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What if we go out??


Yesterday night l got one of the best peaceful sleep in my whole marriage life.
We cleaned the Kitchen as per Meera's wish and l was now laying on the couch tired.

She whined as Meera dragged her to the Kitchen again. I chuckled and bid her Bye. She pouted and turned her head away. They came back in sometime after cleaning the dishes.

Shagun-Huhh!! Finally!!
She said and sulked on the couch. I chuckled and closed my eyes.

Meera-Yes Dad.... Ok!! I'll be there with Shaa! Ok.... Ok.... Bye!! Love You too!!
She said catching my attention. I shot open my eyes to see her all dressed up.
Where is she going now??

She called her sweetly, shaking her at the same time.

Shagun-Ra!! For godsake l am tired!
She whined.

Meera-But we have to go home. Your Mom just found out you Love Yuvi!!
She said and Shagun fell from the couch. In fear or excitement?

Shagun-WHATT!!? Ra l am not coming. My parents will just kill me with there glare. Please!!
She said hugging Meera's leg as she was on the floor.

Meera-Shagun! Leave me!!
She said.

She whined.

Angad-What's the problem?
I asked.

Shagun-Huhh!! Why would l need your help when Jiju is there! Get lost!!
She said and crawled towards me. I chuckled as she sat on the floor near me.

Meera- But Sweety Angad is new. He doesn't know your parents so tough luck. He cannot help you!
She said smirking and her wide smile drained off her face.

Meera-Shaa relax!! They wanna talk to you about it!
She said and knelt down in front of her.


Meera-I Promise! Everything would be fine!
She said cutting her off. Shagun nodded and hugged her.

Shagun-I swear! If they got me married to some Rich richie Elephant. I'll kill myself!
She said breaking the hug.

Meera-Let's see....
She said. Shagun rolled her eyes and left to get changed while l looked at Meera questioningly. She sat next to me.

Meera-Yuvi wants to ask her hand in marriage but wants to suprise her as well.
She whispered in my ear and l grinned. 
understanding the scenario.

Meera-Get changed. Your also coming.
She said moving away from my ear.

Meera-Shaa!! Are you coming?
She called her as l went to our room to get changed.

Shagun-Coming!! Coming!!
She said, smugly. I chuckled and went to change.
I got changed and in sometime we went to Shagun's home. Everything went well and Shagun was the happiest out of all!
All this happened a week ago. Me and Meera are more comfortable with each other now but the problem is she want reply to my ' l Love You's ' instead she flicks her tongue to me. I know. l did the mistake but the punishment is so harsh.

I whined as she worked on her system keenly not giving me a damn. Today is Sunday..... means it atleast should be a day where we can spend time but look at her!! She is giving all her attention to that Stupid Laptop!! I swear if she doesn't keep that in sometime. I'll murder the Laptop. Wondering how??
Simple. I'll put it down from our balcony and it's a murder coz l put it down. It didn't fall by itself.
I was snapped out of my thought as she hummed
' Oh Saathi '. I slapped my head at the Stupid thought of Laptop Murder.

Meera-What happened??
She asked calmly giving me just one glance.

Angad-Would you keep that Stupid thing away??
I asked irrtated.

She asked and l glared at her.

Angad-And what!?
I asked and she chuckled.

Angad-Fine!! I am going to Office then!!

She said irrtating me more.

Angad-Your pissing me off Princess!!
I said.

Meera-Just one more slide and l Promise all my attention would be on you!!
She said. l happily sat next to her and she chuckled.
As she promised she was done with her work.

She sighed closing the Laptop and looked at me.

I squealed like a child. She chuckled.

Meera-Now what do you want to do??
She asked gaining my attention.

Angad-I... l don't know!!
I stuttered.

Meera-What if we go out??
She asked and l nodded.


She said and smiled. Now Damn Silence!! She walked away and she came back with a book in hand.

Meera-Wanna join??
She asked.

I said. Though l wasn't a bookworm but l do read romantic novels when l was young but not now. She sat on the floor, between my outstreched thighs. By then l felt jingle bells in me. Come on!! A girl is giving you a Damn Green Light!! What are you doing Angad?? Asked my subconcious.
I looked at her lips as it twitched into a little smile as she read the title. Damn!! Not this book!! ' One Night : denied '. Not suitable for young readers and also not suitable for couples who haven't even romanced like me and her.

Angad-Meera! Any other book??
I asked nervously.

Meera-No!! Let's read this itself!
She said with a tint of blush on her beautiful face. Dang it!! I nodded nervously as my harmones rised up and so did pervert thoughts cross my dirty mind.
Both of us read it silently in same pace and there you go. A making out scene. First of all!! How did this book come here??

She whispered slowly and trust me. l found it seducing.

I stuttered. She sat on my right thigh while her legs rested in between my two outstreched legs which was a shock to me but l have been close to her before too!!
So relax Mr.Pervert head!! Snapped my subconious.
Her eyes were closed as l saw her while encircling my arms around her waist. I was nervous thinking possibly everything that can happen in sometime. I don't believe myself. I know l am gonna do something wrong.

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