Chapter 5

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The drawing was done by me but the colors were chosen by one of my (ex)friends^
⚠️Cussing, someone being anxious, a lot of focus changes⚠️
"Thank you," Jack said quietly as he moved closer to Aiden.

Aiden hummed in response as he ran a hand through Jack's soft locks.

*Focusing on Cassie and Amy*

"The search team has just left, they got their location and should have your son and his friend within the hour." The original officer lady said to Cassie while handing her back her phone.

"Oh thank goodness, thank you so much. Please call me when you find them and I will be here to pick them both up." Cassie replied getting a nod in response.

"Thank you." She said before getting up and heading home.

Once she reached the house she saw that her wife and other kids were already there.

"I'm back!" She yelled when she unlocked the door.

"Does that mean the police are looking for Jack now?" A.J. asked sounding worried as they shot up from the couch.

"Yes, the police have found where they are being kept and are on their way to get them back now," Cassie replied easing Jazzalyn's nerves.

"He can answer calls right?" A.J. asked as they took their phone out.

"From what I know he can yes," Cassie replied as she sat down between Amy and Jazzalyn.

"Alright, I'm going to call him." They said before running upstairs and into their bedroom.

"They have been worried sick about him ever since I told them what happened," Amy said as she cuddled up to Cassie's side, pulling Jazz into the cuddle pile.

"We all have but he will be home soon so we shouldn't worry all too much," Cassie replied trying to stay optimistic.

"Yeah," Amy said with a nod.

*Focusing on A.J., Jack, & Aiden*

"Come on... pick up the phone!" They muttered as the Facetime rang.

They bit at their nail, an anxious habit they had.

Back in the dark room Jack's phone suddenly started to buzz just as he was about to fall asleep.

"The phone works again?" Aiden thought aloud.

He picked it up and answered the call.

"Hello?" He asked confusing A.J.

"Who are you and where is my brother?" They asked making Jack raise his head and look at the phone.

"A.J.?" Jack asked as he looked at the screen, his eyes squinting at the brightness of the screen.

"JACK! Are you okay? Who is that other person?!" A.J. asked quickly, worry evident in their tone.

"I'm fine and this is Aiden," Jack replied with a smile as Aiden turned the phone so they could both be seen on the screen at once.

"Did you seriously get kidnapped and yet get a boyfriend at the same time?" A.J. asked with a small smirk when they saw how red Jack got.

"Yes I did get kidnapped but no I didn't get a boyfriend," Jack replied as Aiden chuckled, the vibrations rumbling in his chest tickling Jack.

"Then why are you two cuddling?" A.J. asked with a raised brow.

They were much calmer now that they were able to see and talk to Jack.

"Well, I have been here for three years and haven't really gotten affection at all in my life so that's why," Aiden replied making A.J.'s smirk disappear.

"Oh sorry, I ju-" A.J. was cut off by Aiden.

"Nah, it's fine. If you have any gaydar then you would be able to tell that neither of us is straight so seeing us cuddle would give you the idea of us being together." He said shocking Jack.

A.J. smiled, "I like him, you should keep him if you can." They said to Jack making him flush.

"He isn't an item, he is a person," Jack replied making A.J. laugh while Aiden smiled.

"I know that but still. OH! The police should be there soon in case you didn't know already! They told Mum that they would be there within the hour." A.J. said with a large grin.

"That's good!" Jack replied as Aiden nodded in agreement.

He hadn't been outside in such a long time that he didn't really know how he would feel by the time he was freed.

If he was freed...

"So have you gotten food? Do they feed you? If not then you are going to pick whatever you want for dinner and get it." A.J. asked after looking over at the clock seeing that it was four-thirty.

"This is the first day they have skipped lunch and *he checked the time on the phone* it isn't dinner time yet so I don't know if they will feed us if we stay for that long," Aiden replied getting a nod.

"Well where would you two want to go and what do you want to get so I can go ahead and write it down for mum," A.J. asked as they pulled out a sticky note and a pen from their desk drawer.

"I want some sushi! Oooo or Ramen. Or both?" Jack replied, his stomach growling at the thought of the amazing food.

"Alright, and you Aiden?" They asked as they wrote down what Jack wanted.

"Oh, your mum or mom shouldn't have to pay for my meal. I'd be fine with just a sandwich and water. That's what I normally get here anyway." Aiden answered as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Definitely not, what do you want. They want to get you good food so where do you want it from and what do you want?" A.J. asked not taking that bullshit answer.

"I-um..." Aiden replied not knowing what he should say. He didn't want to make their moms pay for his meal but he also didn't have any money to pay for his own meal.

"My mum is a doctor so don't worry about the money, we are fine. Just pick what you want and tell them." Jack said as he looked at Aiden with a smile.

Aiden smiled back before looking at the phone again.

"That was pretty gay," A.J. mumbled knowing that another boy had heard them.

"Um, could I get a cheeseburger from Cook-Out with bacon wrapped and sweet tea please?" Aiden asked, his mouth practically watering at the thought of actually good food and not just a dry sandwich and occasionally an orange.

"Yep! Anything else?" They asked while writing down what he had already said.

"No thank you." He replied getting a nod.

"Well, I'm going to go and tel-" the phone cut off again.

"Shit. I thought we were done for the day, normally something comes in once a day." Aiden cursed as he pulled Jack closer to himself in a protective manner.

Suddenly the flashlight cut off as well before it started to flicker on and off.

"What the fuck?" He asked as Jack hid in his shoulder/chest.

Not even a minute later the light completely died.

"Enjoy the show~." An eerie voice purred in their ears before a bright light showed up infront of them...

1,184 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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