Luck is not on my side...

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In a private chat:

Castiel: Hey, Kacchan.... Can you tell me what do to with 3rd degree burns?

Eraserhead: go the wrong number again...

Castiel: Ohhh... well Eraserhead-sama can you please tell me what to do?

Eraserhead: why are you even still awake?

Castiel: What do you mean? I am a night owl!

Eraserhead: and the bullet wound?

Castiel: Got healed

Eraserhead: you wanna tell me how you got like 3rd degree burns?

Castiel: You wanna tell me what to do?

Eraserhead: get to a hospital kid!

Castiel: Not happening!

Eraserhead: *sigh* problem child!

Castiel: NO!

Eraserhead: Take off any tight clothing you have around the burned area. burns can swell quickly. hold burned skin under cool (not cold) running water or immerse in cool water until the pain subsides. cover with sterile, non-adhesive bandage or clean cloth. do not apply butter, oil, lotions, or creams. Apply a petroleum-based ointment two to three times per day.

Castiel: .... sounds not possible. Is there any other thing I can do?

Eraserhead: what the heck kid?

Castiel: Well I am currently out being chased by a flaming trashcan so yeah not possible.

Eraserhead: you a thief, a villain or a vigilante.

Castiel: One of the above.

Eraserhead: and endeavor is running after you?

Castiel: Yep.

Eraserhead: where are you?

Castiel: In town.

Eraserhead: kid, if he gets you he will try to kill you.

Castiel: I know. He already burned my whole fucking back!

Eraserhead: *sigh* tell me where you are!

Castiel: Why? So that I can have another pro at my neck? No thank you!

Eraserhead: KID!!!


Eraserhead: i wouldn't let endeavor kill you! Now tell me where you are!




Eraserhead: I'LL FIND YOU!!!

In another private chat:

Castiel: Kacchan?

Kacchan: What?

Castiel: Endehoe is after me! I can't shake him off. You got an idea?

Kacchan: Jump of a freaking bridge like last time.

Castiel: There is none around!

Kacchan: Wait did he get you?

Castiel: Yep.

Kacchan: How bad?

Castiel: Burned my complete back...

Kacchan: And you just got healed today too. GREAT! I'm killing this bitch if I ever have the opportunity to do that!

Castiel: Don't you dare murder anyone for me.

Wrong Number (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now