Shot what do I do?

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In a private chat:

Castiel: Hey Kacchan! You just had to jinx me today!

???: who is this?

Castiel: Kacchan, I am serious! You didn't had to lecture me on how dangerous it would be!

???: again who is this?

Castiel: Well thanks to that and yes I am giving you the fault that I was actually shot.

???: shot? whos it this?

Castiel: Kacchan this is not funny anymore!

???: why were you shot?

Castiel: Arg! Kacchan!

???: you have definitely the wrong number here.

Castiel: Kacchan stop joking around and please just tell me how to treat a bullet wound.

???: *sigh* you really got shot?

Castiel: That's what I've been writing you the whole time! Am I speaking another language or something?

???: you have a first aid kit?

Castiel: No.

???: alcohol and some bandages?

Castiel: Is Vodka good enough

???: *sigh* yes...

Castiel: okay! Well what do I do?

???: Is the bullet still in you?

Castiel: Yes.

???: *sigh* that makes it complicated. can you get the bullet out?

Castiel: I need to do it right, so yes I can.

???: get it out and use alcohol to disinfect it and bandage it also apply some pressure on it while you do. the would will need to be stitched probably.

Castiel: That was not so hard was it now Kacchan?!

???: still i am not whoever kacchan is and you got the wrong number.

Castiel: Oh!

???: wanna tell me what happened now?

Castiel: Well thank you stranger!

Castiel: No!

???: you should go to a hospital to check it up.

Castiel: haha jokes on you! I wouldn't be asking for help if I had the opportunity to go to a hospital

Time skip brought to you by a hissing in pain Izuku that just poured alcohol over the wound before stiching himself up.

Castiel: Just wanted to thank you again for helping me get the bullet out and treating the wound.

???: no problem but still go get it checked up.

Castiel: Not gonna happen! I don't have a death wish.

???: death wish?

Castiel: Ohh right a person born with a quirk wouldn't understand it either ways!

???: try me.

Castiel: So you have a weak quirk or a quirk that is called evil. Still not as dangerous as being quirkless.

???: i know that the mortality rate for quirkless people is very low which means that you are still a kid.

Castiel: Ding Ding Ding! You got that right and if you know that that can only mean that you are a hero who cares.

???: correct.

Castiel: Well that means I should stop writing because you will have the chance of backtracking my phone so bye hero!

Castiel went ofline

Izuku POV:


Just my luck after being shot and loosing so much blood to not being even able to even put Kacchans number into my phone!

Like what did you even think?

Maybe that it would be safer to not save my friends phone number because if I lose my phone and they figure it out he will be trouble..


That must be it!

Still there needs to be a way that I cansave his phonenumber for emergencies like this one!

Who was this even?

At least I figured out he is a hero.

But a hero with an sovalled evil quirk?!


There is only one hero that I know of and he is after me!!!!

Shit this was Eraserhead!


I could literally scream if it was not for all the people around me that will certainly wake up by a kids scream...

Relax Izuku!

I got this!

Oh my gosh I just contacted a hero because of my dumb luck!


What do I do now?

Meh I'ma save his number.

He is a hero after all. I might need some help sometimes...

How late is it even?

Oh NO!

Oh NO!


Kacchan will kill me for not texting him!


Just like that I began running and jumping from roof to roof until I finally was at my hideout. It was not much but it was still a nice place. I was staying in an abandoned warehouse not far away from Dagoba beach. The ocean calms me down and I liked going out to the beach using it as a training ground as well as collecting some stuffs for the vigilante gear I make.

Once I arrived home I made sure to text Kacchan that I was fine and this time I made sure that I got the right number!

Wrong Number (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now