Chapter 20, pt.3 (Cannon Ending)

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*Aiden's pov*

I wake up expecting to see Jack cuddled in my arms asleep but when I open my eyes all I see is my stuffed bear.

I sit up and look around frantically only to find myself back inside of the dark room I have known for years.

"Why am I here? I must still be dreaming." I think aloud as I pinch my arm only for it to sting.

I am still here...

"What the fuck?" I say as I start to panic, I pinch my arm so hard it starts to bleed.

"So how was your temporary freedom experience?" a cold voice asked as the door opened to reveal someone with a blank dark purple mask on.

"What do you mean temporary freedom experience? Where is Jack? What did you do with him?!" I ask as I stand up.

*3rd POV*

"Jack was a figment of our experiment. He isn't real. Nothing you have experienced in the last month has been real." the creature lied making Aiden freeze.

"W-what?" He choked out, his voice cracking as a lump of unshed tears formed in his throat.

"Nothing you have seen in the past month is real. Everyone and everything was made up and didn't exist. You have been here the entire time in a strong lucid dream that we could help you control." The creature stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"No, no! That can't be true! You bitch!" Aiden yelled as he stormed over to the creature.

The purple-masked creature pulled out some sort of sword and held it infront of itself in hopes that it would stop Aiden.

It worked and Aiden stopped, he didn't want to be put into physical pain right now to battle with the emotional torment he was dealing with right now.

"You have a choice now, you can either be put back into the false reality where you can live happily ever after but know the entire time that it's a false reality or you can be brainwashed into forgetting everything about this place and you're experiences in the reality before being let go back into the real world." The creature stated, lowering the sword ever so slightly.

"Brainwash me, if it wasn't real then I don't want to know about it anymore. Please." He pleaded, his tone absolutely exhausted and broken.

The creature agreed and led him to a bright room where he sat down in a chair before having a large thing put over his head and everything went dark...

The large underground building had hundreds of rooms, all of them holding teenagers and young adults showing them all of their wished lives.

After something amazing would happen in the false reality, the creatures would take them out of the reality to see how they would react.

So far many people have committed suicide or died of heartbreak. A few died during the world in their slumber-like state because that was their wish.

Once the people died they were taken into the kitchens where they were unclothed and then cooked for all of the staff to eat.

If the person didn't die however, they were given the chance to live in that reality until they die of natural causes or they could be freed with their memory wiped.

There have only ever been three survivors out of the thousands of years that this has been going on, now Aiden was added to the list.

All of them chose freedom and had their memory of their time there wiped from their brains.

Sadly for Aiden, he didn't know that Jack was in the room right next to him.


*Jack's Pov*

I wake up to the feeling that I'm being watched.

My eyes quickly open and scan the room but I quickly grow confused as to where I'm at.

"You're back in the Panic Room, though you technically never left us here." A creature with a light blue mask said, startling me.

*3rd Pov*

"What do you mean I never left? Didn't this place burst into flames? What's happening? Where's Aiden?!" Jack rapid-fired questions, worry and confusion thick in his voice as tears sprang to his eyes.

"You never left because it was all just a dream, nothing you just witnessed was real, it was all a lucid dream. We take you out once something good happens to you to see your reaction." The masked creature answered, following the script they ended up saying every day.

"What?" Jack asked, his voice quiet and breaking as tears began pooling down his face.

"Yes, now you have a choice, you can either go back into the false world and live there until you die of natural causes though you will always know it's fake. Or you can be brainwashed into forgetting about this place and all of your experiences before being let back out into the real world." They stated, smiling behind their mask at how heartbroken Jack looked.

His entire world had just been ripped from him in a matter of a few seconds and now he's being told that none of it was ever real in the first place?

"Brainwash me. I don't want to remember it. I want to forget it all if it wasn't real, to begin with." He said sounding defeated, broken, and eventually numb.

"Come with me then." The creature instructed sounding rather shocked, almost nobody chooses to get brainwashed.

Jack complied and followed the creature into a bright room where he saw someone else getting brainwashed.

He looked so familiar but he couldn't see his face thanks to some massive contraption covering his entire head.

A different creature shoved him harshly into a seat of his own and everything went black before he could have any reaction to what was happening.


Aiden woke up to an itchy sensation along his arms.

He opened his eyes only to be blinded by the sunlight.

He tried again and this time succeeded in not blinding himself, instead seeing that he was laying in some short grass though he was surrounded by tall grass.

He stood up and began to look around only to find what seemed like another body only a few feet away from him.

Curiosity got the better of him and he began moving towards the presumably unconscious person.

Once he got to the person he could see his chest rise and fall so he knew he was indeed alive.

He gently shook him in hopes of waking him up calmly.

He wasn't expecting the boy to shoot up and shove him away painfully.


1,048 Words! And that my friends is the ending chapter of this book but the first chapter of the sequel book "Together Again" If you would like to read that! It's here on my account if you wanna read it!

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