School visit!

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Aizawa' POV:

I hated this idea!

Who came even up with something stupid as this?

Like why do we have to?

I'm an underground hero too!!

It's not like someone will recognize me do I want people to know about me!

*Sigh* I could have just laid in my bed and enjoyed the day with a jar of coffee too!

This was my day off, you freaking RAT SATAN!

I was currently in the back seat of a car trying to sleep while Mic and Midnight were screaming to a song and driving to a school Nezu wants us to visit. That rat Satan came to the idea to make us UA staff visit all the schools around UA just give the kids a better understanding of what a hero is after I expelled my whole class last year.

It was not that I thought that it was a bad idea, people these days only want to be a hero for the fame and the money. Disgusting to say the least. Naturally I came up with a test that lets me see their quirks and how well they do with it as well as their character and true motivation behind wanting to be a hero.

Mic: Sho we are here!

Me: *Sigh* Do I need to go? Can't I just stay here?

Mic: Nope!

Midnight: Oh, come on you sleepy caterpillar! We are already late thanks to you. Now out!

Me: *Sigh*

I did as both of them said and got out with them. This was one annoying job that Nezu made us do. The last couple of schools I visits had only brats and wanna be rich people. If I see one of them participate in the entrance exam, I'm going to vote against them immediately! Thinking about it, this might also have been what Nezu was going for. Eliminating candidates before they even try to go to school. A smart move but annoying to say the least.

Mic: This is the class!

It didn't take us long to find the class we were supposed to visit. The school wasn't that big after all.

Midnight: Sho please don't use your quirk to make them shut up.

Me: Why.

Midnight: You are not serious right now?

Me: They are all annoying and bratty. It's not like I scream at them.

Mic: Sho, how many times do I need to tell you. Your quirk is scaring them!

Midnight: Agree! They are still kids after all!

Me: No promises.

Mic: Well let's go in!

So went inside the classroom and the moment I saw the kids looking at me, I knew that I hated them all. However, as I was looking around there were two kids that didn't pay any attention to us. One was laying face first on his desk and just looking outside the window. He had some green hair that could only described as wild. The other one a blond spiky haired kid was looking at us but permanently glancing over to his friend I assumed. He looked worried for him.

???: OMG THAT'S MIC!!!!

Mic: Hello little listeners!


Midnight: Oh hello darling!

???: But who's that hobo?

Me: I'm pro-hero Eraserhead, kid! Don't call me a hobo again!

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