Chapter 14

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⚠️Cussing, bitchy girls, people being uncomfortable⚠️
Jack and Aiden pulled back from the girls, instantly moving closer to each other.

"Can we help you?" Jack asked as the girl with blond hair and green streaks in it grabbed his drink and took a sip.

"You two are cute and aren't here with any girls so we are going to assume you're single. That's where we come in, wanna date?" The other girl with plain dirty blond hair stated as she took a black olive off of Jack's sub wrapper.

"First of all we are gay, second of all we are together, and third of all, why did you drink my drink? Now I have to get a new one." Aiden said as he quickly picked up on Jack's discomfort.

"Ooooh, so you're gay? That's cool! Want to be best friends instead then? I've always wanted a gay best friend." The green streaks girl said as she sat Aiden's cup back down infront of him.

"Yes we are gay and I don't really like being friends with people that randomly come up to people and assume things about them and then steal their drinks so politely pass on the friend's bit," Jack stated as he grabbed Aiden's upper bicep, moving so they were closer to each other and further away from the girls.

"Wow, I thought gay people were supposed to be nicer than normal men. You are just as rude as all of the others." She said as she stood up, her friend standing up as well.

"Just because we are gay doesn't mean that we are that different from other men. Also, your saying that being gay isn't normal just continues to prove my theory that you aren't a good person. Now please leave us alone." Aiden jumped back in, Jack nodding in agreement to his statement.

"Ugh! How rude! Come on Jessica, we are leaving!" She gasped as she slammed her hand to her chest in offense.

"Okay." Her friend said before turning to the boys. "I am so sorry about her, She gets like this sometimes and there isn't much I can do about it, that's why I'm with her." Jessica apologized before following the other girl over to a group of teens of all genders.

"Well, that was disturbing," Jack said as he let go of Aiden's surprisingly strong bicep.

"Agreed," Aiden replied as he moved his drink away from them both. 

"Do you wanna grab a new drink?" Jack asked as he pointed to the cup.

"Nah it's fine. It wasn't that good anyway." Aiden replied with a shrug.

Jack nodded and the two went back to eating their food.

Once they were done they left the food court and looked at the other stores.

*gasp* "Aiden look! They have a small arcade here!" Jack squealed excitedly as he grabbed Aiden's arm making him stop walking.

"Let's go then," Aiden said with a smile when he saw how happy Jack looked.

So the two went inside of the small arcade and Jack bought them each twenty dollars worth of coins (so he spent a total of forty dollars).

"You didn't have to get me any, I could have just helped you carry your tickets," Aiden said as he took the cup of tokens from Jack.

"No way! This is an arcade, everyone should get to play!" Jack replied before walking off to one of the games.

Two hours later they had spent all of their tokens and had a TON of tickets.

"Do you want to put our tickets together so we can bye one big thing over do you want to keep them separate?" Jack asked as they came to the thing that took the tickets and gave you a small receipt saying how many tickets you had.

"We can put them together if you want," Aiden said as he started to put his tickets into the machine.

"Okay!" Jack said with a smile before putting his tickets on the other side of the machine.

In the end, Aiden ended up with 3,573 tickets because he got a lot of high scores on things while Jack ended with 2,439 tickets. So in total together they had 6,012 tickets.

They grabbed the papers that had their amounts of tickets on them and moved over to the prize counter.

"Hello! How many tickets did you two end up with?" A lady at the counter asked as she held her hand out for their papers.

"Around six thousand I think," Aiden replied as she typed their papers into the computer.

"You are right, you have six-thousand and twelve tickets." She said as their total showed up on the screen that they could see.

"Now what would you like?" She asked as she moved to the side showing them all of the prizes.

The two scanned all of the prizes when Aiden's eyes landed on a massive plush sloth.

"Can we get the sloth?" He asked Jack considering it would take off 4,000 of their tickets.

"Aww, it's so cute! Sure!" Jack replied when he saw the adorable plushy.

"Alright so one sloth plushy, that leaves your total tickets to 2,012." She said as she turned around and grabbed the sloth.

" She said as she turned around and grabbed the sloth

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(Just imagine it's massive)

She handed Aiden the plush and then took off the 4,000 tickets from their original total on the screen.

"You can spend the rest of the tickets," Aiden said as he hugged the sloth to his chest.

"Are you sure?" Jack asked as he petted the sloth's back to see how soft it was. It was very soft so he was happy about that.

"Yeah, and we will share the sloth too," Aiden replied with a nod.

"Fine, thank you," Jack said before leaning up and pecking Aiden's cheek and turning around to look back at the prizes.

The lady smiled at the two, she didn't know them but she shipped them.

Aiden blushed darkly and hid his face in the Sloth plush.

"Can I get..." Jack then proceeded to get two pieces of every piece of candy they had and still had three tickets to spare at the end.

"Thank you and can you just give the last three tickets to whoever comes up next?" Jack thanked her as he took the paper bag that had all of the candy inside of it from the lady.

"Of course, have a good day." The lady replied with a smile.

"You too!" Jack replied before grabbing Aiden's hand and walking them both out of the small arcade.

"Wanna go home now or go to the park?" Jack asked as they walked to the car.

"The park," Aiden replied with a smile as Jack swung their hands back and forth between them.

"Okay!" Jack replied as he got into the driver's seat, Aiden putting the sloth in the back before sitting himself in the passenger seat.

And off to the park, they went.

1,166 Words! I am sorry for the slow updates, I low-key forgot about this book😅

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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