Chapter 14

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Adam had called 6 times on her phone. But Rachel refused to pick up. Then he texted her like a million messages but she still didn't want to answer them. Then he had shown up to Noah's house.

When she had opened the door she had half expected it to be Carl but that was just dreaming a little too big. He still needed time.

Adam looked better than the last time she saw him. It looked like he had gone back to the gym and showered, his face was clean shaven and he also had a haircut.

"Hey." He spoke after a moment of just staring at her.

Rachel suddenly became very aware that she was wearing pajamas while he was wearing a suit. "Hey."

His eyes travelled her body again, checking her out. If Rachel hadn't known him so well, she wouldn't have noticed. "Can I come in?" He asked.

Rachel contemplated the answer to his question, biting her lip. She didn't want to talk to him, let alone invite him in. But she wanted to get this over with. After a while, she slightly nodded and slid away from the door.

She showed him to the living room. He took off his jacket and let it fall on the sofa.

That silly, stupid habit of his hit her like a wave of nostalgia. He used to come to her apartment and do the same thing clearly not realizing how much these suits actually cost.

Shaking her head to get rid of the memories, she walked towards the kitchen. "You want something to drink?"

"Just water will be fine." Hw answerd.

She hated this. Hated how formal this all seemed. Adam was not only her love but one of her closest friend and every moment that he was here was reminding her that he was neither no more.

Holding a glass of water, she walked back into the living room and gave him the class.

"Thanks." He said and sat down on one of the leather sofas.

Rachel choose the sofa on the far end to sit on.

Adam took a sip and locked his eyes with her. "Where's Noah?"

"At work." Rachel looked away. She didn't know where Noah was. He had started playing the disappearing game again; leaving early in the morning and arriving late in the night.

"He works on Sundays?"

She nodded. "What're you doing here, Adam?"

Adam locked his eyes with her again. He hadn't expected her to be so blunt. "You weren't answering your phone."

"Why were you even calling me?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

Adam took another long sip of his water. "I'm sure you've heard about me and Wren."

Rachel looked away again, gulping. "Yeah, congratulations." It came out curt and sarcastic.

Adam scoffed. "you know, you have no right to be this way. You're the one who broke up with me."

"I know."

"You're the one who walked out on us. You married him out of nowhere-"

"I know."

"You're the one-"

"I know!" Rachel exclaimed then bit her lip as once again tears threatened to fall.

Adam looked down and sighed. "You never told me why." He spoke and looked at her again. "Why did you leave me?"

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