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I can entertain you well in some other way as well!!


It's been two days since Meera is in Darshan's home and l guess she would be coming home by night which would be a great advantage coz l already decorated the aparment. I just have to be calm and not act like a nutso till she is back.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone started buzzing with a call.
I attended the call from my airpod which is stuck in my ear from the time l came to my office.

Mr.Roy-Hello Mr.Mehra!! Hope your doing good!! I was just wondering if l could talk about the meeting over the phone!!

Angad-I am doing Good Mr.Roy!! Yeah we can do it...
I said. Our conversation went on afterwards.

She squealed as she opened my cabin door which caused me to jump on my place.

Angad-Just a min...
I started but was out of words as Meera came running to me and jumped on me happily. I got a hold of her before she fell down. She wrapped her legs around my torso and snuggled to the crook of my neck while l was happy to feel her after god knows how long. I kissed the side of her head and she giggled.

He called and l was snapped out of my Love World.

Angad-Ye.. Yes Mr.Roy!!
I said, stuttering in between.

Mr.Roy-Hope you aren't busy!?
He asked.

Angad-No! No! I am not!!
I said while Meera didn't care about the world but she was too happy to be close to me which made me happy as well.
I continued talking buisness roaming around my cabin with Meera in my arms the whole time.

Mr.Roy-Good Call Mr.Mehra!! We'll discuss the rest on the meeting tomorrow!
He said.

Angad-Sure Mr.Roy!!
I said. He hanged up and l looked at Meera who was smiling, looking at me.

Angad-I Missed You!!
I said and kissed her cheek.

Meera-I Missed You too!!
She said.

Meera-I have a Good News for you!!
She said and came facing me.

Angad-Your Pregnant!?
I asked or literally shouted.

Meera-Noooo you Idiot!!
She said, slapping my shoulder.

I asked.

Meera-Anu woke up!!
She said, grinning. I smiled.

Angad-When did she wake up!?
I asked as l went around my cabin.

Meera-Midnight!! All of us was playing cards peacefully and that Stupid girl came and scared the Shit out of us. She also asked wouldn't we take her to play as well.
She said and l chuckled.

Angad-Is she Fine!?
I asked.

Meera-Yeah she is.... Asad and all of them just now took her for a little check up at the Hospital...
She said, smiling. I smiled as l stroked her hair.

I asked, concerned.

Meera-That Whipped Puppy was the happiest out of all!!
She said and l chuckled.

Meera-Were you busy!?
She asked after sometime.

Angad-Sort of!! I was talking to Mr.Roy about the Project!!
I said.

Meera-I am really Sorry but l wanted to share it with you!! So didn't think twice..
She said and bit her tongue.

I said and Kissed her forehead.

Meera-Ok then!! You do the rest of the work and come home!!
She said and my smile drained off my face. I don't wanna spoil my suprise which took days and nights to decorate. A Hell No to that!!

Meera-Hellooo!! Where are you lost!?
She asked, waving her hand infront of my face.

Angad-Maybe you could go with me!?
I asked, hesitating.

Meera-I can!! But what will l do till then!?
She asked.

Angad-Rest... Rest in the room here!!
I said and she scrunched her beautiful face.

Meera-Mr.Mehra your working and l am a One Hundred Percent Sure... You will come to the room time to time!!
She said. Fuck my Plan then!! God!! What do l do!? She is not wrong in this. I'll go there time to time coz l have a Prevert Brain you know.

I pleaded.

She sighed.

Angad-I Love You!!
I said, happily as my plan was a success.

Meera-I Love You too!!
She said and kissed my cheek.

Angad-What are we gonna do now!?
I asked, excited.

Meera-You go to work while l try to get myself entertained!!
She said as she got off me.

Angad-I can entertain you well in some other way as well!!
I whispered, huskily as l pinned her to the wall. She giggled.

Meera-And l wouldn't let you do that!! So Tough Luck!!
She said as she tapped my cheek. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

Meera-Maybe not that!! I can sit on your lap as l read book!!
She suggested.

Angad-Not a Bad idea at all!!
I said and moved closer to Kiss her but you see someone had to intterupt.

Tanya-Sir!! May l come in!?
She asked. I frowned as l went and sat on my Chair quickly while Meera chuckled.

Angad-Yeah!! Come in Tanya!!
I said while Meera laid on the balcony's slider door, checking her phone. She is the death of mine. She is looking Hot just like that!!

She whined while l was busy staring at my Beautiful.

Angad-What happened Tanya!!?
I asked, composing myself from my Love Sick Puppy form.

Tanya-Would l be able to get an Off Day tomorrow!?
She asked, hesitatingly and l was confused.

Angad-Yeah Sure!! I am not coming to work tomorrow as well!!
I said.

Angad-Anything wrong Tanya!?
I asked, concerned,

Tanya-I.. l am having my First Meet tomorrow!!
She said, hesitatingly and l smiled seeing Meera who was already smiling looking at me.

Angad-All the Best!!
I said.

Tanya-Thank You Sir!!
She said. After she talked a little with Meera. Tanya left out leaving both of us alone. Meera took her phone and came to me. She sat on my lap and we later got ourselves engrossed on our respective works. She read a book while l worked on my System, waiting for 12 am to mark our 6 month anniversary.

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