My Family... Gone

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After that lovely little talk, I was forced to stay with Eraserhead since they still couldn't get my mother to answer the phone and Kacchan wrote me back that she still wasn't back. This was how I spend the night over with 2 pro heroes.

It was also Eraserhead who officially introduce himself as Aizawa Shota to me and his life partner Mic as Hizashi Yamada. All in all I occupied the guest room and tried to get out but they it was Aizawa who made sure that the windows were locked and closed and as if that wasn't enough he was also sleeping in front of the guestrooms door in his sleeping bag. Like dude couldn't you give me some space?

The next day we went over to my house since I needed some school stuff and that was when we noticed what was going on.

I opened the door and nothing was out of the ordinary until I went further inside the apartment. There was the strong smell of blood and rotten flesh.

Aizawa: Stay here kid!

Me: The heck I will!

That was all I said before running to my mother's room. I was always forbidden to go inside and this was the reason why I stopped right in front of it too. Hesitant I began reaching for the doorknob which was completely covered in blood. There was no blood trail at all but the doorknob had some on it.

Aizawa: Izuku step back!

Me: She still my mom!

This was all I said and all the time I needed to get my feelings in chest and open the door. I was scared for a bit that someone might hit me when I go in but seeing as my mom could and probably would need a lot of help straight away if she isn't already dead by judging from the smell.

The moment I opened the door I found my mom laying there on the ground. My eyes went wide because of the state she was in and the room that was covered in blood.

It was such a gruesome scene that I fell on my knees sobbing. There in the middle of the room on her bed lied my mom beheaded and every part of her body was also ripped in pieces. As if that wasn't enough her organs were laying on top of the blood stained sheet and her chest was completely open. Her heart was put on her head which was facing the door and was in between her feet's at the bottom of the bed.

The more I was thinking about the scene the more I wanted to throw up and Aizawa picked me up and sprinted out of the apartment to the street and put me down only after making sure that I wasn't shivering anymore.

Aizawa: I am so sorry you had to see this kid.

Me: I wanted to open the door after all no matter what you said.

Aizawa: I'm bringing you to UA. You are not going to your school today.

Me: But!

Aizawa: No buts Izu! You are still shaking a little bit and you are as white as a sheet!

I knew he was right and I also knew that there was nothing I could say or do to make him rethink. On top of that I wasn't in a condition to even run away. That was how shocked I was from the scene.

This was how me and the pro went side by side towards his car, got in and were on the way to UA. However after a while I had a very bad feeling. As if that wasn't enough I had also the feeling that someone was watching and following me. I began looking outside the window and to the side mirror only to see a black car with tinted windows.

Me: Aizawa-San?

Aizawa: Aizawa is enough.

Me: Okay ahm Aizawa can you turn right here?

Aizawa: Why?

Me: I think the car behind us is following us.

Aizawa: So you noticed?

Me: Yeah and I also have a bad feeling and I know I can trust my gut.

Aizawa: Sure if that makes you feel better.

He did as I asked and the car began following us.

Me: This is bad isn't it?

Aizawa: Hold on thing kid!

Without any warning Aizawa began speeding up and this was how we kinda got into a car chase. He threw me his phone and told me to call Nezu and tell him about our situation. I was about to do that until we got to a street with no cars. I began searching through his contact until I saw something yellow with some electricity bolts from the side. Looking towards it I saw a huge track coming right at us through a yellow portal with lightning bolts all around it.


That was all I could say before actually hitting the call button.

There was absolutely no way we could dodge that nor could we turn around or just drive backwards. It was coming at us with an incredible speed and this was when it hit us.

It was as if time began to slow down as I saw all the shards from the window break and I got shaken up. The car began to tilt to the side and roll a couple of meters. I saw some blood drops going through the air and I looked to my side to see Aizawa having a huge wound on his head. His eyes were also slowly falling down.

I wasn't any better. Everything started spinning and turning around. The moment the car stopped moving we were hanging upside down and I could feel a stinging sensation coming from my cheek and my leg.

A couple of minutes passed and all I could do was blink and try to focus and get my fill body control back. While I did that I could hear a tingling in my ears. Past that tingling I heard someone approaching us and I started to play dead.

???: Is he?

???: Who Castiel? No way!

???: Let's check it!

I didn't know the voices at all but I could feel someone touching my neck.

???: Still alive.

???: Get him out! Our boss will love this news!

???: What about the other person?

???: The guy was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Thank god they don't know who Aizawa is!

???: Collateral damage I see.

???: Wait! before you get him out give him the injection!

???: Ah right! Completely forgot about it!

The guy did as he told and I could feel the injection piece through my skin and only seconds later I felt very hot and passed out completely. All I could do was worry about Aizawa as he was badly injured or so I thought from what I have seen.

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