My precious soon to be son!

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Aizawa's POV:

I barely slept for 2 days. There was not even one moment where I stopped searching for him. It was around 4 p.m. and I was searching for him again and again and again. There was no street and no alley that I didn't search through. I even checked every abandoned building but there was no sign of my soon to be son.

Not a single information about him!

Damn it!

How can they be so thoroughly!

Why doesn't Nezu tell us about their were about?

It was only after the third day that Nezu told us their whereabouts and also the location. He told us we would attack at 6 p.m and it was currently 4 p.m. and this was currently where me and Zashi were heading. We knew it was way too early for it but both of us were worried and wanted our soon to be son back.

However after we were running towards the scene where we would meet up the others there we found Izuku dragging his best friend and walking on the street. He looked bad and the most surprising thing was that he was caring Bakugo. I quickly went to his side and caught him before he could hit the ground. I could see that exhaustion was eating at the poor kid. I carefully picked him up and let my husband take Bakugo.

Don't you dare die on me problem child!

Stay strong!

Me: Stay strong kid!

Izuku was slightly shaking by my touch and I was wondering once again what he must have been through.

The poor thing had blood all over him. He had some cut wounds that looked pretty deep. Then the collar around his neck was thick and I knew that it was a quirk suppression shock collar from the black market. I could smell the burned skin and saw the blood all around it. He looked so much in pain even in his unconscious state. Then I saw the blood dripping down from his head. He had a bad head wound and some glass still sticking in his skin.

Me: I'll get you to Chiyo, kid!

As I gently picked him up bridal style I could feel how hot he was. Izuku was literally burning from the inside out. I knew I needed to get him to a healer and fast.

Please stay strong, don't give up!

With that in mind I immediately ran to UA. I luckily had my ear bud on me that was connected to my phone all I had to do if I wanted to call someone was giving the command for it.

Me: Call Nezu!

It was the newest invention from the support course and it was handy to say the least. I could immediately hear the ringing sound and it didn't take long for the creature to pick up.

Me: I have Izuku and am on my way to UA!

Then the phone call ended. There was nothing more that needed to be said. Not even 5 minutes later, I arrived in front of the main building. The moment my feet touched the ground I was immediately running to the infirmary.

We are here kitten! You will get the treatment you deserve!

Once I entered the infirmary, I put Izuku and the hero down. Next thing I know I was thrown out of the room by the healer.

Nezu was too.

Me: I'll get the black roses back for this!

Mic: They will pay for this!

Nezu: Where did you find him?

Me: On the streets. It looked like he was heading this way. He was caring Bakugo.

Mic: You saw the collar?

Nezu: A quirk suppression shock collar.

Me: Yes, the newest and strongest one on the black market.

Nezu: I hope he won't sustain any injuries from it that can't be healed.

Mic: Me too....

We waited a full hour for the healer to come out and brief us about their conditions.

Me: How is my green bean?

Chiyo: He is in a rather critical condition and I need Power Loaders help to remove the collar from him.

Mic: What about the other kid

Chiyo: He didn't had any at all and when I tried to get Izukus of it immediately went off on the highest voltage and thanks to that I needed to give him an oxygen mask. I can't treat his injured neck while he has that thing on and by the looks off it they also may have drugged him. I am also unable to use my quirk on him since he is currently way to weak, which makes recovery harder than it should be. Furthermore, I decided to put him in an artificial coma because he wasn't reacting to the pain as the collar went off. I don't want to make the child suffer any more then he already did.

Nezu : I am going to get Power Loader immediately.

Nezu: I'll inform detective Tsukauchi about this turn of even and all the other Pro-heroes after sending Power Loader to me. The rescue mission is now officially a capture mission. Now that we know that they are safe there is no need to hold back anymore. If you guys want to participate in it you should go now.

Me: I'll stay here.

Mic: Me too!

Chiyo: I am gonna stay here and see what I can for both of them.

Me, Mic and Chiyo went back in to the two children's bed and 15 minutes later Power Loader came in.

Power Loader: Where is the kid?

Chiyo: He is laying right there. Be careful I tried to get it off but it went off immediately. Another shock from that shock collar at maximum might kill him.

Power Loader: I understand.

4 hours later and Power Loader got the collar of Izuku but after seeing what type of collar it was his blood and everyone else's in the room froze.

Power Loader: oh my gosh... who does that?

Chiyo: I don't know.

Mic: ..... Let me kill them!

Me: Zashi calm down! They'll get what they deserve!

The collar had some needles on the inside that would directly conduct the voltage into his body. Furthermore they were attached on the back of his neck directly at connected to his spine and on the side of his throat piercing his carotid artery. Then there were spikes that were not sharp but were intended to choke him while he gets electrocuted by it. After we carefully removed the collar and its 4x 5 cm needles from his spine and the 2x 3cm side needles that were about 5 mm thick after the needle point. It was a gruesome sight.

I watched how Chiyo carefully applied some ointment, and gave him an injection which she told us is an antidote to whatever drug they put in him, and then wrapped up his neck.

Izuku looked like a porcelain doll. His skin was unnaturally white from all the pain, blood lose and the drug/poison.

Power Loader: Will he be ok?

Chiyo: I don't know yet.

I hated it. I was so powerless. He was my kid and I was there when they got him. I should have been the one that they tortured and not him.

Chiyo: You should get the collar to Nezu. He should be able to find out who bought it. I am sure he will find the people that developed this and get them behind bars too.

Power Loader: On my way. If there is anything I can do for them, don't hesitate and tell me. I will drop everything and do it.

Chiyo: I will. Now go.

This child has endured so much pain and was still holding on to life. I would do anything to help him. Since Nezu was helping me and Mic to adopt him, I felt like he was my son already. This was something I took way to personal and I couldn't help it too. From the look and tears on my husband's face I could tell that he could feel the same way as I did. We both couldn't do anything for him beside watch.

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