Chapter thirty three

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The next day, all six of us has decided to went out skiing. Thank god during breakfast, I didn't even see Kiko nor Yuta. "Okay, let's go get our skiing equipment !" I smile at them as I went ahead and put on my equipment for skiing. Not gonna lie, this is my first time skiing so I am pretty scared.

"Are you nervous?" I looked up to Doyoung as he places a reassuring squeeze on my shoulders. I nod looking at the other people enjoying how to ski. "Don't worry, you guys are going to go skiing at the beginners' side," I look at him confused, "You're not joining?" Doyoung shakes his head as he brings out his snowboard, "Taeyong and I are going snowboarding, so see you guys later," I nod waving goodbye to Doyoung and Taeyong as I follow the others up the small hill for skiing lessons.

Not gonna lie, Jaehyun is an excellent teacher and I manage to pick it up quite fast unlike Susan who is still struggling. Mark and I left them to it while we ski on our own.

"Ugh, bloom already! Bloom!"

"Ah, flower withering," I pointed to Peter approaching the two. Susan smiles as she pulls Peter in for a hug and left Jaehyun aside, pursing his lips while looking down. I look over at Mark and he sighs as he called out to Jaehyun to come over.

"Dude? What are you doing? Shoot your shot already!" Jaehyun sighs as he looks back at the two who is laughing and smiling while skiing together. They waved at us and we of course waved back, everyone did except for Jaehyun. "Look, I'm trying! Peter is there so I don't want to interfere their couple time,"

"That's the thing! They aren't a couple! So shoot your shot already!" Mark gives Jaehyun a little push to Susan. He did shoot his shot but Susan most probably felt bad for leaving Peter alone so they ended up skiing together. I could tell they weren't happy skiing together because from a distance, they were glaring and this tension that I am sensing from far away is very strong. Mark suddenly gives a nudge on my arms when he pointed to Yuta, skiing on his own. "Time for you to fix things, I know you and him ended off on a bad note, but at least talk to him," I nod, making my way to Yuta.

He smiles when he saw me approaching him, "Where's Kiko?" He points back at the cabin, "Inside, she is just chilling," I nod looking at the snow on the ground.

"Do you want to ski together?" I nod. He brought me to a ski track where everyone is following nicely and kids, together with their family is having fun, smiling and giggling, now I wish I could have brought my family here to have fun. "It's been a while since we last hang out,"

"Yeah, it's been a month since you left, the twins and James misses you,"

"Ah? I should drop by sometimes," I shake my head, "Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea," Yuta nods and the awkward tension has risen once again. We ski around for a while until we stopped by a mini-cabin giving out hot chocolate. I waited for mine when Yuta came back with both cups to the table. I take a sip of the hot chocolate and could feel the hot liquid coming down my throat and spread in my body. "This is nice," I nod, agreeing with Yuta.

"Do you. Do you miss us?" Yuta accidentally coughed on his drink as he wipes it off with his gloves and looks at me. He stares at me for a while and then looks back at his drink, thinking of what to say next, "All the time, those memories of you crying your heart out on your roof when I walked out on you, it still replaying in my head every time I sleep,"

Yuta then reaches out for my hand as he grabs it and intertwines it. "Lana, are you mad at me? I know you have every right to get angry at me and I deserve that but, are you? Still mad at me?"

"No, that anger inside me was washed away by my friends that were there who supported me when you left, Taeyoung, Doyoung, Jaehyun and Mark, are all from NCT, known as the playboys in the school but to be honest, they are one of the kindest people I have met apart from you, recently we stick together because of the challenges that had us all involved. And Susan, she is the best, but Yuta, I don't know what's your status with Kiko but I would like to give us another chance,"

Yuta stares at his drink as he traces the circle around the cup. His eyes were tired from the looks of it, his bright smile that I once knew had become dull. Overall, he is just exhausted. "Lana, I would like to gives us another chance too but let me fix things with Kiko first so we could try again."

"Do you mean it this time?" He nods, smiling at me with our hands still locked. "I realised during this one month of separation and finding myself, it's you who I want to spend the rest of my years with. You made me happy during and after the bet, I know our relationship isn't perfect but I don't mind an imperfect relationship. As long as I am here, with you by my side, I will be happy."

He brings my hands closer to his lips before kissing them and rubs them. I smile and place my other free hand on top of his hands. "I love you Lana, a lot," I nod, "I love you too,"

We ski back to our cabin but what waited for us was very uncalled for. Yuta walked over to Kiko after returning his equipment. Of course, being the pregnant lady she is, she started throwing a huge tantrum at Yuta, beating and punching him. Everyone around them was watching the big scene that Kiko is causing and Yuta was clearly embarrassed by it. Taeyong couldn't handle see Yuta being mistreated like that so he stepped forward and grabs Kiko's arms before she could land another slap across Yuta's face. "That's enough,"

"This is my problem with Yuta! Stay out of it," Taeyong glared at her and pinned her to the wall with her hands above her head, "Unless you don't want me to push you on the ground and lose your baby, I suggest you stop mistreating my friend or it won't end well for you and the baby,"

"You dare threaten me? I let you know my brother-"

"Is weak, pathetic and is a coward, he can't even protect himself and now he has to protect a cow like you? Tsk, we are in high school for god sake, grow up, you're not a freshman, you got yourself screwed up and now you're lashing it out on him because he went out with Lana?" Kiko glares at him not liking every single word he said. "As I said before if you don't like the way we run things here, you are free to leave, we make the rules here and if you can't take it, then leave. No one is stopping you," He let go of Kiko and walked back to his room with his hands in his pocket.

Everyone in the room was impressed at how Taeyoung handled her. Before Taeyong makes his way back to his room, he stopped his tracks and looked down at Yuta, "Foolish of you to choose that cow instead of Lana, this is the punishment that you get," He walks away leaves everyone in the room speechless not saying another word.

I helped Yuta up and brought him to the infirmary there to get him patched up. Everyone followed to check on Yuta. All the time, he had his head down because he didn't want to see anyone after everything he did, he was ashamed to even face them. "Yuta, we aren't mad you know," Yuta looks up, his face has lightened up just a bit and see how he is relieved. "Really?"

"Yeah, Kiko is an asshole, I mean we dealt with Kiko before so we know how she is, no one blames you for choosing Kiko, because we know how manipulative she is, angry yes but disappointed? No," Mark sits down beside Yuta and pulls him into a tight hug. Doyoung and Jaehyun did the same too and for some reason, I could tell that they were all longing for each other's comfort. Jaehyun did say before, NCT is the only family that Yuta has, apart from his real one but NCT is what keeps Yuta going.

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