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I couldn't help but try to get out of the school in a different way than the front door. I mean who wouldn't? He just found out that I was Castiel and tells me to get with him. Like no way in hell was I going with him? Besides it was not like I wanted to be caught or die in the first place but I was soo sure by now that live was after me and wanted me dead.

First I get shot!

Then I get a fever and the attention of a pro.

After that I got shot again...

Get healed and burned by a pro on the same day.

And everything happens in a timespan of what 2 days?

Life really hated me.

At the first opportunity, I turned around and bolted the other direction and screamed at the caterpillar to go and get me. I didn't know why I was screaming caterpillar but he looked like one to me. No one can tell me that a hobo looking man was not some sort of caterpillar with that black hero costume. Needless to say that I saw his sleeping bag yesterday in his car. He was one 100%!

Once I started running, I quickly went up the stairs and around the corner. Next thing I did was dodging his scarf while I was running up and down the stairs in one corner just to get to another floor in the other corner. Needless to say I was careful not to make any patterns and started running randomly into rooms and out of them to trapping the hero in couple.

At the end I somehow managed to lose him. Not only that but I also was now completely alone and out of breath.

Me: Where did he go?

I mean my goal was to get rid of him but he was way no fun this way at all. However I was also glad that he wasn't running after me again. It was getting hard to move and I could feel something dripping down from my back. Knowing that I went to the next bathroom. There was no way he would find me in a bathroom. There were like 21 classrooms on each floor as well as 4 floors he had to go through. Then there were also the restrooms and the other rooms where the students don't have access too. Well a lot of doors to open and rooms to check. That was for sure.

Once I was inside the restroom, I quickly put down my black jacket and also my white short. After that I turned around to have a look at my back and it looked bad.

Me: fucking flaming trash of a hero! Shit! Now I am even sounding like Kacchan.

The moment I was about to rest and wash my back a little bit off, the door towards the restrooms was burst open and an exhausted and out of breath hero came inside looking at me and my shirtless top body.

Eraserhead: Found you!

Me: HUH?! HOW?!

Eraserhead: Kid, you are leaving a blood trail.

Me: Oh...

Eraserhead: Turn around kid.

Me: Why?

Eraserhead: I always have some first aid with me as well as some cream against burned skin.

Me: And you are to tell me that you are casually carrying it with you everywhere?

Eraserhead: I do. Kid, do you see how many pockets I have?

Me: Too many.

Eraserhead: Useful.

Me: All right.

There was no point in getting away from him just yet. I let the hero come over to me and apply some on my back. After that he loosely bandaged me up and I put back my clothes on.

Once we were done, we went out of the restroom, down the stars and that was when I started running off again. Like I jumped over the railing of the stars landed on the ground floor and started bolting.

Eraserhead: Seriously?

I could hear the pro hero sight and question his live choices for a bit before starting to run after me again. However I quickly got into a large room where normally we students liked to hang our brakes. There was also this nice chandelier.

Some crackling could be heard in the room and I thought that the hero might have dropped something. It made turn around and lose my footage so that I landed in the middle of the room right below the chandelier.

Eraserhead: WHATCH OUT IZUKU!!!!

I was about to get up if not for the scarf that wrapped around me and junked me back. In one moment I was trying to get up and ignore the pain and in the other I was being hugged from behind lightly and could only watch as the chandelier came crashing on me.

Me: ....

All I could do was blink.

Eraserhead: You okay kid?

No respond from me.

I still couldn't believe what just happened at all.

Me: ...

Eraserhead: Kid?

Before I knew it, the hero released me from his grasp and began carrying me out of the school. Once we were outside Bakugo came over to us and nearly exploded seeing me so quiet. My situation could be described as playing dead with open eyes.

Though all I could do was think about what happened. It was too big of a coincident that that just happened. Which let me to think that someone knew about me or cursed me. Since Curses were not a real thing, someone was after my life for sure.


Eraserhead: Save his life again.

Bakugo: Put him the fuck down!

It was only after I heard Bakugo's voice that I snapped out of whatever I was thinking about. Though I really tried to remember if there was someone following me and knows that I was Castiel at all.

Me: Kacchan, stop. He really saved me.

Eraserhead: So this is Kacchan uh?

Bakugo: Bakugo for you hobo!

Eraserhead: *Sigh* I have not the time to deal with you. I am bringing him to a healer.

Bakugo: Fine. Deku text me when you feel better.

Me: I will.

After that Eraserhead went towards his car and put me inside telling the principal that I got hurt and that it was his job to make sure that everyone was alright. I could tell however that the man wasn't pleased by what he said and I knew that Eraserhead knew it too just by judging of the tone of voice he was using.

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