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l want to make this one special!!


She said as l was about to put my shirt.

Angad-I was giving you a show till now Mrs.Mehra!! Didn't you get enough of it??
I teased her as she came to me.

She said and blushed. I bit my lower lip and pulled her closer to me by her waist as she checked something near my shoulder.

Meera-Your having Marks on your Shoulder!
She said as she checked it, rubbing it soothingly at the same time.

Angad-You know there is a Wild Cat!!
I said and she scrunched her face in confusion.

Meera-Wait!! Wild Cat!!
She said and went into deep thinking. I played with her hair but she glared at me in sometime.

I asked, looking at her confused.

Meera-Your telling me Wild Cat!?
She asked and l nodded muffling my laughter.

Meera-But looks like that's the truth..... it's all brusied up!!
She said, looking at me concerned.

Meera-Does it hurt!?
She asked, worried.

Angad-No!! Not when it's out of Love and it was little mark you gave me!!
I said as l rested my forehead over hers.

She started.

Angad-It doesn't hurt Meera!! Relax!!
I said and she nodded. I moved closer to Kiss her but the damn phone had to interrupt.

Meera-I'll check on it. You get dressed!!
She said. l nodded in ' No ' as she tried to go.

Meera-Angad leave me!!
She said.

Angad-Help me!!
I said.

Meera-Your hands aren't damaged!!
She said and l rolled my eyes.

Angad-But my shoulders are...
I said after thinking for sometime.

Meera-Urgghhh!! Fine!! Let me check the call and come!!
She said.

I grinned and loosened my hold on her waist. She shook her head and answered the call.

Meera-Ok!! But when is it!? Oh... Ok....l'll ask him and tell you!! Ok Shaa!! Love you too!!
She spoke on the call and hanged up in sometime.

Angad-Who is it!?
I asked as she came back to me.

She said taking the shirt which was beside me. I sat on the bed while she quietly dressed me up.

Angad-What was it about!?
I asked, thinking something is wrong.

Meera-She has planned for an only Friend's Stay at Darshan's place!!
She said as she buttoned my shirt and fixed my collar.

Angad-So your going!?
I asked.

She said.

Angad-It's just for one or two days Meera!! I can manage!!
I said though l'll Miss her alot.


Angad-You can Go!!
I said, cutting her off as l caressed her cheek.

Meera-Will you manage!?
She asked and l nodded.

Meera-Wait!! What if we put some Oinment on the marks!! Just a second!
She said and left to the First-Aid Kit. She took an Oinment and came towards me while l nodded in
' No '.

Meera-Come on!!
She said and l nodded in ' No ' again.

Meera-Stop being Stubborn!!
She huffed as l nodded in ' No ' once again.

Meera-Why won't you put the Oinment on you??
She asked as she sat on my lap with her legs either side of me. I wrapped my arms around her waist thinking for a Proper reason.

Angad-It's something to remember!!
I said and she glared at me.

Meera-Stop!! You'll put the Oinment or else forget having wonderful nights or Evenings! Whatever you get Romantic all the time. So forget all those if your not putting this Oinment on those marks.
She threatened me and she would do what she said.

I whined and she scrunched her face.

Meera-Might have to remove your Shirt again!!
She said and l grinned. She chuckled as she removed the Shirt off me and neatly placed it next to us. She applied the Oinment still seated on my lap.

Meera-Man!! I am way bad than a Wild Cat!!
She said looking at the marks and l giggled.

Meera-Does it hurt for real!? Don't say cheesy lines now!!
She said.

Angad-It doesn't Meera!! Relax!!
I said. She got off me while l frowned.

Meera-Lie down!!
She said.

Meera-Not like that. The other way!!
She said quickly as l was gonna lay on my back. I turned the other way and slept like she told me to such that my back faced the ceiling.

Meera-What do you want for Breakfast??
She asked.

Angad-Anything you could do quickly and come back here!!
I said and she chuckled.

Meera-What about Raw Vegetables??
She asked and l scrunched my face.

Angad-Noooo!! I don't want them!!
I said.

Meera-Then say something!! What do you want!?
She asked and chuckled.

Angad-Bread and Jam!!
I said.

Meera-I'll have it with Nutella!!
She squealed and left to the Kitchen. I chuckled and waited till she come back with Breakfast.

She said after sometime. She came inside our room with a tray with bread which is already made in a Sandwich with Jam and Butter and also a glass of water. I sat on the Bed and she placed in between us. We digged in our food talking randomly. In sometime we finished Breakfast and she went to wash the dishes while l put my Shirt back on.

Angad-Meera when are you going to Darshan's place??
I asked.

Meera-Today Evening!!

Angad-Coming back!?
I asked.

Meera-Two days later....
She said and l nodded.

Meera-I'll talk to Shaa and be right back!!
She said and l nodded. Yippee!! I can now peacefully do the decorations slowly until she comes back. It's gonna be our 6 month Anniversary in two days. I just gave Sis the idea for a friend's reunion and she did it perfectly. I know l hurted her on our three month anniversary but l want to make this one special.

Meera-Where are you lost!?
She asked, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

Angad-Was just thinking. What a lovely wife l've got!!
I said and pulled her closer to me by her waist. She giggled as l pecked her lips.

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