Our celebration didn't last long before the judge interrupted us. "Miss. Ryan." I turned to face the judge as I wiped the tears from my eyes. Andrew silently passed me a tissue to dry my eyes. "After that outburst, I will be granting you and Melody restraining orders against Mr. Stevenson. I'd also like to give you a chance to change Melody's last name as well as removing Mr. Stevenson from her birth certificate.
"I just need to talk to Melody first. I need to make sure that she's okay with it." I was not about to make a decision like that without her consent.
"Of course. Bring your daughter in and we'll discuss it together."
Reid and I practically ran from the courtroom to the room where Melody, Will, Jean and my mom were waiting. They all turned to me and I just gave them a large teary smile. "We won Monkey!"
"Yay!" Melody yelled as she ran across the room and launched herself into my arms. I picked her up and spun her around in a tight hug. I placed kisses all over her face as we celebrated. My little girl was staying with us.
I put her down and knelt down so I could look into her beautiful brown eyes. I don't think this smile is going anywhere any time soon. "The judge wants to talk to you Monkey. She just has some questions okay?"
"Okay!" Melody took my hand and we began walking into the courtroom. Will came up to me and took my other hand, giving it a comforting squeeze just like his dad always does.
We all walked into the courtroom together. Melody was the brave sassy girl she always was, letting go of my hand and marching right up to the judge. She put her hands on her hips as she looked up at the judge without a hint of nerves. "So I hear you want to talk to me?"
The judge smiled at my little girl, "Yes I do Melody. I know you have the same last name as your father, but as of today, he won't be your father anymore. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I don't have to call Brian dad anymore!"
"So, I am giving you the chance to change your last name to Ryan like your mom's."
Melody stood there for a second with her nose scrunched up as she thought hard. We all stood there quietly allowing her to make this decision herself. Finally she looked up at the judge with that determined look she got as her decision as made. "Ms. Judge, Mama is going to be changing her last name soon to Wilson because she's marrying Reid. So can my name be Wilson too?"
Okay, if I thought there were waterworks before, they were nothing compared to the look on Reid's face as Melody looked back at him with a smile. She turned back to the judge with a determined look on her face. "Reid is the dad I want. He basically is my dad already. He helps me with homework, he plays games with me, he even lets me do his hair if I want. He takes care of me when I'm sick and celebrates with me when I'm happy. Grandpa Evan said we get to chose our family. I chose Reid as my dad and Will as my brother."
I looked at Reid for a moment as his knees buckled. He sat back on one of the chairs as happy tears fell down his face. I turned back to Melody, giving her a hug before looking in her eyes. "Are you sure Monkey?"
"Yes." She nodded, "I know Reid will love me no matter what. That's what a dad should be, not an ass like Brian." I chuckled as I pulled her in for another hug. I looked over at Reid as Will stood beside him rubbing his back. He took after his father with his giant heart. Melody was right. Reid will always love us. Just like I will always love him and Will.
"How about I'll get you the paperwork for Reid to formally adopt Melody as his daughter? It will take some time, but once you're married the process should be quicker." The judge said. I swear I could see tears shining in her eyes as a genuinely happy smile was on her face. I bet she doesn't get to see very many moments like this.

Main Attraction
Roman d'amourOlive is a single mom to her daughter Melody. She's got a boring job as a secretary, a jerk of an ex, and a passion for songwriting. Content with her mundane life, she wasn't looking for a change. However, fate had a different idea. A trip to the pa...