Chapter 10

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"If you didn't want to come, you could've just said so." Rachel said she prepared herself to cross the road.

"But it's weird." Carl said, clutching her hand because he knew she was terrible at crossing roads. "You don't make spur of the moment plans."

As they crossed the road, She tucked her jacket closer since it was getting colder by the second. "It's just coffee, Carl, why areBhbbbr you being so weird?"

"You called to say you wanna go clubbing, then you said just dinner would be more fun now we're at coffee. You're the one being weird. You don't ever go out without me forcing you to." He said.

Rachel rolled her eyes as they walked inside the café.

It was a luxurious café at the corner of the street with cushy leather chairs and glass tables. The place had huge windows from the floor to the roof, making it look Victorian. It was relatively new, it just opened a few months ago but Rachel was in love with their coffee.

They took a table at the back and ordered two black coffees. Carl also ordered a muffin.

"Did something happen?" Carl asked, looking straight at her for any signs of distress.

Rachel rolled her eyes again. "Would you drop it? I'm sorry I called you. I won't ever again."

"Is everything okay between you and the husband?" He asked, ignoring her statement.

At the mention of her husband, she was immediately reminded of the kiss they shared and then the picture of him with another woman in their living room. "Everything's fine."

"Did something happen with Liam?" Carl inquired further.

A picture of Liam and Wren kissing flashed her mind. She briefly wondered why every man on earth is an asshole. "No, I haven't seen him since the gala."

Carl squinted his eyes. "Was it your parents?"


"Is it about... Him?"

"No! Why would you.. Geez, Carl." Rachel sighed. "it's nothing, okay? I just wanted to have coffee."

"Okay, sorry." Carl nodded. "You're not worried about the agency, are you?"

Rachel bit her lip. "Maybe."

"Rach, it'll be fine. It's just another hurdle."

Rachel looked away from his gaze. "Yeah well, this may be our last hurdle."

"It'll be fine. Have faith, Rach. Lord works in mysterious ways." He spoke with a smirk on his face.

"Thanks, Reverend Carl." Rachel chuckled.

The waiter came and dropped of their order.

"Carl, if this goes south... Don't feel like you have to stick with me, okay? I'm more than sure there'll be many agencies out there who would love to have Carl Bishop on their team so you don't have to go down with this ship." Rachel spoke.

Carl started laughing.

Rachel frowned. "What's so funny?"

"You showing emotions." He spoke between laughs.

Rachel rolled her eyes again and shook her head as she watched him laugh it up.

"Wait a second." Carl said, suddenly getting serious. "Am I going to be an uncle?"

Rachel frowned at him again. "What?"

"Are you pregnant?"

Rachel's eyes widened. "Good god, no!"

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