Chapter 3

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After crying almost all night, she finally fell asleep, exhausted. Her eyes opened at 6:30 after a horrible dream about her being alone in a dark alley being raped. Her throat felt dry and her eyes wanted to tear up but the lack of hydration stopped them. She was grateful for that but she decided go downstairs and drink water and get ready for work.

She should go to work now, right? She was 'supposedly' back from her honeymoon. Paparazzi wouldn't find it suspicious, right?

She missed work. She loved her job. Being a modeling agent was her dream and she was living it. She loved the rush it provided, loved being around her friends while she worked, loved the yelling and the stress.

She took the water bottle out of the fridge and started pouring the water in the glass when a random woman walked down the stairs.

The woman yawned and took the glass of water that Rachel poured for herself.

"Hey." Rachel said, amused by this situation.

The woman looked at her and gave her a small smile. She seemed like a short 20 something year old petite blonde with freckles on her face. She wore a blie party dress and her hair was a mess. "Hi." She said and gulped down the water. "Who are you?" She asked, casually, walking past Rachel to get to the fridge.

"I think I'm the one who should be asking that." Rachel replied as her eyes followed the woman's every movement.

The woman yawned as she raided the fridge searching for something. "The refrigerator is trash, where do you people keep the food?"

Rachel was still amused. She liked this girl, she seemed fun and a person who would have hilarious stories to tell.

She slammed the refrigerator door shut, giving up.

Rachel again heard someone coming down the stairs, she wondered how many strangers were in this house. She turned around to see Noah putting a bunch of files on the breakfast table and then buttoning up his jet black suit jacket.

That action reminded Rachel that she had get ready for work too otherwise she'll be late.

The random woman immediately walked up to him and kissed him. A long kiss. So long that Rachel looked away, poured herself another glass of water and drank it.

"I can't find my bracelet." The random girl said when they finally stopped sucking each others face.

"It must be still upstairs." Noah said and leaned to kiss her again but she leaned away.

"Whose she?" She pointed at Rachel.

Noah looked at Rachel then at the random woman. "She's a... She's.." he seemed to be struggling to find the words.

Rachel watched the whole scene in utter amusement.

"She's a... She's... My...wi.. wife" he said and the deathly look that immediately masked the random girl's face was to die for. Literally.

The random girl took a deep breath and smiled. And then slapped him. "You're an asshole, douche bag!" She yelled and then looked at Rachel. She smiled at her and left the house.

Rachel wanted to laugh but was trying her hardest not to so it came out in giggles. Noah glared at her and walked back upstairs. When he was gone, Rachel started laughing like a mad man.
"Rachel! You're back!" her best friend and photographer, Carl Hendericks said as she walked into her office.

She smiled at him and looked around the office she hasn't seen in 6 months. She surely missed this place. People say home is the only place you can be youself but for Rachel, her office was the place where she can be herself. This place was her sanctuary, her home.

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