Chapter 17

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Noah was arguing with the lawyers and Rachel was impressed. He made arguments that never even crossed her mind. The manner in which he spoke, the threatening yet professional tone with a hint of authority was so good that Rachel almost find it hot.

She wondered why she was feeling this way. Maybe it was because she hadn't had sex in so long and was desperate or the fact that he kissed the fuck out of her out there and she could still feel the tingling feeling on her swollen lips.

"We are willing to negotiate a different price." One of Bareeze's lawyers said, bring out a contract. "And I suggest you accept it."

Rachel leaned over and picked up the contract but Noah snatched it away from her and read it.

"Funny." Noah commented. "How about instead, you leave and we don't tell the press about the child labouring factories Bareeze's has in Uganda?"

"What?" The lawyer spoke.

"What?" Rachel spoke at the same time, shocked.

Noah gave Rachel a knowing look. Rachel nodded, slightly.

"How did you know about that?!" The representative from Bareeze spoke.

"What he's trying to say is," The lawyer spoke glaring at the representative. "We'll fine a defamation lawsuit. There's no way you can prove that."

"Well my source says otherwise and besides," Noah spoke. "The prove doesn't really matter. We just have to say the word to the press and they can do the detective work for us."

The lawyers and the representative looked at each other in confusion and worry.

Rachel spoke up. "how about this? You shut down your unethical factories and I do your summer collection photoshoot for free. The models, the photographer, everything."

The representative looked at her and bit his lip.

"I'm sure, we can come up with a new contract." Rachel looked at Noah, who nodded at her with a smirk on his face. "I even have some people who you can hire when you get ethically correct factories."

"I'll have to run it by my boss." The representative spoke.

"Then we're done here." Noah spoke and stood up, buttoning his suit jacket.

The lawyers stood up with him and followed him out. Rachel stayed in the room, taking a moment to enjoy her victory. She did it. She won. It was all done now. Her life's work is save. Well, as save as it could be. Her business barely had any money left.

Noah steps in the room again and cleared his throat, making her look at him. "We have my parents anniversary dinner at Bekings Hall tonight."

"Oh." Rachel spoke, dread filling her every bone. Family dinner meant that Rostoros will be there too.

"Be ready by 5." He spoke and walked out.

Rachel nodded to herself. She had to be extra careful tonight. Any cautionary act and she just might get killed. She ran a hand through her hair to smooth her nerves but it didn't work. Her heartbeat was still up from the fear and nervousness.

Her mind went back to when she first met them.

She remembered she was at home and her therapist was visiting her when she heard people shouting in her dad's home office. She had gotten up to see them holding a gun to her father's head. Her father was begging them for something with pleading eyes while they laughed at him.

The sight still haunts rachel to this day and reminds her about how ruthless the Rostoros can be and how powerful they actually are. Rumors say that they control the underground railroads of town, using them as drug routes and that is the reason why they are so rich. Not to mention the countless murder investigations they have been a crucial part of.

She sighed. It was ironic that she didn't know anything about them besides the rumours when she is actually a part of her family. She knows that few of the key members of the family were present on her wedding but she barely exchanged pleasantries with. There was one phrase that all spoke to her like a mantra that haunted her more than anything.

'you are part of the Rostoros now.'

Maybe it was their way of welcoming her but she felt anything but. To her, that sentence meant that her life is over and she now only exists as their showcasing pet.

"Rachel?" Carl spoke, making her step out of her thoughts. "Are you okay?"

Rachel gulped. She wasn't okay. The thought of the dinner was making her skin crawl but she didn't want to burden him more. Not to mention that he's probably still mad at her. "Yeah." She managed a little smile.
"Are you really going to wear that, Rachel?" Her mother spoke, entering her room. "I guess, modesty is dead then."

She frowned and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a vintage black dress that flowed past her ankles. This dress was anything but revealing.

"Are you and Noah still sleeping in separate bedrooms?" Her mother spoke looking around the room.

Rachel nodded.

Her mother shook her head in disappointment. "When will you kids grow up?" She muttered. "You do realize that this marriage is forever right? Neither of you are getting out, no matter what."

She looked away from her mother, not knowing how to respond. "Did you come here to tell me I'm trapped, Mom?"

"No," her mother spoke. "I came here to tell to you to stop acting like a teenager and move in his room."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to keep her thoughts at bay.

"I mean, how long are you two going to keep this up? And you know that the rostoros will want an heir soon so you might as well-"

"Mom?" She spoke, cutting her off. "I'll see you downstairs. Can you leave me alone until then?"

Her mother shook her head in disappointment again then sighed. "Fine, I'll deal with it myself." She spoke and left the room.

Rachel turned back to her reflection in the mirror. A sad, lonely and depressed soul looked back at her. She wondered how she got here but then later stopped herself from going down the memory lane and into more depression.

She suddenly felt someone watching her. Noah was standing in the doorway, looking at her with a curious look in his eyes.

"We're ready to go." He spoke.

Rachel nodded and walked to the cupboard, taking out the gift she bought for her in laws.

Noah raised an eyebrow . "What's that?"

"A vase." She replied.


"For the anniversary present." Rachel walked passed him to the stairs.

"You didn't need to buy them anything." Noah said, following her.

"It's rude to go to a party without a gift." She spoke, immediately realising that she sounds like her mother. She shrugged it off.

"I already got them a gift." He spoke. "And it was supposedly from the both of us."

"What?" Rachel halted. "You should've told me that before." Rachel replied suddenly getting mad. She had spent 6 hours shopping before she had found the perfect vase that matched his mother's personality and now it was all in vain.

"You should've asked me first." Noah said, calmly walking past her.

"It's not the 1960-s anymore, Noah. I don't need to ask your permission before going shopping."

Again, his name from her lips felt like a sinful melody to him. She brushed past him down the stairs, giving him a glare. Noah couldn't help the amused smile on his face.

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