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I want to tell you something!!


I gathered the guts and asked her. She took a deep sigh.

She whispered. I moved to the empty space next to us and laid there with my shoulders resting on the headboard. She frowned looking at me.

Angad-Come here!!
I said. She smiled and settled on top of me. I pulled the duvet over us.

Meera-I had a friend named Anu!!
She said and l nodded stroking her hair.

Meera-We was Five Friends altogether. Me, Shaa, Anu, Asad and Darshan!!

Meera-Anu and Raghav got married to each other on there own preference but little did everyone know that Raghav was obssessed with me.
She said and l clutched her tightly.

Angad-But why was he obssessed with you and where did he even see you??
I asked, softly.

Meera-He saw me during a Festival. When he sensed he wasn't getting me he used Anu to get me by hook or crook.
She said and l nodded.

Meera-Basically Anu didn't want to do the First Meet but l told her to do it but she geniunely Loved Raghav at First Sight itself!! That's my fault l shouldn't have told her to do it. If not today she wouldn't be in Coma!!
She said sobbing. I rubbed her back but it isn't gonna sooth her pain.

Meera-In some months they got married but Darshan didn't like any of it.

Angad-Why is that??

Meera-Because he loved Anu since six years now but wasn't ready to open it up to her.

I said.

Meera-On the Day of Holi. Raghav tried to rape me. He tried to rape me so finally having Dignity and Self Respect. l had to go to him but he didn't succeed as Darshan and Asad saved me from him.

Angad-But how did he come out from jail!? Women harassing has punishment.

Meera-They didn't put him behind the bars.

Angad- But why??
I asked.

Meera-He made an excuse telling it was the effects of Bhaang and he thought l was Anu.
She said sniffing. I caressed her hair.

Angad-Shhh!! Relax!! He is behind the bars now and l don't think he will be able to come out!!
I said. She nodded and continued.

Meera-Later on Anu got to know the reason on why Raghav had married her. She came to my home on the very same day and told everything to me and my family but on the same day....
She said and her already shaky voice turned into whispers.

Meera-She.. she met with an Accident and fell in coma.
She said and now l got everything clear. That day when she was drunk she said someone to wakeup and that's Anu!!

Meera-Raghav did a mellow drama of attempting Suicide afterwards. In a few months everyone got to know Raghav's true face when he mistakenly drunk dialled Anu's parents instead of calling his friend. He told how he married Anu so he can get close to me but when he felt that too wasn't working. He tried to rape me.
She said as l rubbed her back.

Meera-Later on!! Anu's parent's filed for a Divorce on Anu's behalf but the court didn't approve it as Anu didn't file for a Divorce nor did Raghav harass her so they didn't approve for a Divorce.
She said and l nodded.

Meera-Life went the same later. Anu was sleeping in Coma for about two years now. Raghav tried to Kill her thrice by cutting her oxygen supply but only succeeded once. He also tried to rape me on our Reception that day!!
She said.

Angad-Why didn't you tell me!?
I asked calmly.

Meera-I wasn't in a state to reply after seeing him!!
Sne whispered and l nodded.

Meera-Till date l've been guilt. That Guilt has been eating me up. I shouldn't have told her to do the First Meet!! If not today she won't be in Coma nor would she have suffered all those due to me.

Angad-You just gave your Suggestion Princess!!
I said and she nodded in ' No '.

Meera-I could have kept my mouth Shut without poking my nose into her issue!!
She said, sobbing.

I said and gave her a glass of water. She drank it slowly still being in my arms.

Meera-I just want her to Wake Up!!
She whispered.

Angad-She'll wake up soon Meera.
I said and she nodded.

Meera-I am really sorry for hurting you!!
She said, caressing my cheek.

Angad-You took it in a Hurry!! That's it!!
I said and kissed the back of her hand.

Meera-That's why l took the conclusion that Marriages are a living Hell!!
She said.

Meera-But looks like my conclusion is wrong!!
She said looking at me.

I asked.

Meera-My conclusion is totally wrong in my case. I've got a Sweet and Handsome husband like you with a totally different First Meet!!
She said and rested her forehead over mine, still caressing my cheek. I grinned remembering our First Meet.

Meera-You hate me now. Right??
She asked.

Angad-Never!! But what makes you think like that!!?
I asked.

Meera-I've spoiled a girl's life after all!!
She said.

Angad-You didn't spoil it Meera!! It was God's plan!!
I said.

Angad-I want to tell you something!!
I said hesitating.

She hummed looking at me.

Angad-I filed a Divorce due to Raghav that time!!
I said and she backed off.

Meera-What!? But How??
She literally yelled and l gulped in fear thinking what would her reaction be.

Angad-You won't give me any punishment??
I asked.

Meera-We'll think about that!!
She said glaring at me.
I sighed and told her everything clean and clear.

Meera-So if any guy comes and say he had once been my One Nightstand you'll believe it??
She snapped.

I started.

Meera-And here was l thinking it was out of Work pressure!!
She said to herself, rolling her eyes.

Meera-Get Lost!! Your getting Punishment for this!
She said and rolled to her side of the bed.

Angad-That's unfair!!
I whined.

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