The ultrasound confirmed my pregnancy at eight weeks. Reid almost cried when he got to hear the heartbeat. So far everything was looking normal and the baby was perfectly healthy. We decided to wait to tell the kids until closer to the end of the first trimester. We knew they'd tell everyone the first chance they got and we wanted to be sure the baby was healthy. So, we kept it to ourselves. It was particularly hard since the morning sickness was hitting me hard.
Once school was back in session, the kids were back to being fully booked which made things easier. Melody was loving her piano lessons. It made me proud to see my little girl working so hard at something. Will was even starting to take a shine to it. We might just have a full musical family, besides Reid that is. He was right when he said he did not get any musical talent. He could sometimes carry a tune but sometimes was the key word there.
It was the first weekend of October when Reid and I were finally able to tell the kids. Brian had to go out of town on a business trip and cancel his visitation, so we were all in a great mood. Reid made us lasagna and we all sat around eating dinner. It was the perfect time to tell them.
"So, we have some pretty exciting news for you guys," Reid said as he took my hand.
"What?!" Melody asked.
"Please tell us!" Will begged.
The two of them looked from Reid to me trying to see which of us would tell them first. I had the biggest smile on my face as I leaned in close. Both of them leant in, mirroring my posture. "You're going to have a new baby brother or sister soon."
Melody and Will looked at each other with looks of shock before turning to Reid for confirmation. He nodded, "Yep, Olive has a baby in her belly. Do you want to see a picture?"
"Yes!" The two of them were bouncing with excitement as Reid jumped up to get the picture of the sonogram. He put it on the table and both kids leaned in to get a closer look. Melody scrunched her nose up as she looked at it. "It doesn't look like a baby."
"Well, it's still growing. You used to look just like it once upon a time." I explained.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Will asked.
"We don't know yet." Reid answered, "When we do, you'll be the first to know."
"So is the baby why Mama has been sick?" Melody asked.
"Yes. Growing a baby is hard work and sometimes it makes me sick. So I'm going to need you both to help me and Reid out sometimes."
"What if I have to go live with Dad? Will I get to still see the baby?" Melody asked.
"Of course, but we're going to make sure that you don't have to live with your dad. We're also going to get a bigger house, so everyone gets their own room too." I explained.
"Does this mean you and Dad are getting married?" Will asked.
"One day bud," Reid answered, looking to me with a smile. His hand gave mine, a squeeze. We already talked about marriage down the line, but hearing him say that to kids was just further cementing that promise. One day, I'll be Olive Wilson and I can't wait.
On Monday I went to lunch with Tessa at our favourite café. Her baby bump seemed to be growing but the day at this point and she was absolutely glowing. Keeping my pregnancy a secret from her the past month had been so difficult. Especially with all the talk of her baby, a little boy. Reid and I agreed that we would start telling everyone this week. We told our parents on Sunday, they could not be more thrilled, and we were meeting up with the band at the studio to tell them all tonight. Now, it was time for me to tell Tessa, and she gave me the perfect opening to do so.

Main Attraction
Roman d'amourOlive is a single mom to her daughter Melody. She's got a boring job as a secretary, a jerk of an ex, and a passion for songwriting. Content with her mundane life, she wasn't looking for a change. However, fate had a different idea. A trip to the pa...