Black Rose and Castiel

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Nezu's POV:

I was in the middle of trying to find out who was after Castiel. There were a lot of enemies the little kid made to himself since he started being a vigilante. However there was only one big organization he got down and the mastermind of it in jail. As if that wasn't enough there was a recent jail break and the mastermind behind that organization got lose.

It wasn't hard to guess that they came after him for revenge.

Me: The question is only how they found out that you were Castiel?

I began searching for more information until my phone began ringing. Looking at the caller ID I saw that it was Aizawa and knowing that it was rather early and Izuku was with him, I picked up the phone and answered.

Me: How may I help you?

Once I heard unknown voice I immediately started tracking the phone only to find out that there were in an abandoned part of the city. Without any hesitation I muted myself and called Mic and a couple of Pro heroes as well as Chiyo to get to that explicit coordination I got. All I could do was hope that they were okay and that they wouldn't get killed.

???: Is he?

???: Who Castiel? No way!

So they really knew who Castiel is!

???: Let's check it!

???: Still alive.

???: Get him out! Our boss will love this news!

???: What about the other person?

???: The guy was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

???: Collateral damage I see.

???: Wait! before you get him out, give him the injection!

???: Ah right! Completely forgot about it!

I heard some rustling and a crashing sound and I could only think about the phone that must have hit the ground as well as them getting Izuku out of the car.

While I still was listening to the conversation which was now barely heard I was also coordinating the police, heroes and ambulance to rush at the side.

???: We finally got him!

???: Boss will be happy about our catch!

That was all I heard until I could hear the siren and the heroes voices. This was the sign for me to end the call. I knew from that small conversation that they were willing to do anything to get the poor kid in their hand.

Now back to the question!

How did they found out about Castiel's identity?

I began checking up every single information I could get about Izuku seeing if there was anything that was connecting the organization to his private life until I found an image. It was a rather old image of the organizations first debuting attack. Back then there was a women involved who had a psychokinesis quirk. Although it was weak, she was still very dangerous since she always had needles and knifes with her.

Now after finding that picture I immediately began searching for any videos that contained a women with that had the same costume on and this was how I found out about her quirk. They mystery woman was called Reclusium.

That was when things began to get interesting because I could make the connection between his mother and Reclusium. Both woman's had the same high and appearance as well as quirk. Knowing this meant that the woman somehow must have found out about his son's doing. That meant that she told them who he was.

This was the only explanation I got since all I could find about Castiel were some new report saying a vigilante by the name of Castiel saved an orphanage and one that said unmown vigilante brought organization down, Castiel is the one suspect of doing this.

The kid was very careful not to leave any information at all and this was also an indication of what a bright mind the kid must have.

Once I found that out and got informed that my staff members were back with Aizawa, I immediately went for the infirmary room.

Me: How is he?

Chiyo: Not Responsive but safe.

Me: Were there any kind of security footage around?

Mic: No. We couldn't find anyone that even heard what happened.

Me: I know what happened.

Mic: How?

Me: I got a call from Aizawa as everything happened. Izuku was kidnapped by the Black Rose organization.

Mic: Wait but isn't that organization gone like their big boss in jail if I remember correctly.

Me: Not anymore. There was a jail break and there were only 3 persons that escaped all of them were important members of the Black Rose.

Mic: But how do they know about him?

Me: His mother was a part of the Black Rose.

Detective Tsukauchi was a dear friend of Mic and Aizawa this was why I had him here. Not only that but I trusted him not to tell anyone about Izuku's identity even though it was his job. Needless to say that people never disobey what I say for a good reason. I could simply end a man's career if I wanted to in seconds.

Tsukauchi: My detectives found a dead body in the kid's home. From what they told me it is the mother and she was gruesomely put on display. It was too much for the new comers.

Me: I see. So my suspicions were right.

Chiyo: You wanna let us join in your thoughts?

Me: His mother was a member of Black Rose. I was only hypothesizingthat she might have found out about his doing and told her higher ups. Seeing as how she was put on display that means that it was true.

Tsukauchi: I can confirm that. They found Reclusium costume neatly folded below her chopped off head and a black rose inside her chest.

Mic: We need to find Izuku!

Me: We do but we also need to be careful as not to allure the whole organization.

Mic: They have my son Nezu!

Me: Your son you say?

Mic: I ahm... I mean Izuku.

Me: No need to correct yourself. I am aware of Aizawa's search history on the UA Pc about adoption processes. After everything is over I'll help you two of course.

Mic: thank you.

After that I went back to my principal's room and started researching about the old abandoned hideout of black rose. If they were that dump to make it rather obvious of who they are then there was a good chance that they would stay at their old hideout too.

I also had Chiyo send me reports about Aizawa's condition and thankfully it wasn't something very dangerous and could be healed by Chiyo immediately.

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