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Why didn't you call me Mr.Khan??


It's been a few weeks by now and today is my Bestie's engagement with the love of her life Yuvi!!

He called me as l was lost in my thoughts. He went Office today but by the time he came. l was dressed up and was all set to go.

I said.

Angad-Gotta Go!!
He said. I nodded and stood up. He came to me and left a soft kiss on my forehead mumbling a ' Your looking Beautiful '. I smiled as we went out of our apartment. We reached there in sometime talking random things.
He parked the car in the busy lot of Yuvi's home. He turned the engine off and came to my side. He opened the door for me and gave his hand to me. I put my hand over his and got out of the car.

Meera-Just a Minute Angad!!
I said before he snaked his arms around my waist. He nodded. I smiled and went to the backseat's door and opened it. I got the bag l wanted to give Shagun and went back to Angad after closing the door. He snaked his arm around my waist as we started going.

Angad-By the way.... l didn't get my dose yet!!
He whispered in my ear.

Meera-And you won't get your dose here!!
I said and he rolled his eyes. I chuckled as he left a soft kiss on my earlobe. He's trying to get me on his track.

I said, blushing and pushed his face away as he nuzzled his nose on my neck. We nearly came to the entrance.

He whined.

Meera-Just be quiet!!
I said. He nodded obediently as he saw Shagun coming towards us.

She sang happily, pulling me into a hug such that l was pulled away from Angad's hold.
I hugged her back.

Meera-What are you doing here??
I asked as she snuggled closer to me.

Shagun-I am scared!!
She mumbled.

I asked.

Shagun-You two are literally romancing here in the entrance. What if l get the news.... that you are pregnant now. They'll postpone my engagment!! You know about my Mom!!
She whined. I slapped her shoulder, blushing hard.

Meera-Shut Up Shaa!!
I said while Angad chuckled. She backed off from the hug grinning wide.

Shagun-Hey Jiju!!
She said escaping from my murderous glare.

Angad-Hey Sis!!
He said, muffling his chuckle. They fist bumped with each other and together they said a dramatic '  Phewww '.
We was led inside by Shagun and l went with her while Angad went to Yuvi. His long lost Bestfriend.

Shagun-Ahem!! Ahem.....
She coughed dramatically as l kept the bag on the vanity table of the room.

Meera-Yes. What happened to be Mrs.Yuvi Kapoor!!
I said and she blushed.

Shagun-Ra!! Did Asad call you??
She asked.

Meera-No!! Last time he called me was a month ago!!
I said.

Shagun-Any movement on Chimpz!?
She asked.

Meera-I don't know coz that Idiot Asad didn't call me till now!!

Asad-Well Hello then Ladies'!!
I heard him. Shagun chuckled. Urghhh!! This girl always gets me like this.
He cleared his throat and started,

Asad-I heard someone talk about me so highly!! Should l give her my Autograph Shaa?.
He asked and l rolled my eyes turning to him while Shagun laughed.

Meera-Why didn't you call me Mr.Khan??
I asked and he got it that l am pissed off coz l use Mr.Khan when l am highly pissed off by any of his Stupid Work.

Asad-Meera l am really Sorry!! Maybe you can listen to my explanation!?
He asked and l nodded.

Asad-Basically we've shifted Anu or Chimpz to Darshan's Home now!! There is no movement yet but we still have hope she'll wake up.
He said and l nodded being guilty. It's all because of me that today Anu is in coma.

Asad-Ra it isn't your mistake!! You just gave your suggestion at that time.
He said taking me into a hug. I hugged him back tightly.

Shagun-Ra come on!! How long will she sleep?!! She has to wake up when we say her crush Justin Bieber is Married to Hailey Baldwin!!
She said and l chuckled.

Asad-And there comes your Beautiful smile!!
He says as l backed off from the hug. Later on we went down as Shagun's Mom called us down.

Asad-Any idea of introducing your Hubby??
He asked sarcastically. Shagun was already on the stage with Yuvi beside her.

Meera-I won't coz you didn't even attend any of my Marriage functions!! Get lost!!
I snapped.

Asad-Come on!! I am Doctor for godsake!!
He whined.

Meera-That doesn't mean you'll not even show up to any functions of mine!!
I whined.

Asad-Fine!! I am really Sorry!!
He said with puppy eyes.

Meera-Ok!! Ok!!
I said and chuckled. I saw here and there but found Angad no where.
Where did he go??

He whined in my ears.

Meera-Wait you Dumbo!!
I said and looked here and there once again but he wasn't there. Maybe he got some important call from Office. In sometime Yuvi and Sha exchanged there rings. Along with me all the crowd hooted and clapped for the new couple.

Host-Ladies's and Gentlemen!! Let's make this night a beautiful one with your Couple Dance Please!!
He said and the crowd hooted in response. My Family member's didn't show up. As Dad is out of country for buisness issues. Everyone got into couples while l fidgeted with my fingers, searching for the one l Love. He is no where.

Asad-May l??
He asked politely and l couldn't deny it. Friend's dancing isn't a big deal.
He took me to the stage and l rested my arms on his shoulders. He didn't even touch me instead kept his hand near my waist but didn't touch me. Such a Gentleman this guy is.

Asad-Where is your hubby Ra??
He asked as we moved to the rhythm.

Meera-I don't know. Maybe some important call.
I said and he nodded.

Asad-There he is!!
He said excited as if he is Angad's wife. I rolled my eyes and turned towards the direction he is looking. I saw Angad and he had a pissed look on his Handsome face. What happened to him??

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