Chapter 10

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 ⚠Cussing, people crying because of a movie, someone being flustered, implied sex seen in a movie⚠
"Alright boys, grab your sandwiches and chips, and then you can watch Luca," Cassie said as she pointed over her shoulder to the two plates of sandwiches sitting on the kitchen island.

"Thank you." Jack and Aiden said together.

Aiden didn't really want to eat another sandwich in his lifetime but he also didn't want to refuse it so he ate it anyway. Luckily it wasn't dry, had good turkey and lettuce so it was pretty good.

"Alright, I would warn you about the two main characters being gay for each other but you already called me out for being gay, came out to me, and other stuff so there isn't much need." Jack said blushing slightly when he said "and other stuff".

"Wait are they really? Wow, movies have changed a lot. The closest thing I have seen to gays being the main character was "In a Heartbeat" and they didn't even hug at the end." Aiden said as Jazzalyn looked at them confused.

"What did you mean and other stuff Jack?" She asked with a raised brown before taking a bite of her Cool Ranch Doritos.

"Don't worry about it. Look the movie started." He said as he pressed play on the remote.

She huffed not liking not knowing what he meant but stayed quiet because she liked the movie. (Everyone but Aiden had already seen the movie three times.)

By the end of the movie, both boys were close to being in tears.

"Wait... do they see each other after school? When is the next movie coming out?" Aiden asked as he wiped his eyes getting the unshed tears out.

"We don't know. From what we know, as of now, there won't be a second movie." Jack replied as he wiped his eyes and face, having actually let a few tears slip.

"What?! This should be turned into a TV. series! They should all be about their summer together and in the end, they should have Alberto join their school as well. Then at the very very end, they should have Luca and Alberto get together!" Aiden said, Jazzalyn and Jack instantly agreeing with him.

"Alright boys, if you two want to watch more movies then go up to Jack's room, please. Amy and I want to watch a show down here." Cassie said as she took everyone's trash and put it into the bin.

"Okay mum," Jack replied before grabbing Aiden's hand and pulling him up the stairs and into his room. 

"What movie should we watch next?" Jack asked aloud although the question was mostly just a thought of his.

"Oooo! Do you like musicals?!" He asked as he jumped onto his bed pulling Aiden with him making the taller boy almost land on him.

"I mean I haven't really seen any, I wasn't allowed to watch much TV. growing up." Aiden replied as he moved so he was laying next to Jack instead of bacily on top of him.

*GASP* "Oh my goodness! Well, then we need to catch you up to speed! First, we can watch Hamilton then The Newsies, and then Beetlejuice, Phantom Of The Opera, and Sweeney Todd, and by then it will probably be two in the morning." Jack giggled when he realized that the list was probably too long for just one night and that he wasn't anywhere near the end of it.

"Sounds fun but we have all of today and then tomorrow is Saturday and the day after that is Sunday so we have two and a half days to watch whatever until you have to go to school," Aiden said as Jack pulled Hamilton up onto the TV.

"Good because there are a LOT of musicals that are really good so we should watch them. Oh, and other movies too if we have the time to watch them as well." Jack replied with a large grin before pressing play.

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