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I Love You!!


I kept my head on his lap as he laughed hard but clamped his mouth as l glared at him. Man!! Why did l even drink?? I swear l wouldn't even go near the drinks section here after!!
He massaged my temples slowly and l was enjoying it as it soothed the pain l am having.

Meera-Did l Blabber any crap??
I asked as he resumed massaging.

Angad-You did!! Alott and even more!!
He said and l opened my eyes to see a slight tint of pink on his cheek as he massaged my head. What did l do?? Did l kiss him or something?? Meera!!
What have you done??

Meera-What did l do??
I asked biting my lower lip.

Angad-Nothing much!! Blabbered alotttt of things and....
He said and stopped. I looked at him keenly. What have you done Meera??
Why is he blushing!?

I asked.

Angad-You wanted me to learn rhymes.
He said and l was confused.

I asked suprised and he nodded.

Meera-Why did l say that??
I asked my confusion.

Angad-Coz l didn't complete the one you left in the middle!!
He said but he was still blushing. Something had happened yesterday and l am damn sure about it!!

Meera-That's it!?
I asked and he nodded, running his hand through my brown locks.
I closed my eyes still thinking about what stupid work l have done yesterday.

Angad-Meera just a minute!!
He said in sometime. I nodded and sat properly. He went to our room with his phone as he got a call. I roamed around the Kitchen and finally made Breakfast but he didn't come yet.

I called him for Breakfast but there was no response. I suddenly started sweating, fear engrossed me in just a matter of sometime! Where is he??

I called him again slowly, biting my nails.
Tears brimmed in my eyes as l went towards our room. I looked at the attached balcony but he wasn't there. I looked here and there in our room but he wasn't there.
The Fear increased and so did my Past Flash infront of me!!
I crawled on the bed being scared. I started crying loudly. Loud enough that all the neighbours can come here anytime soon!

I heard his worried voice. I looked here and there but he came out of the Closet with few of his dresses in hand. I didn't mind whether it was an illusion or some other crap. I just ran to him and hugged him tightly still crying.

Angad-Shhh! Relax!! I am here!!
He said hugging me back and kissed my hairs. I closed my eyes clutching him tight. He rubbed my back but that wouldn't calm me nor would it erase the rough past l had.

Angad-Meera! Stop crying Princess. I didn't go anywhere!!
He said breaking the hug but didn't leave my waist. I nodded as he gently wiped my tears with his hand while my hands rested on his chest.
Afterwards we went to have Breakfast and there he broke the bomb.

Angad-Meera!! I might have to go out of country for buisness issues!!
He said looking at me but l was looking at the plate with a blank expression.

He called me softly after getting hold of my cheek. I looked at him.

Meera-It's a Buisness issue Angad! You have to go!!
I said but not whole heartedly.

Angad-You sure??
He asked. l nodded keeping his hand on the table which was on my cheek sometime ago. I took all the dishes to wash. I cleaned everything and sat on the couch thinking deeply. How would l live without him?? And why the hell am l addicted to him like he is some drug?

He called me. I turned towards him and he is all ready with his suitcase!! What?? He didn't tell he was going now!

Meera-Your going now itself??
I asked and he nodded with a sad face.

Angad-I am having Two flights! I'll start my journey today itself!!
He said coming to me. I nodded. He knelt on the floor and hugged me. I hugged him back tightly hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

Meera-I'll Miss You!!
I blurted but didn't feel wrong because that's the truth.

Angad-I'll Miss You too Princess!!
He said and we stayed like that for sometime which felt like an eternity but l felt great! Having him close to me is something peaceful and no one can do that to me just by there mere presence like he did. We was silent but it spoke something loud!!
He backed off from the hug and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes feeling his lips against my forehead.

Angad-I Love You!!
He said but this time l felt that l am hurting him. Whenever he says
' l Love You! '
I don't reply. He is offcourse gonna be hurt. I nodded like l do but this time l felt bad.

Meera-When would you come back??
I asked looking at him as he stood up.

Angad-Probably after 3 or 4 days!!
He said and l nodded.

I was about to say but l was cut off by his phone ringing. He answered his phone with one hand while the other hand fumbled with his tie.

Angad-Yeah...... l'll be there in an hour..... Ok!..... The Meeting??
He said in his phone while l went to him and stood before him. I got hold of his tie and he was shocked but still continued his call. He rested his hands either side of him while l straightened the tie and tightened it gently around his neck. By the time l was done he disconnected the call.

Angad-Meera!! Time to Go!!
He said and l nodded leaving the piece of cloth. He hugged me once again as he stood on the entrance of our apartment door. I hugged him back. He backed off from the hug but what l did next was a little shock for him.
I tip toed to his height and kissed his cheek with my eyes closed.

Meera-Come back soon!!
I whispered and he nodded with his eyes wide as saucers. I chuckled and bid him Bye.

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