Chapter 20pt2 (Fluff Ending!){NOT Cannon Ending}

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⚠Cussing⚠ This is all just pure Fluff to make up for the angst!!!

The next morning Aiden and Jack woke up at the same time, Jack lying on top of Aiden's chest with their arms around each other and their legs tangled together.

"Good morning love," Aiden said as he ran a hand through Jack's hair.

"Good morning," Jack mumbled back still half asleep.

"I think we are still home alone, do you want to do anything while they are out?" Aiden asked as Jack cuddled closer to him.

"Sleep without someone coming in and waking me up would be great," Jack replied getting a chuckle from his boyfriend.

"Alright, I'm going to watch Moana while you sleep though," Aiden said getting a sleepy nod back before Jack fell back asleep.

Once the movie was over it was already lunch time so Aiden started to pepper kisses all over Jack's face making him wake up giggling.

"We should get up and eat some lunch." He said as he smiled at his lover.

"Okay." Jack smiled as he got up only to be pulled back down into a hug.

"You're so fucking pretty, I love you so much. " Aiden said as he rested his head on Jack's shoulder.

"I love you too!" Jack replied before lifting Aiden's head and kissing him softly on the lips.

When they pulled away they were both smiling at each other with light blushes.

"Let's go eat," Jack said as he got up, Aiden following him as they went downstairs and into the kitchen.

They quickly made some Ramen for them to split before going into the living room and pulling up "In A Heartbeat" to watch.

When everyone else got back to the house the two came out as dating and everyone supported them.

Aiden's room was eventually finished but he just kept his things in there and stayed in Jack's room most of the time.

The two eventually moved out of the house altogether and got their own room in an apartment.

Jack worked at a daycare as Aiden became a Veterinarian, leading to them adopting a dog named Star because of the gold/yellow spots on her base black fur.

They got married and lived happily ever after with their dog, plush sloth, and Jack's family occasionally visiting them.

✨The End✨

392 Words! Sorry for the ending being so short!

I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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