Chapter 19

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A month and a half later and I hadn't heard anything from Brian. It was starting to wear on me. I felt like I was on edge, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I just wanted to know exactly what it was that he was planning. All this worrying was shit for my health. I'm anxious, nauseous, and tired all the time. Reid has been an absolute trooper through all of this. I honestly don't know where I'd be without him.

He asked me out on a proper date, his words. Since I was actually feeling pretty good for once, I volunteered to drop Melody and Will at Rebecca and Daisy's place for a sleepover. As soon as I got there, Melody, Will, and Daisy went off to get them all settled leaving Rebecca and I alone, "So you're sure you're okay taking Melody tonight? I can always drop her off at my mom's."

"We've got it Olive." She reassured me, "You're basically family at this point. Which means I get to be Melody's cool Aunt Red and we get to have the best sleepovers."

"Well, you're a fantastic aunt. Melody loves coming over here. I'm glad you don't mind having us in your family."

Rebecca wrapped her arms around my shoulders giving me a big hug, "Are you kidding? I love having another sister. Finally, I'm not the youngest." We both laughed. Once everyone found out how young I was it had become a little bit of a joke.

"Well thank you again. I should probably head home and get ready before Reid picks me up."

We said our goodbyes and I went back to my empty house. It was strange having the house all to myself. I was used to it being filled with Reid and the kids. As I hopped in the shower, I found myself wondering for the millionth time why Reid didn't move in. It made sense. We loved each other, we were pretty much living together, and I had the extra bedroom for Will. At this point, Reid's place is nothing more than a storage unit that he spends the odd night in.

I got out of the shower and began getting ready as I mulled over asking Reid to move in. The only downside would be if we broke up, but I don't see us doing that. We've only known each other just over three months now, but I felt like it was the right thing for us. That's it, I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask him tonight. Now I just had to work up the nerve.

Reid told me to wear something nice, so I decided on a purple cocktail dress that hugged my figure. I went to the mirror and smiled. I looked good. Before Reid, I would never have said that about myself. I would point to a few extra pounds here, a stretch mark there, I would always find something wrong with my appearance. Being with Reid made me more confident.

I heard a knock at the door and ran over, pulling it open. As soon I saw him, my breath caught in my chest. He looked unbelievably handsome. His hair was pulled away from his face in a knot at the nape of his neck. He wore a deep blue suit that fit him perfectly and his blue eyes were shining bright. I was so lucky I had him. "You ready to go Princess?"

I couldn't help the grin that came to my lips. After Melody convinced him and Will to watch her favourite princess movies, Reid agreed with her that I should be a princess. Ever since then, he's been calling me princess. I loved it. "I'm ready."

He held his arm out for me. I stepped out the door, locking it, before taking it. He led me over to his truck and even opened the door for me. After I got in, he leaned in close to me. "You look incredible." He brushed his lips against mine. I grinned as I grabbed his lapels and pulled him in closer to me. He groaned into the kiss before pulling away, "Okay. I'm getting us to our destination so we can get back here sooner."

"Now that I like the sound of." I winked. He just shook his head with a grin on his face as he closed the door. He made his way around the truck before getting in the driver's seat beside me. He pulled out of my driveway and took my hand. "So are you going to tell me where we're going?"

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