chapter seventeen

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"Susan! Over here!" Susan waves at me and ran towards me. We took the school bus back since Yuta won't be coming due to some problems that the NCT members have caused. So it's just me and my girl. "Uh, it been such a long time since I came, do you think the twins will remember me?"

"Yes of course! Yuta has been coming here for such a long time and he kinda put his face as my wallpaper and they always smile and giggle whenever they saw his picture," Susan nods and I unlocked the door. James tackled me to the floor as he looked up to see who is standing at the door with me. "Susan!" James gets off of me and ran towards Susan. I sigh and brush the dirt off of me. Cory came to greet me by licking my face and he did the same to Susan.

"Oh my god! Angel gave birth to puppies! You didn't tell me!?"

"I kinda forgot." Susan went over to Angel and surprisingly, Angel let her touch her babies. Usually, the only person that is allowed to be near her puppies is me and Mum other than that no one is allowed. "Aw, Angel, you are a mummy now. Speaking of babies, where are Titus and Titan?"

"Upstairs. Cmon! Let's play!" James drags Susan up the stairs and into the twins playroom/bedroom. The twins saw Susan and they instantly raise up their hands for her to carry them, I nudged Susan to the side and smirk at her, "I told ya they would remember you." Susan rolls her eyes and picks Titus up.

"Hello, Titus!" Susan throws him up and down which caused him to giggle and laugh. My phone started to buzz and I saw the caller ID, The bad boy, Yuta. What does he want?

"Hello? What's up?"

Is this Lana? Yuta little girlie? I am here to tell you that your boyfriend here has caused a lot of trouble for me and my gang. I don't think you have heard of us but we are called The Devours. If you want your little boy toy here alive, come here. I will send you the address. Oh and come alone.

"What? Hello? Hey!" Susan looks at me with a worried expression, "What's wrong? Who called?"

"A gang called The Devours kidnapped Yuta,"Susan's eyes widen and put Titus on the floor beside James. "I need to call Taeyong. He knows who is he, or they, do you have his number?" Susan nods and passes me his number. I hesitated to call him, who knows if Yuta is with him. I press his number and it started ringing.

Hello? Who is this?

"Taeyong! It's me, Lana. I know you don't want to talk-"

I don't! Why the fuck did you call me?

"Yuta! Something happened to him. The Devours got him." Taeyong went silent for about a few minutes.

You are on speaker. Speak now.

"One of The Devours members called me using Yuta's phone. He told me to come alone to this abandoned factory."

But you can't go alone! We need a plan!

"I will go alone. You guys go to this location I am sending. You guys just get ready. I will be there by sundown." They replied okay and I end the call. "Susan, stay with them okay?" She nods and I change my outfit to something more comfortable. More like Maddy's outfit for school today. Tank top with windbreaker and leggings for pants. I quickly wear on my shoes and head outside. I drove my car to the abandoned factory that they gave me. "This looks like the place."

"Ah, we have been expecting you. Such a beautiful body for a beautiful girl. Come let me take you to your boy toy," They hold me by my arms and drags me in hard. There in the spotlight, Yuta laying unconsciously with bruises and blood dripping out from his nose and mouth. I ran towards him but got caught by one of them and they pull me away from Yuta. Yuta slowly gains conscious and he tried running to me when one of the men punched him in the stomach. "Stop! Stop hurting him, please, I beg you"

"Very funny! Yuta, you didn't tell your girlfriend is so beautiful. Such a fragile creature. Now, wonder what I will do with her body? Probably damage it?"

"Fuck you!" The leader walks towards me and pull me into a hug, he places sloppy kiss on my neck and I could see from the corner of my eyes, Yuta is tensed and uncomfortable. "Stop! Let her go," The leader laughs and pushed me towards Yuta and I fall on his arms. The both of us hug each other tightly and I could see his hands shivering. I intertwine it and rested my head on his bare chest. He leans down on my ear and whispers, "I'm sorry for dragging you in. I didn't mean to," I cupped his cheeks and smiles, "Its okay."

"Aw, cute. But not for long if I pull the trigger of the gun towards her," He points the gun towards me and Yuta stood in front of me. "Shoot me instead of her," The leader put his hands on his chin and gave an evil smile, "With pleasure," He closed his eyes and I closed mine but soon gunshots is all I heard. Jaehyun ran towards us, "We need to go, now" Jaehyun leads both of us out of the factory and into one of the van. Jaehyun opens the car and Jaemin let out a smile, "Hello!"

"Hey," Yuta groans and Jaehyun put him beside me. Yuta slips his hand around my waist and pulls me into his laps. He rested his chin on top of my shoulder and sigh, "My girl is so brave," I smile and turn to him, "I wasn't, but I tried to be brave for you,"

"Well, thank you for bringing them even thou they say to come alone." I smile and Yuta leans in and our nose touch. "Hate to break it to you but like we need to bring you back to our house. It's for the best," I nod at Jaehyun and I relaxed a bit, Yuta uses my lap as a pillow and he was drifted off to sleep. Is it weird that I love his sleeping face, he looks so innocent and beautiful and I found myself admiring his beauty? I take back all the stupid words I talk about him. Johnny seems to notice that I am admiring his beauty because he keeps looking at me.

"I know our Yuta is beautiful but do you have to stare at him until like that," I pout and roll my eyes. "I did not stare at him!"

"Did too,"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Enough! Let her stare at Yuta, it's her boyfriend anyways and Lana, I think you should call off the bet. Seeing the two of you get all cuddly and loving, I think its best if the two of you get together for real," I mean, its true but like I don't know man, being with Yuta is great but there is one person that scares me a lot in NCT.

Lee Taeyong.

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