Chapter 16

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Enjoy some Sasnaru^^^
⚠️Talk of past r*pe, cussing, crying⚠️

The rest of the short ride was spent in an almost tense silence.

Once they got home Aiden grabbed the large stuffed sloth out of the back seat as Jack grabbed the bag of candy.

"We're back!" Jack called through the house as he opened the door.

"What's the sloth's name?!" Jazzalyn asked as she ran over to them, instantly petting the plushy's back.

"We haven't named him yet," Jack replied with a smile as Aiden let Jazz hold the large plush that was almost the size of her.

"We should name him Jaiden," A.J. said as they walked down the stairs.

"Why Jaiden?" Jazz asked thinking that it was a weird name for a plushy.

"Because it's their ship name, the J from Jack and the rest from Aiden," A.J. replied making both boys blush.

"Ooooooh! Yeah okay!" Jazz agreed with a nod before handing Jaiden off to Aiden.

"Alright well, we will be in my room if you need us," Jack said with a smile as he ruffled Jazz's hair.

The two boys left up to his room as Jazzalyn and A.J. stayed in the living room.

Once they shut the door Jack bellyflooped down onto his bed, his smile dropping as he thought of how he would explain Brad to Aiden.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asked gently as he sat down next to Jack.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry about what happened at the park." Jack replied as he lifted his head to look at Aiden.

"It's okay, I don't mind. You don't have to tell me why he did what he did unless you want to. But if he ever comes near us again I won't be as nice as I was this time." Aiden said as he ran a hand through Jack's hair.

"Thank you," Jack said as he leaned into Aiden's hand.

They stayed like that for a minute before Aiden laid down, Jack cuddling onto his chest.

"He was my ex like he said. His name is Brad, I know red flag already. I dated him because I thought he was nice and funny. But when we started to date he became more aggressive. H-he raped me multiple times even when I told him I didn't want to do anythin-" Jack was cut off by his quiet sob.

He ticked, his neck moving forward for a second before going back to normal.

Aiden hugged him tighter as he ran a hand through his hair again in an attempt to calm him down.

He also may or may not be plotting how to kill this Brad dude but didn't say anything.

"W-we broke up because I was done with his shit and abuse. He didn't take it well and left for a while. I haven't seen him since." Jack finished as he buried his head into Aiden's chest.

"I am going to kill him," Aiden muttered before talking a little louder so Jack could properly hear him.

"I am so sorry that he did those things to you. I will make sure he stays away from you and if he tries to do anything then I will protect you. I know we aren't together or anything but just so you know I would never do anything like that to you. Hell, I wouldn't do that to anyone." Aiden said as he rubbed his hand up and down Jack's back in an effort to help him calm down some more.

Jack's breathing evened out as he calmed down, his tears leaving stains on his face as he looked up at Aiden with red eyes.

"Thank you." He said as Aiden cupped his face.

"Anytime," Aiden replied as he wiped the last few tears from Jack's face, Jack nuzzling his head into Aiden's hand.

Aiden then pulled Jaco so he was basically lying on top of him and wrapped his arms around him in a hug.

Jack relaxed in the embrace and nuzzled his face into Aiden's shoulder.

They stayed like that, Jack fell asleep from the eventful day and cried, both things very tiring.

After about an hour of Jack sleeping and Aiden scrolling through his phone, A.J.  came into the room without knocking.

"Well, you two look comfortable." They said with a smirk as Aiden put his phone down.

"Yep, did you need something though?" Aiden replied politely as he wrapped his arms back around Jack's back.

"I need you two to get together already but mom needs you both downstairs for dinner," A.J. replied a bit loudly making Jack stir slightly before just cuddling closer to Aiden and relaxing again.

"I can't help you with the first one but we will be down in a second. Thank you for getting us." Aiden replied making A.J. sigh and shake their hand before leaving the room.

Once he heard the steps fade he looked down at Jack sleeping peacefully on his chest.

"Jack, come on you have to wake up. We need to eat dinner but after you can go back to sleep." Aiden said as he gently shook Jack's shoulder.

"Five more minutes," Jack mumbled as he tightened his grip on their hug.

"I can't give up five more minutes, Your moms wants us down now for dinner," Aiden replied as he sat them both up, succeeding in waking Jack up.

"Give me a warning next time please!" Jack said as he got off of Aiden's lap.

"Sorry, dear." Aiden apologized before pecking Jack's head and walking downstairs, Jack following him with an obvious blush.

"What happened to you? Are you sick or flustered?" Cassie asked when she saw Jack's red face.

"Nether, I'm just cold." Jack lied as Aiden tried to hide his small smile.

A.J. looked between the two with a raised brow but didn't say anything.

They all ate dinner and left back to their rooms.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, I'll be out soon so we can cuddle," Aiden said as he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and new boxers from his room before going back into Jack's room to his bathroom.

"Want me to join so we can cuddle sooner?" Jack joked with a laugh.

"Sure." Aiden laughed back shocking Jack.

1,050 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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