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" thank you everyone for attending this early meeting which is outside of our work time

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" thank you everyone for attending this early meeting which is outside of our work time . "

miko said as she stood in the front with her slides all ready for her presentation . " excuse me but y/n isn't here yet " naoto spoke out which miko just nod . " this is exactly why we are holding this meeting " naoto was slightly confused by what miko had said . " we have our suspect for the girl with mikey the other day . "  she clicked the space bar , proceeding onto the next slide , showing a picture of a girl who somewhat looked like y/n on a bike with mikey . " i took this picture yesterday night . don't she look like y/n ? " miko questioned while the others started whispering to each other among themselves . naoto carefully scanned the picture .

the girl indeed looked like y/n . " so you're saying y/n's is working for mikey ? " another person said out loud . " NO ! y/n would never do such a thing " naoto stood up , disagreeing with their point . " although she might look like y/n , that doesn't mean its her " naoto had all his trust onto y/n , he knew how passionate she was in her job and never would she ever do such a thing . " you're right , there is no specific proof that it is her . but we still need to be cautious . " miko explain as naoto calmed himself down , taking a seat . " so my suggestion is we try to hide as much information from y/n as we can for now until we prove her innocence . " naoto had no choice but to agree . he truly trusted that y/n wouldn't do such a thing .

' shit shit ' little do they know on the other side of the door , y/n was listening to every part of their conversation . she was about to go in earlier when she heard herself got mentioned in the crowd . she felt guilty seeing how naoto defended her a minute ago and she betrayed him and the team . " okay we will end this meeting here " hearing miko announce this , y/n quickly left and hid in one of the cubicles of the washroom .  ' sorry . im sorry naoto ' she gritted her teeth is distress . she covered her mouth when she heard two pairs of footsteps coming in , soon followed by the running sink . " i can't believe y/n is involved in the case " one of the girls said . " right . but naoto doesn't believe me . " it was miko's voice . she sighed .

y/n listened to their discussion as guilt ate her up . " eh ? you still like naoto ? " y/n mouth gaped hearing miko's friend ask . " mm "  ' what the ? miko likes naoto ? ' y/n said in her head as the two walked out of the washroom . she let out a sigh of relief finally able to breathe normally now that they were gone . she took out her phone to see a message from mikey . " what does this guy want ? "

mikey :
want to come over after work ?
oii don't ignore mee
5 minutes ago

y/n slightly chuckled . she didn't exactly accept his confession yet did he need her to . there was so much going on in her work that it might be risky for her to date or even see mikey now . she was truly on thin ice . " why am i even risking myself for him " she sighed , finally stepping out of the cubicle , straightening her skirt . she walked onto her desk already having people whispering to each other about her . she had to pretend she knew nothing but in fact she knew everything . she didn't have any friends other than naoto . she didn't need many friends . " morning " naoto greeted as she forced out a smile . she couldn't help buy feel ashamed of herself everytime she saw naoto . she didn't even want to imagine how disappointed naoto would be if he found how she had been lying to him . she understood why miko would like naoto .

he was a down to earth , honest man . proper and professional . he would be the policeman every kid wanted to be when they grew up . she couldn't help but want to let naoto have a easier job by disclosing some information about mikey . at the same time prove her ' innocence ' to everyone . " uh naoto " y/n called out . " i have some information regrading mikey and the other girl " she hesitated . " huh what is it ? " naoto sounded excited to finally hear information coming from y/n , their biggest suspect right now . " i think mikey has a girlfriend , i saw them yesterday . they kissed . " she was clearly talking about herself but anything as to clear her name . naoto's mouth formed into an ' o ' . " thanks for this . i'll inform the others " naoto smiled .

he looked genuinely happy . not because y/n made a discovery buy because he could explain her innocence to miko . he stood up as y/n watched his every move , seeing him take miko out for a talk alone . " what is it that you want to say naoto ? " miko said in a soft voice . she was clearly flustered that naoto had call her out to talk but a slight disappointment showed knowing it probably for work . " y/n isn't our suspected . " miko let out a soft ' huh ' as naoto proceeded to explain . " y/n told me that found out that mikey had a girlfriend . why would she tell me if she was on mikey's side . " miko was alittle pissed off . everytime naoto talked to her it was always related to y/n . she couldn't help but feel jealous .

" well she could be his girlfriend . " naoto look at miko with an unbelievable face . " why would she sabotage herself if she was ? " miko sighed . " oi do you like y/n " miko asked in annoyed tone . " no " never had naoto ever thought of such a thing . naoto had always seen y/n as a good friend . he wouldn't trade anyone or anything for their friendship .


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