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First Night!!


You can do it!! Meera you can do it!! Come on!! It's your Wedding!!
You can!!
I encouraged myself as it was time to go to the mandap. I am gonna be his offcially in just some matter of time!! My heart is beating like mad and my body is just feeling numb.

I heard his broken voice. I turned towards him wiping my tears away.
He came to me and kissed my forehead.

Dad-I'll Miss You My Little Angel!!
He said caressing my hair. I broke down clutching him tight.

Meera-I'll Miss you too Dad!!
I said between my sobs. In a few minutes it was time to go.
Dad and Mom came beside me while l went to the stage slowly clutching each of there hands respectively.
Dad took my hand and placed it on Angad's who was standing aside the Mandap. He accepted it smiling.
Your doing Wrong Meera!! Just look at him!! How lovingly he's looking at you?? Would you be able to love him back or atleast do you deserve his Love?? Your marrying him just coz he saw you in a bathrobe.
As both of us removed our shoes. We heard someone from behind hooting.
We turned around to see few cousin's of mine and his had Angad's choota's in there hand...

He whined.

Iraa-Pay us later and get it from her!!
She said smiling showing her hands out.

She said. He nodded and sat after helping me too. I sat beside him properly.
We repeated the mantras Pandit Ji said and stood up to exchange Garlands.
As l was about to put it on him. His cousins carried him on there shoulders making him look like a giraffe now. He is so high. I tried once or twice and it didn't work. He smiled and knelt a little down. I smiled and put the garland on him in victory.

The crowd hooted and l blushed smiling. Now it was my cousin't turn to carry me on there shoulder. Man!! l look like the Queen looking over my kingdom on that height but my hubby somehow managed to put the garland on me.
They put me down and we repeated the mantras with Pandit Ji again. We took the seven vows and sat back on our place.
As Pandit Ji instructed, he tied the mangalsutra around my neck and applied sindoor on my forehead. Marking that l am married woman. Marking that l am his Offcially.
The Guests showered us with rose petals and Pandit Ji announced us as a married couple. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he said that.
We took blessing from the elders afterwards.

Tia-Bro!! Want to walk home Barefoot??
She asked as it was time to leave.

Angad-Defenitely not!! Here you go!!
He said giving her his credit card. She squealed happily and l chuckled.
Now it is time to leave everyone. As Dad slowly led me to the entrance with Angad beside me l was crying. I hugged everyone and cried my heart out. I never expected that my little Brother Nakul could cry coz today he did.

Dad-Take care Princess!!
He said in a broken voice as he closed the door of the car. I nodded not able to say anything.

Angad-Everything would be fine!! Your Parents are here. You can go there whenever you want!!
He whispered giving me a tissue. I nodded sniffing, resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me. I Felt Fine and Great!!
In sometime we was in my in law's place. As l went to the entrance they said to kick the rice pot which is known as the ' Kalash '. I kicked it slowly and when we was about to enter all his cousins and two siblings stood before us.

Angad-My bank would go in Bankrupt if l keep giving you people taxes!!
He whined before they could tell anything.

Robin-Ok Bro... Not money this time but something else.
He said and all of them nodded in acceptance.

Iraa-Ice Cream for everyone??
She asked and everyone nodded again like little kids.

He said.

They shouted in a usion leaving us some space to go in. I soaked my legs on the red liquid and started going leaving red footprints behind me.
After the Puja they left me in his room. It's night already and l am damn tired!!
I was nervous too coz it's... it's the First Night!! I cannot give myself to him when l don't feel anything for him. Thinking this l slowly removed the red veil off my head. I heard a knob rotating sound and l felt numb and frightened.
What if he force me?? What would happen??
Your Self Respect would go to drain!! Said my subconcious with it's so called sarcasm.

He called me. I nodded still facing the mirror. He took little steps towards me.
l felt nervous such that l clutched the vanity's chair so freaking tight.
Hopefully it doesn't break!!

Angad-This Watch was given by Iraa to both you and me. I have the other pair in my cupboard and this is yours.
He said placing a bag on the vanity table. His hands slightly brushed my shoulder due to the movement. l nodded even when l was hell nervous.

Angad-And this is my Daadi's Gift for you!!
He said placing a jewellery box.

I asked confused.

Angad-She is not there with us anymore but she gave this to me when l was 19 telling me to give it to my future wife.
He said and l nodded.

Angad-Can l??
He asked as he took an elegant bracelet out. I nodded again giving my right hand to him.
He gently slid the bracelet on my hand. I smiled as he examined my hands with the bracelet, with a small smile spread on his face.

( TonikaTahsin Your name would be Tia here. So you wanted to steal Mahir's choota on Stuck With You!!
I think of making that little dream of yours come true in this book by stealing Angad's choota's!! Hope you like it and offcourse every readers are invited. )

1K reads! Means alot everyone... Keep showering your love....

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