Chapter 12

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Idk what to put so enjoy Kyoutani x Yahaba^^^
Aiden froze in shock, instantly stilling and becoming quiet as he waited for Jack to do something.

"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be." Jack laughed as he sat up and attempted to get off of Aiden.

Aiden's brand quickly caught up to what was happening and then made him start acting and thinking before he thought about it.

He instantly pulled Jack back down to his chest before flipping them over, now pinning Jack to the bed.

"You really think you're going to tease me like that and get away with it?" He asked as he looked down at Jack who looked back at him with fear, curiosity, and something else that Aiden couldn't understand.

However, when Aiden saw the fear bit in Jack's eyes he quickly snapped out of whatever trance he was in before and pulled away, now sitting beside Jack while sputtering apologies.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that I-" Aiden was cut off by Jack kissing his cheek.

"Don't worry about it, I didn't mind. Too bad we are bottoms though." Jack said making Aiden instantly look at him like he had three heads.

"What the Hell made you think I'm a bottom?" Aiden asked sounding and looking bewildered.

Jack had seen somewhere that sometimes a person (that was a bottom) would go to a top that they like and tell them that they are a bottom to be proved wrong. He wanted to test out if this would really work or not.

"I don't know, you just give off bottom vibes," Jack replied with a shrug.

The next thing he knew, he was pinned onto the bed, one of Aiden's hands holding up both of his own hands while Aiden's other hand was on his neck. Both of his own legs were around Aiden's waist as well. (A/n: So in a sexual guard for my people that understand that.)

Jack's eyes widened as Aiden lowered his head to beside his ear.

"I. Am. Not. A. Bottom." He stated making Jack shiver.

Suddenly there were a bunch of loud bangs on the bedroom door.

Aiden quickly got away from Jack and off of the bed, moving over to Jack's closet, and started to go through the clothes as A.J. barged into the room.

"WAKE UP BITCH AND BITCH'S BOYFRIEND!" They yelled as they barged into the room.

"We're already awake so you're late on that, also what's for breakfast?" Jack replied as A.J. looked over at Aiden confused.

"Eggs and bacon. Why is Aiden in your closet?" They shot back. It was a sibling thing of theirs that they would always reply quickly or they would know that the other was either lying or not paying attention.

"He is picking out my outfit for the day. Oh, that reminds me, it's supposed to be really hot today so don't make me wear something that will cause me to pass out of a heat stroke." Jack lied quickly, Aiden nodding and going along with it.

"Whatever, just both of you get down to eat soon or else the food will be cold," A.J. stated before leaving the room.

"That would have been bad." Jack chuckled once he heard A.J. walk down the stairs.

"Yeah, but thanks to my quick reflexes nothing bad happened," Aiden replied before throwing an outfit at Jack.

Jack caught the clothes and looked at him confused.

"Why did you throw clothes at me?" He asked as he looked at the clothes.

There was a navy blue skirt that had flowers on it, a white almost crop top, and a pair of shorts to go under the skirt.

"Because I picked out your outfit," Aiden replied with a smirk before moving to the door.

"I'm going to go and change clothes, please wait for me before you go downstairs." He said getting a nod back before he left to his -still in progress- room.

Both boys got changed rather quickly, added accessories, and then met in the place between their rooms so they could go down to the kitchen together.

Aiden was wearing a red and black t-shirt, some shorts, a few rings, and a tigers-eye necklace.

"You look nice." He complimented Jack with a light blush.

Jack looked even more adorable than normal in his skirt, now fully crop top, white flower headband, two moon rings, and a clear quartz necklace.

"Thank you, so do you," Jack said back with a blush of his own before they entered the kitchen.

"It took you two long enough," Jazzalyn said with a roll of her eyes.

"That's the outfit you wanted him to wear? Wow, you're a simp." A.J. said as they looked at what Jack was wearing.

"What is a simp?" Aiden asked as they all sat down and began eating.

"Oh, I forgot you don't know a lot of recent slang. It just means that you really like Jack would do a lot for him, and like how he looks. Well, that's the gist of it at least." A.J. attempted to explain.

"Okay? Would that make healthy families simps for each other because of how they care for one another or am I understanding wrong?" Aiden asked sounding very confused.

"Yeah that's wrong, A simp is basically just someone who has a crush on someone," A.J. said not really knowing what else to say.

"Oh...okay," Aiden said with a semi-understanding nod.

They all continued to talk about random things until they were all done with their breakfast.

"Mom, mum, we are going to the mall! See you later." Jack said as he grabbed Aiden's hand and pulled him out of the house.

"Okay just be back for dinner!" Cassie yelled as Jack shut the door.

"I don't have any money," Aiden said once they were outside.

"Don't worry about that, I do. My mum gives me an allowance once a week and I had a decent paying summer job this summer so I have plenty of money to spare." Jack said with a large smile as he swung their hands back and forth.

Aiden frowned slightly. He didn't want Jack to waste his money on him.

"I don't even need anything now, you all have already given me so much. Use your money on yourself." Aiden said as he looked ahead of them.

"Nope, I'm going to treat you to stuff. Now stop being nice and let's go!" Jack laughed as he started to run into the mall, Aiden being dragged along with him.

They walked through the main area for a while until they came across a Hot Topic...

1,128 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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