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Happy Six Month Anniversary Hubby!!


Meera-Angad aren't we going Home!?
I asked, tiredly.

Angad-Just a little more Work Princess!! And then We could go....
He said, looking at me.

Meera-I am sleepy and hungry!!
I whined.

Angad-Promise we'll go in sometime!! We'll fill your tummy as well.
He said and kissed my forehead.

Meera-Your telling me this from the last one hour!!
I said, smugly.

Angad-I am really Sorry Princess but there are a lot of unexpected emails today!!
He said as he caressed my cheek and l understood his situation. That happens with me as well.

I sighed and rested my cheek on his shoulder. I looked at his Laptop and it was showing 11 pm.

Meera-Can l Kiss You!?
I asked, being bored, sleepy and also wanting to feel his lips at the same time.

He hummed and looked at me. I grinned and placed my lips on his quickly. He Kissed me back, happily. I Missed Him Alot!! I didn't Kiss him in the morning as l was too excited about sharing Anu's recovery. I encircled my arms around his neck while the other hand pulled him closer to me by his hair. His arms entered my shirt and caressed my bare waist waist sensually. We two moved in a sync, Kissing eachother like Wild Beasts.
He backed off from the Kiss when he sensed me going breathless. He rested his forehead over mine while l caressed his stubbled cheek.

Angad-You wanna distract me or turn me on!?
He asked, teasingly. I blushed.

Meera-None of them!! You can go back to work!!
I said still blushing. He chuckled and pecked my lips. He got back to work and l got myself busy by playing with his shirt buttons.

Angad-We can go Home!!
He announced and l squealed in delight. He chuckled as he carried me in his arms.

Meera-Where are we going!?
I asked, confused.

He said as he placed me on his chair. He arranged his things and l helped him as well. We packed up and later left home.

Angad-Put this blind fold on!!
He said as he forwarded me a piece of cloth. l scrunched my brows in confusion.

I said not wanting it to make a further conversation.

Angad-You want ask why and what!?
He asked, suprised as l tied the cloth on my closed eyeslids. Everything around me was dark.

Meera-Nope!! Coz finally l have to put the blindfold on me so why a huge convo and wasting time for that!?
I said, casually and he chuckled. In sometime the car came to a hault. Angad got off from his place and came to my side. He carried me and put me on the floor while l was busy thinking what is gonna happen in sometime. I felt him snake his arms around my waist and we started walking.

He asked, huskily and l nodded in No with a smile. We entered inside the lift while l was having a whole crowd in my stomach. What would happen!!?
In a few good moments we started walking again and we stood at one place.
Angad opened some door while l was confused. We entered inside and Angad closed the door and locked it as well. Finally we stood in some place and l felt him going away.

I said, scared trying to get a hold of him but he wasn't there. Scared of where am l!? I untied my blindfold quickly and it fell on the ground. The Place was decorated beautifully. I smiled as l read what the cake said.
Happy Six month anniversary to us.
I felt two naughty hands snaking around me, pulling me into a back hug.

Meera-I Loved all of it. Alottt!!
I said as l looked around.

Meera-Happy Six Month Anniversary Hubby!!
I whispered as l turned around so l look at him.

Angad-Happy Six Month Anniversary to you too!!
He said with a big smile and kissed my forehead.

Meera-When did you do all this!?
I asked.

Angad-Sent you for a three day Vacay...
He reminded and l chuckled. He turned me around such that he back hugged me again. He lit the candle. We both crouched a little and blew the fire off. He took the knife and shook it in his hand. I chuckled and kept my hand on his. We cut the cake happily. He took a piece from it and fed me which l happily ate. I gave him a piece from mine and he too ate the delicious goody. He turned me in his hold and smeared some of the ganache on my neck from the half eaten cake. He licked it with his expert tongue.

I moaned, tilting my head to one side.

Angad-That tastes even better!!
He commented and l slapped his shoulder, blushing. He chuckled and went on. He removed my shirt buttons and the piece of cloth now rested on my shoulders. Exposing my upper body to him with only one piece of cloth covering my chest. He smeared the cake on my clevage while l closed my eyes in bliss as he went on to lick the food on my clevage. He carried me off the ground and went to our open Kitchen. He placed me on the slab and smeared some cake on me. I clutched his hair tightly as his warm tongue did wonders on my exposed upper body. In sometime we get ourselves busy under the shower marking each other and making the apartment noisy with our moans and groans.

Meera-I Love You!!
I whispered almost breathless as he placed me on the bed he had made on our balcony.

Angad-I Love You too!!
He said and kissed my forehead. I laid on the bed and he came on top of me. He rested the side of his head on my shoulder and in sometime l fell in deep slumber with the love of my life in my arms.

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