Chapter 1

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Naruto's POV

"Naruto, you are doing great!" The coach shouts after I hit the ball with my feet. I'm drenched in sweat and still playing hard. I don't know how long I'll get to play. Maybe it's coming to an end.

"Hey, why are you spacing out?" Says my friend who also is in the same team with me. I reply,"It's nothing." Kiba says,"How about we take some break? Seems like you need it." I nod and see Kiba running to the coach and saying something to him.

"Naruto, what's going on in your mind?" Kiba asks me after handing me a bottle of water. I tell him,"I don't know Kiba. I'm trying find another job for me." Kiba says,"You won't be able to handle anymore Naruto. You are already doing one except studying and playing." I reply,"If I don't get another job, I think I'll have to quit everything. You know how expensive it is."

Kiba says sighing,"You can borrow some money from me. My parents are kind of loaded you know?" I chuckle half heartedly saying,"It won't do Kiba. But thanks for offering though." Kiba tell tells me patting my back,"Don't overthink it now. Tomorrow is an important match, you see? I can't let you ruin it being the captain."

I tell him,"Don't worry. I'll play like I always do." We both smile at each other nodding. It's really astonishing to see how life changes so fast. A few months ago, my life was perfect. I was a popular guy in our school, playing in the school team which is one of the strongest in here and my family was perfect too.

But everything ended with the sudden accident occured in my life. My parents died being crashed by a car. That day my perfect life ended. It wouldn't be a problem except the sorrow I felt. But then I heard about some company seizing almost everything my parents left for me.

I didn't even have any idea that they were dealing with some loan sharks and were in debt. They didn't even let any of their worries touch my perfect life. I was the worst son who never had any idea about my parents sufferings. I don't blame them for anything.

I have a little amount of inheritance that my parents left for me after loosing everything. But I can't lead a normal life with that without doing any job. I shake my head trying to clear my head. My head is aching about everything. But I need to practice with a clear mind and determination. We can't loose tomorrow's match.

After entering the dorm, I freshen up quickly and go to my bed. Kiba says who's happened to be my roommate,"Sleep a lot today. Tomorrow is going to taking a toll on you." I chuckle and say,"You have more pressure upon your head. You are the captain, remember?"

Kiba says,"Maybe I'm the captain but I'm not the best one. Everyone has high hopes for you Naruto." I reply hitting my head against the pillow,"Not everyone gets to fulfil their dreams. Sleep tight Kiba."

I fell asleep quickly. I'm scared to sleep though. Seeing the same scene over and over in my dream makes me suffer. Almost everyday I see my parents being a bloodied mess in my dreams. The happy faces faded away long ago but I can't let go of the past. I can't do it even though I want to.

I woke up after being called by Kiba several times in the morning. Kiba yells,"Go and freshen up. We'll have to leave in a few hours." I get up yawning. Kiba says chuckling,"Girls won't swoon over you seeing you like this like they do during matches."

I slam the door of the bathroom ignoring his comment. I've got a lot of confessions from the girls from my school but never got to date anyone. At first I didn't want to date anyone but now I just don't have time to do that. I can't even think about marriage now.

After washing myself, I got out of the bathroom and see Kiba almost ready with breakfast in front of him. Kiba says being excited,"Eat up, this is all I have for now." I cringe seeing pizza for the breakfast. Kiba says noticing my expression,"I know it's not the healthiest thing." I take a slice not thinking much. I shouldn't be picky after all.

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