Chapter 17

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Naruto's POV

"Pour him some drink!" A guy says nervously smiling. Why is the atmosphere so awkward right now? It's clear that nobody except Sai wanted that new dude here. Sai fills a cup with drink for that guy.

"For how long will you be staying here?" One of the guys asks the new guy. The new guy replies smilingly,"I haven't thought about that." Sai says chuckling,"Yahiko is a busy body, we lucked out actually having him here. Let's enjoy."

Sai turns his head to me and says,"Naruto, I assume that you feel really awkward. Don't worry these friends of mine are really outgoing." I nod. He says pointing to the new guy,"This guy over here is my old friend that I needed to be connected with. His name is Yahiko."

Sai introduces me to him. Sai says jokingly,"This drinks are on him tonight. Don't worry this guy is rich." Yahiko leans over me a little and says,"You seem a little shy." I tell him feeling extremely awkward with the little space between us,"I feel troubled by these type of gatherings. Please ignore me and enjoy."

I see him taking his hand out of the pocket of his long coat. The watch on his wrist is from a famous brand that I know. He notices my gaze right away and says smiling a little,"What? Do you want it?" I quickly look at him frowning right after hearing that.

I tell him feeling really offended,"When I did I tell you that I want it mister?" Yahiko says,"Maybe I misunderstood. I apologize." I sigh and look away immediately. Sai says pointing to me,"This guy really plays well guys. He's going to be someone big in no time."

Yahiko says throwing a weird compliment,"A really feminine guy for a profession like this. That's rare." Sai quickly says cutting him off,"Yahiko, you didn't really change. The way you talk makes people pissed quickly." Yahiko chuckles and says not even looking sincere,"Is that so? Ohh I apologize again."

The small party over the large table went on. I wanted it to be over as soon as possible. The whole time I felt really left out and out of the place. And the constant feeling of being watched was bothering me. The whole time my eyes were glued to the blank screen of my phone.

A sudden text floats on the screen making it light up. "Where are you?" It's from Sasuke. I immediately text him back saying,"At a bar." After a few seconds another text comes saying,"It's pretty late." This is weird. I text him back for the last time saying,"I'm not wasted. Goodnight."

"Who are you texting?" Yahiko says making me jump. He was hovering over a little looking at my phone screen while I was texting. I ask him being annoyed,"Were you looking at my texts?" Yahiko says without any hesitation,"Yeah. Seems like you live with someone."

I tell him,"Look, please don't do this type of thing with a stranger. I don't like people who pry into other people's business." Yahiko looks amused. He says,"Nobody ever told me not to pry into their businesses. I lack a lot of manners and I end up doing whatever I want to."

This man looks so weird. This is a basic manner every civilized person should know. He has that look of a guy with a decent background. How can he lack these manners? I tell him sighing,"I'm letting it slide but don't do this again even though we aren't going to cross paths in future."

He asks me looking a little troubled,"Why not?" I frown and look at him weirdly. I tell him,"B-Because I'm not a part of this group and I came here because I owed Sai." Yahiko just nods and doesn't say anything. Does he always act like a spoiled kid or he has a problem in his head?

They decided to leave after half of them got wasted. They were rambling random things and doing really embarrassing things. How can Sai even hang out with these type of people? Yahiko is the one who looks a little decent but I can't call him a normal one as well.

"That was a pleasant meeting." Yahiko says to Sai while coming to him to engulf him in a hug. Yahiko looks a little taller than Sai making him look like a giant. The night is chilly and the season is almost winter. Yahiko ignores the bunch of wasted guys behind him like they aren't even here.

He comes to me and extends his hand making me a little surprised. I grab his hand making a gesture. He says,"Naruto Uzumaki, the special part of this night was meeting you." He leans forward and says bringing his face close to my ear,"You look so tender and soft. Someone who'd look good in a leash."

He moves aback making me gasp. What does that mean? Is he a pervert? A very expensive car stops in front of them and Yahiko got into it immediately. Sai turns to face me and says,"You look cold." He takes the coat off of his shoulder and make me put it on. He says,"Let's take you back to your apartment."

After Sai dropped me off I make my way to Sasuke's apartment. It's almost midnight and I was sure that Sasuke is probably asleep. But after turning the light on of the room that is at the front, I see Sasuke lying on the couch. He looks a little uncomfortable.

He immediately gets up after the light hit his face. He was awake. I ask him,"What are you doing here so late Mr. Uchiha?" He can't be waiting for me. He says,"I was working." I see the laptop kept on the table. I sigh.

I tell him taking the coat off,"You should go back to your room and sleep." Sasuke says,"Isn't going out and stay late bad for your image?" I tell him,"I'm not famous yet unlike Sai. Nobody will care about my image."

Sasuke doesn't say anything. I was about to leave the room making my way to my bedroom but Sasuke stops me. He says,"Wait a bit." I turn around and tell him without thinking clearly,"Please don't ask me to have sex with you now Mr. Uchiha. I'm really tired."

Sasuke looks at me like he can't even believe me. He says,"What do you take me for? I just wanted to apologize for that day." I raise my eyebrows and tell him,"Didn't we already talk about it?" Sasuke says,"A friend of mine who was present at that day told me that, that was very rude of me."

I tell him,"I appreciate that you even made an effort to apologize to me Mr. Uchiha. But I already lost all of self esteem. People always think that I need something from them. Even if they say something insulting I take it silently as if I deserve it."

Sasuke frowns. He says,"Don't tell me you are having a second thought about the deal between us." I tell him,"No I don't. I am into it knowing everything clearly." Sasuke says,"Then have you thought about the day when they'll find out about this scandal? Maybe your career will be on the line on that day."

I tell him,"Then you'll have to show how much useful you are Mr. Uchiha. You'll have to have my back. You'll have to take care of me." Sasuke makes his way toward me. I don't move from my place. He leaves a little gap between us and a light smirk is visible on his lips.

He says,"As if I'm you sugar daddy?" My face felt hot right after hearing him saying something like that. His fingers caressing the corner of my lips and simply rubbing them. I tell him feeling a little embarrassed under his gaze,"I reek of alcohol. Don't stay closer Mr. Uchiha."

He says pushing his one finger against my lips making them purse,"Sshh... You aren't supposed to speak back." I gulp feeling intimidated. He says closing the gap little by little,"Don't let anyone else touch you while this contract is valid."

A lot of thoughts start to build up inside my head. He says,"I'm not jealous. I just don't like to share things that I use." I bite the inner flesh of my mouth. I'm just one of his used goods. I don't know why but I always end up expecting something more going out of my act.

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