Chapter 21

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"Are we ready for movie night?!" Reid asked as he came into the living room with two bowls of popcorn. Both kids cheered as he handed them their bowl of popcorn before bringing the other over to us to share. We'd spent the week getting the place all ready for Reid and Will to move in. The spare bedroom was painted green with most of the furniture moved out except for the mattress he'd be sleeping on tonight. We decided to have a family movie night to unwind after such a busy week.

Reid pressed play and we settled into the movie. It was fun having a relaxing night with my family. I needed it too. This week I'd been feeling so run down. The stress from working on the case, moving, and having to have Melody's visitation with Brian today was getting to me. I just needed to relax.

Somehow my stomach just kept getting worse until I realized I need to move. Now. I shot up and hurried to the closest washroom before falling next to the toilet and throwing up. I felt my hair being pulled back from my face. I managed to glance back to see Reid holding my hair as he rubbed circles on my back. "Just let it out. I've got you."

"Ugh, this is gross." I sat back and leaned against the bathtub as I tried to will my stomach to settle but no such luck. After another round with the toilet, I looked up at him. "You should put the movie back on for the kids. Let them enjoy movie night."

"I didn't pause it. I just saw you running and followed." He sat beside me until my stomach settled. I could hear the kids laughing in the living room as we sat there quietly. Reid gave my forehead a sweet kiss. "You don't seem to have a fever. Maybe it's something you ate?"

"No, I haven't been feeling great for a while. I figured I was just stressed about Brian but maybe I should go to the doctor tomorrow." I sighed. I hated going to the doctor.

"I'll take you first thing in the morning. We'll wait on the move until we get you feeling better."

"No, I can drive myself to the walk-in. You move in. Melody can tell you where to put your stuff."

Reid chuckled to himself, "You know she was going to do that anyway right?"

"Oh, I know. I had five years alone with her before you came around." I pushed myself to my feet when I started to feel a little lightheaded. I stumbled slightly, but Reid was there to steady me. Alright, maybe I'm sicker than I thought.

"I'm calling Rebecca. I'm driving you to the clinic tomorrow."

"We can't keep calling your sister at every inconvenience."

"Babe you're sick and Rebecca loves them. She was already coming over anyways."

"I just feel bad."

"Don't she really doesn't mind. Now come on, let's get your teeth brushed and you tucked into bed. I'll go check on the little monsters once you're settled in." He said. I knew better than to argue with him on this. He was just trying to take care of me. He helped me to our washroom and stayed with me as I got ready, before helping me into our bed. Reid leaned down to give me a kiss on the forehead. "I love you babe."

"I love you too." By the time Reid was turning out the lights, I was already slipping off to sleep.


The next morning when I woke up, I was optimistic for about a half-second that I wouldn't need to go to the walk-in. That was before reality kicked in and I was head first in a toilet bowl again. I felt a cool washcloth on the back of my neck. It was such a relief. As I sat back, I looked up at Reid's concerned eyes looking down at me. "Okay, you're right. Call your sister."

"Already here. You slept in." I looked down to see Reid was already dressed and looking hot as hell and ready for a full day. I can't believe I slept so long.

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