Chapter 26

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Naruto's POV

Fame, money, recognition as a decent player, I'm getting everything I have been desiring. So why I can't get the taste of satisfaction? Constant praise from my coach, being pushed forward by my teammates representing the team sometimes, I've done everything to make myself proud but end of the day looking at myself, I see a certain name on all of my achievements.

Sasuke Uchiha, the man who came out of nowhere and persuaded me to step forward to achieve my goal. He made my journey even smoother making a wicked deal with me.

I've sold my body to him and then he took my heart too. That wasn't a part of the deal though. It was my own foolishness being swayed by the small gestures and his nice to look at face.
He created my future building up my career.

I know just this body of mine can't repay it all but maybe I gained more profit. I'm taking it as a beneficial business deal despite of shamelessly falling in love with him. Maybe after the deal, being away from him will help me to move on and then move forward. Or maybe, not.

"Care to move back to earth?" Says Deidara. I blink several times. He asks me,"You need to take some rest. However, why do I smell sudden bad blood between you and Sai?" I ask him,"Is it that obvious?"

Deidara says,"Yes, Sai would look at you pitifully and you just ignore it. I mean I'm good at observing people." I tell him,"Then you should have been a detective or something instead of taking this profession."

Deidara chuckles and says,"Yeah then I would make a psychopath fall in love with me someday in the process of investigating and then settle down with that hot psychopath who'd..." I stop him immediately and tell,"That's too messed up, dude. I never knew you are into guys like that."

Deidara says leaving his whole weight to both of his arms resting on the ground and his head up to the sky,"Yeah, What do you think about Yahiko?" I flinched suddenly. I ask him,"Where is this coming from?"

Deidara says,"Don't get me wrong. The recent issues, even though suddenly all of those have died down, I was imagining him as some evil god. You know he has that appearance like high and mighty god. Sasuke Uchiha would fit the position as well."

I tell him,"But Sasuke Uchiha isn't evil." Deidara looks at me with amusement and says,"Then you are saying, Yahiko is evil?" I tell him,"When did I say that?" Deidara says,"I'm joking as well, Naruto. I just can't picture him as someone evil. But who knows?"

All of the rumours, cases and charges against him, news about his company and the dead protestor have buried down to a new news all of a sudden. People who are a bit observant can catch the sudden hush hush situation.

The new news that is circulating in the news channels and social sites totally managed to move the citizens mind to somewhere else. A new news about a sudden terror about a serial killer.

I don't know what is happening to the country, where this so called serial killer is coming from who already made some victims already but there is actually something going on. I know Yahiko can buy the TV channels or the staff members but about the new issue, I have a uneasy feeling.

"Nice practice! You guys can go back now!" Says our coach clapping his hands as a gesture cheering us after the exhausting practice match we've gone through. I wipe my sweats using the towel I carry inside my bag and quickly change into a normal attire before coming out of the gym.

But coming out of the gym, the person who blocked my path after so long caught me off guard. I somehow felt shiver to see Yahiko's face after so long. He's back again now that his name is a bit clear. It's not that the scandal will die down easily.

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