A brother and friend for life!

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I spent the whole night in my hideout not even thinking about what would happen to me if I wouldn't come home that day. It was already late anyways and I got shot so there was no way I would return to that hellhole again!

My mom was a little bit special.

It was not that I didn't loved her but she had some serious problems after my dad just vanished. All he said was he is going out to get milk after hearing that I was quirkless and never came back. Thanks to that bastard I was no living one of the worst lives I could.

So, after that dumb bustard left us, my mom started drinking in order to forget her life completely. With 4 I had my first lesson of never disobeying her when she was drunk. That time I didn't know why she acted that way and thought she hated me but in reality, her personality changes every time she is drunk.

If she is sobber which is a very rare occasion, she would be the sweet mom I remember and care for me. She was the best mom there is! I loved her for accepting me and not throwing me out. Once she was really sobber and back to being herself she would make me something to eat and talk to me. We would spend the entire day just talking together. However, I knew that it pained her to know that Hisashi my dad left us because of me. She loved him and that was clearly visible by all the pictures I found from them. They were her treasures.

Alcohol was her way of escaping the reality she lived in and the past she couldn't simply forget. I couldn't blame her for that at all.

I woke up early in the morning and immediately changed into my school uniform. I was still a 13-year-old student after all. There was no need to get home and get probably scolded and beaten if she was drunk or only scolded if she was sobber. More importantly I didn't want another wound not after the bullet wound, I already had hurt like a bitch.

Naturally I felt dizzy because of all the blood I lost and since I didn't eat anything in like 2 weeks there was no way I would feel any better at all! On top of that I also haven't slept much which explains my sluggishness and sleepiness.

On the way to school, I met Bakugo. It was our routine. We would always meet up no matter what and if I don't show up, I need to at least text him to let him know I was still alive. He was the only person that didn't care at all that I was quirkless. Not only that but he also protects me in school from the others. We were like brothers!

Kacchan: Oi! You look like shit!

Me: I not only look like it, I feel like that too! Ah and sorry Kacchan I'm late!

Kacchan: I don't care about that you nerd!

Me: Why are you angry then?

He quickly took out a small box from his back and forced it into my hands.

Me: What's that?

Kacchan: Open it!

I did as I was told and I found 2 sandwiches in it.

Kacchan: You didn't have any breakfast, did you?

Me: You are the best Kacchan!!

I accepted the food and enjoyed it. Just by the taste of it I could tell that it was something Bakugo made. His cooking skills were something else!

Me: Oh my *omnomnom* good!!!

Kacchan: You idiot! Just eat it and don't talk.

It only took me 15 minutes to finish the sandwiches and lick my fingers because it was so good. We still had another 15 minutes of walk until we get to our school.

Kacchan: Did something happen yesterday?

Me: No nothing special.

Now this was a lie and I was really bad like really really bad at lying. How should I put this? I would avoid eye contact the moment I start or try lying. So it was clear that I was lying.

Kacchan: Izu?

Me: Fine, I ran into some complications.

Kacchan: What kind of complications?

Me: First Endeahoe!

Kacchan: Oh, that flammable bastard!! Did he get you?

Me: Thankfully no.

Kacchan: I can smell a fucking but!

Me: Well after that I somehow ended into a gang fight and got shot.


Me: As if that was not enough I instead of contacting you, I texted a hero for help.

Kacchan: Oh Izu... contacting a hero might have been the best what you ever did but who did you contact and how did you get a hold of a hero's number?

Me: I completely like completely miss typed yours.


Me: I know and my luck is shit!

Kacchan: So who was it?

Me: Eraserhead.

Kacchan: That hero that is after your head?

Me: Mhm.

Kacchan: Pfff hahahahahahaha

Me: That's not funny like at all!

Kacchan: It is!

Me: NO! Kacchan, please!

Kacchan: Fine but your luck really is shit. So, did you end up going home or?

Me: No and I don't even want to know what will happen if I return back home.

Kacchan: The old hag said your mom was drinking again yesterday while you were not there.

Me: Oh great more beatings, more bruises and more wounds!

Kacchan: You know you can stay with us. Our door is always open for you.

Me: Nah! Someone needs to at least take care of my mom. I still love her and she needs me! You know that too!

Kacchan: I know. You are just too pure and perfect for this world.

Me: Oh shit! We will be late! Let's hurry, I really don't want to get scolded and told to go into the corner again!

After that we sprinted to school as fast as my wounds were letting me go. Bakugo was adjusting his pace to be able to run beside me and keep a watch on me. I could tell that he was worried for me.

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