The end of Castiel!

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I woke up in an extremely white room.

Where am I?

What happened?

My mind was a little bit foggy at the moment. I tried the best I could to remember what happened before I blacked out and especially where the heck I am. It looked like an infirmary.

I could hear some beeping. Looking at the source of it, I found myself attached to two machines. One for checking up my heart rate and another one that was attached to the oxygen mask.

Why do I have a mask on?!

I pulled the mask off my face and detached all the machines from me. Next I sat um on the bed wondering what and why I couldn't remember anything. As I was looking around the room, the curtains close to my bed suddenly where opened and Recovery Girl came to me.

Recovery Girl: Please lay down.

Me: What happened?

Kacchan: Don't you fucking remember?

I could see Kacchan over the healers shoulder laying in another bed.

Me: Kacchan?

Kacchan: Deku you serious?

Me: Yeah, I am serious. Serious Serious like dead serious! Now can someone please tell me what happened?

All I remember was being in a car crash and then nothing.

Recovery Girl: I'll get Nezu and your new parents in.

I watched the healer go away and Bakugo stand up from his bed coming over to mine and sat on the side of it.

Me: New parents?

Kacchan: You fucking got adopted Izu!

Me: Adopted? Why?

Kacchan: You are such a Deku sometimes.

Me: I know and that my head is still fuzzy doesn't make it better.

Kacchan: Thanks Izu.

Me: For what?

Kacchan: You saved me.

Me: I did?

That was when Mic and Aizawa including Nezu came into the room.

Aizawa: Yes problem child you did.

Nezu: What is the last thing you remember so I can quickly brief you.

Me: Car crash and blacking out.

Nezu: I see.

Recovery Girl: It must be the drugs doing.

Me: Drug?

Recovery Girl: Dearie they gave you a drug mix that is poisonous. I tried making an antidote and it worked but it looks like you lost a part of your memory.

Mic: It's better if he doesn't remember what happened to him.

Aizawa: I agree.

Me: Can someone please tell me what is going on!

Nezu: Are you familiar with the black rose's organization?

Me: Yeah why?

Nezu: They were the ones after you and your mother was a part of them.

Me: I knew that she was a part of them but I didn't though she would snitch on me. Where is she now.

Mic: I am sorry little listener.

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