Chapter 7

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"see that woman in the blue dress." His father said. "That's our guy. Go be lovey dovey by her."

Noah followed his gaze to a woman, probably in her late 30s, smiling and talking to people. He was annoyed, he hated media. He knew, he had to be careful around this woman. One slip up and it'll be the front page of the magazine and not just one article.

He looked around for Rachelle but he couldn't find her. Where is she? She didn't bail, did she? He thought about the incident with liam. What the fuck happened between them anyway? Why was there so much pain in her eyes? Fuck, Liam is an asshole.

Suddenly he spotted Rachel beside the pain in the ass photographer, seeming to be deep in conversation with him. Noah decided to go over to them.

"I just... can't talk to him. And I know I have no right to react this way but it still hurts, you know? I mean it's good that he's moving on. I should be happy for him but-"

"Rach, Relax. You don't have to explain yourself to me." Carl said, giving her a friendly pat on her shoulder.

Rachel smiled miserably at him.

Carl smiled back. "Look it's okay. You can have feelings, you're human."

Just then, Noah appeared beside them. He glanced at both of them before his eyes landed on something behind Rachel. He quickly pulled Rachel by his side and wrapped a hand around her waist.

Rachel was confused and made an attempt to step away but his grip on her was firm. She suddenly felt scared.

An old woman came up to them and smiled sweetly before speaking. "Aren't you the cutest couple I've seen."

"Thank you very much, Ms.." Noah trailed off because he genuinely didn't know her name.

"Oh I'm sorry, where are my manners. I'm Monica Tranche, I'm with the DashFash magazine." She said.

"Oh." Rachel said and realized the reason behind her current position.

"Yes, I know. There's just no way to say that without bragging." She said and laughed. "Actually, I'm currently working on piece about the hottest couple in the industry and i think you two would be great for it."

Noah lovingly looked at Rachel before turning back to the woman. Rachel just smiled wanting this to be over. "Thank you." He said.

"Would you two be willing to sit down with my team this weekend and answer some questions?" She asked.

Rachel wanted to slap her so bad but Noah looked happy at her request. "yeah, sure."

"Marvellous, I'll see you guys then. Now i must say hi to Carl." The old woman said and walked away.

Carl knows her? Rachel wondered. Her gaze followed the woman as she caught up with Carl who kissed her hand and made her laugh.

Typical, Carl. Always the charmer.

Rachel's gaze then fell upon her husband who was staring at her with an undecipherable look on his face.

Confused, she cleared her throat. "Excuse me." She spoke and walked away.

Noah tried to look away from the retreating figure of his wife but failed. There was just something about her that was calling him in, something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

He watched her walk to the bar and ordering a drink and gulping it all down in two seconds.

What was so intriguing about this woman? Why was everyone telling him to be careful about her?

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