trip. "You got everything packed?" I nod at Susan, we turn to face our room one last time before we head downstairs to the lobby where everyone has gathered around to leave. "Hey," Jaehyun smiles at Susan, I greeted Taeyong. 

"Attention everyone, I hopped all of you had fun in this one week here, apart from that pregnant incident, other than that, I hopped all of you did something fun here and even had made new friends or found your soulmate here. As our trip ends, I wish you guys an early Merry Christmas and happy new year, see you guys soon," Everyone cheered as it marks the start of their winter break before going back to school. 

"What are you guys doing on Christmas?" 

"I don't know, spend it with NCT like always," Doyoung ruffles Mark's hair as he smiles and put his arms around his shoulders. We make our way to the bus to find a seat once we have loaded our luggage in the trunk. I find a seat beside Yuta. "It still feels weird that we are officially together," I nod. "It is isn't it?"

"Can I spend Christmas with you tomorrow?" 

"What about your family?" 

"They can spend it with me, the next day," I shake my head, putting on my head on his shoulders intertwining our hands together before we both fall asleep on top of one another. Once we arrived back at school, Mum and Dad were waiting for me by the parking lot. "See you guys tomorrow at Lana's house,"

"Why? I thought you were gonna spend it with NCT?" Mark shrugs, "Huh, I rather spend it with you and your family, say, is your parents okay with it? Can we sleep over tonight?" I purse my lips and look over to mum and dad, "Why don't you ask them yourself?" 

All of us walk towards mum and dad and they bombarded them with questions about can we sleep over at your house tonight. But Yuta caught the eye of dad as he glares at him, "Dad, don't, he's cool now, we are cool now," He hums as he loads my luggage in the back trunk. Mum smiles to the rest of them, "You can come over tonight but! at seven, okay, make sure you get permission from your parents," 

"Of course," I shake my head, knowing they don't really have any parents except for Susan. Her parents probably will allow her to stay over tonight. "See you guys later," I wave goodbye to them as we drove to our house, when I arrived, I was greeted by Angel, Cory and Miracles. They were all wagging their tails and jumping on to me. "Lana! You're back!" James runs up to me, causing me to fall onto my bum and the dogs started licking on my face. Anthony and Maddy then come out with Titan and Titus and boy were they happy to see me.

They were both reaching out to me, asking me to carry them. I quickly stand up, taking the two of them in my arms. "Gosh, you're heavy," I smile at them as they laugh and smile seeing them in my arms. All of us head inside the house and the place was fully decorated with Christmas decorations. 

"Wow, you guys have decorated the place," They nod. I put the twins down in their baby chair as I helped dad with my luggage and started to unpack my clothes, putting all the dirty clothes in the laundry basket and changing out into something more comfortable in the house since my neighbourhood already is covered in snow. We were all gathered by the fire, drinking hot chocolate and cuddling with one another while we watch all the Christmas movies that we could think of. 

When the clock strikes seven, we heard the doorbell rang. "That must be them," I quickly run towards the door with the dogs behind me and open it, Yuta, Doyoung, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Mark and Susan were all outside with presents in their hands. "Come in guys," Of course the dogs decided to attack Yuta, Taeyong and Susan. 

"Yuta!" James quickly runs to Yuta as he gave him a tight hug. "Are you and my sister officially back together?" Yuta smiles and nods as he ruffles James's hair. They too gather around the fire, joining us in watching all the Christmas movies that we had played on the television with hot chocolate in their hands. Miracles had cuddled in between Yuta and me, creating space between the two of us. We watched the television until we fell asleep. 

The next morning, James wake us up by screaming, 'It's Christmas day!' on repeat. We woke up with Dad playing the Christmas carol on the television and one by one, come down to have their breakfast. I smile when I saw Titus and Titan in their Christmas outfit with Maddy. I quickly walk up to them and smile as they started blowing raspberries at me. "Okay, Merry Christmas everyone, it's time to open presents," One by one, everyone has gathered around the Christmas tree as we did our secret Santa. 

Yuta ended up taking my present and he was glad to be able to get my present seeing it's the two of us back on our first day together. He walks up to me to give me a quick peck on the lips as he sat beside me, watching everyone opening the presents one by one. After opening the presents, we were told to have a shower and then we can all play in the snow as James wanted to have a snowball fight with everyone. We agree with his idea as this is the first time we are celebrating Christmas together.

"You guys are going down! I am telling you. You couples are going down," The team was split into two, Susan, Jaehyun, Yuta and I versus, Taeyong, Mark, Doyoung and James. Maddy and Anthony were just watching with Titus and Titian as our audience. "Start!" Even with the wall that we build up, somehow, the snow made it pass through. I had enough as I decided to attack James and Mark. "Ow! Do you have a problem with me or something, Lana?" 

"Probably, heads up," Another headshot as he fell backwards, landing onto the pile of snow, "Man down!" Mark gets up and shakes his head as he adjusted his coat before joining Maddy and Anthony up at the porch. The fight went on for a few minutes with non of the team backing down. In the battle arena, left only Yuta and Jaehyun with Doyoung and James. Not gonna lie, they did put up a strong but fair fight. "On the right team, we have the smartest, the quickest, Jaehyun and Yuta," 


"And on the left, we have the strongest and also not smartest, Doyoung and James," 

"Hey!" I beat Mark on his back as he let out a laugh before continuing with the commentating. "Let the last battle, begin!"  And off they go, throwing all the snow at each other. "Oof!" James was out as Yuta accidentally throw the snow straight to his face, causing him to fall back, landing on his bum on the pile of snow. "And another man down," 


"And Jaehyun is out, down to Doyoung and Yuta, who will win?" And within a second after Mark said that, Doyoung was out. "Oh, that was quick," They nod, agreeing with him. "Well then, congratulations to the couple team!" We cheered and jump around as we won the snowball fight. James wasn't quite happy with it but we include him so that he could feel that he won too. Since we had our fun, we gather back inside around the fire with hot cocoa in our hands as we watch Christmas movies the whole afternoon until nighttime. I walked outside to the front porch with Miracles beside me when I heard the door open. 

I turn around and saw Yuta approaching me as he sit beside me. "Something happened?" I shake my head no and look up at the stars, "No, but I am happy, who knew we would have feelings for each other during our bet,"

"But did you regret being with me?" 

"No, not a second, sure our relationship has some ups and downs and even our exes come out of nowhere, especially Kiko who came to the school pregnant, it was unexpected and the father is her own brother, but I was glad we got together right after that," 

"Yeah, but I do have something to tell you, I didn't fall in love with you during our bet, I like you since the beginning of high school, you didn't notice me no matter how hard I tried," I look at him as I listen to him, "You were the center of attention and everyone liked you but me, I fell in love with you, but I was glad that Taeyoung made me have that bet with you because I would get to be with you and even know you. So, Lana, I was glad that the bet make our relationship happen," 

I smile as I lay my head on top of his shoulders as we both look up at the night sky. "I was glad too, that the bet make our relationship happen," 


And that is the end of The Bet!

Thank you for being with me throughout the first chapter and until the end. Thank you for your support, I appreciate every single one of you! And till next time, we shall meet again! Stay safe and healthy and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2022 will be a better year for you and your loved ones.

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